Ancient Egyptian Quiz

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Name: ___________________________ Final Mark: _____/48 = _____%

Ancient Egypt
Part One: Fill in the blanks
___/15 marks (1 x 15)

The Egyptians built a civilization in the Nile River valley that lasted for more than 2000
years. They depended on the rich ______ left by river’s yearly floods for growing crops.
They built a system of _____ and ditches to drain the extra water. The water was stored
for use during the _____ season.

A period known as the ________ _____________ began when Narmer united Upper
Egypt and Lower Egypt into one nation. The kings of Egypt became known as
_____________. They were viewed by the Egyptians as __________, priests, and gods.
Egyptian religion stressed the importance of _________ ________ ____________.
Pyramids were built as ________ for the early Egyptian kings.

The ________ _____________ began around 2100 B.C.E and lasted until the ________
invaded Egypt in 1750 B.C.E. After the Egyptians defeated the invaders around 1600
B.C.E., a period known as the _____ ____________ began. During this time, most
Egyptian rulers were interested mainly in ______ and established a large empire.
Powerful priests used the new wealth from trade to build temples in honor of the god
_______ ____.
In 1370 B.C.E. a ruler named _____________ opposed the priests and tried to set up a
new _____________. Toward the end of this period of conflict, Egyptian civilization
began to decline.

Part Two: Fill in the blanks

___/15 marks (1 x 15)

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