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NAME: _________________

Circulatory and Respiratory Unit Test

1-6: Circle the letter of the correct answer.

1) A ventricle is ______.
a) a tube in the throat through which air enters the lungs
b) muscle near the bottom of the chest cavity that helps you breath
c) a heart chamber that pumps blood the body and lungs
d) the smallest blood vessel

2) The blood vessels include all of the following except _____.

a) veins
b) air sacs
c) capillaries
d) arteries

3) When you exercise, _____.

a) your breathing rate and heart rate fall
b) your breathing rate and heart rate rise
c) your breathing rate rises and your heart rate falls
d) your breathing rate falls and your heart rate rises

4) What organ inflates with air when you breathe in?

a) Heart
b) Lungs
c) Brain
d) Diaphragm

5) Blood vessel that transports blood away from the heart.

a) Arteries
b) Bronchi
c) Capillaries
d) Veins

6) Blood vessel that transports blood towards the heart.

a) Arteries
b) Bronchi
c) Capillaries
d) Veins
7-9: Answer each question. Use complete sentences (restating included).

7) What is your body using more of when you exercise AND what does that cause the heart to
do? (Answer both questions)

8) While you are sleeping, does your heart stop pumping? Explain your answer.
(Answer should include the word "oxygen")

9) Explain the role of the 3 different blood cells. Your answer should include the name of each
blood cell and the following words (carry or transport), (infection, disease, or bacteria), and
10) Make a drawing of the major parts of the respiratory system. Include the trachea,
bronchial tubes, lungs, and diaphragm. Label each part of the system.
11) Complete the 2 tasks below.

A. Using the diagram of the heart below show the direction of blood flow. Lines are
already placed in the diagram for you. You can create your own arrows if you

 Aorta, Atria (Atrium), and Ventricles are labeled to help you (do not use the
thick lines for direction of blood flow!!!).

B. Fill in the blank on the diagram below with the word TO or FROM to make the
statement about blood flow correct.


EXTRA CREDIT (not required)

12. What is the movement of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) between your air sacs and

13. Explain what causes your heart to have a beating sound?

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