Feeder Reconfiguration and Capacitor Setting For Loss Reduction of Distribution Systems

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Electric Power Systems Research 58 (2001) 97 – 102


Feeder reconfiguration and capacitor setting for loss reduction of

distribution systems
Ching-Tzong Su *, Chu-Sheng Lee
Institute of Electrical Engineering, National Chung Cheng Uni6ersity, Chiayi 621, Taiwan

Received 7 August 2000; received in revised form 11 December 2000; accepted 18 December 2000


The stress to elevate overall efficiency has forced utilities to look for greater efficiency in electric power distribution. This study
presents an effective approach to feeder reconfiguration and capacitor settings for power-loss reduction and voltage profile
enhancement in distribution systems. The optimization technique of simulated annealing (SA) can be relied on to solve the
problem efficiently. The merit of the method is that it can provide a global or near-global optimum for feeder reconfiguration and
capacitor settings. The objective of this study is to recognize beneficial load transfer, to take the objective function composed of
power losses be minimized and voltage limits be satisfied. The proposed approach is demonstrated by employing an IEEE
illustrative example. Computational results show that by taking into account feeder reconfiguration and capacitor settings
simultaneously, one can minimize losses more efficiently than by considering them separately. © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All
rights reserved.

Keywords: Capacitor setting; Distribution system; Feeder reconfiguration; Power loss reduction; Simulated annealing; Switching operation

1. Introduction distribution system. That is, finding the optimal setting

of switched capacitors to minimize losses.
Feeder reconfiguration is the process of changing the The early work on feeder reconfiguration for loss
topology of distribution network by altering the open/ reduction is presented by Civanlar et al. [1]. In Ref. [2],
closed status of switches. During normal operating Baran et al. defined the problem for loss reduction and
conditions, a distribution system is connected with the load balancing as an integer programming problem.
others through tie lines, reducing the power interrup- Nara et al. [3] present an implementation using a
tion and increasing the system reliability. The configu- genetic algorithm (GA) to look for the minimum loss
ration may be varied with manual or automatic configuration. Chiang et al. propose a solution proce-
switching operations to transfer loads among the dure employed simulated annealing [4,5] to search for
feeders. an acceptable non-inferior solution. The other ap-
Through the application of reactive power compensa- proach to feeder reconfiguration considering the ability
tion, one can reduce power loss and improve the of system transformers and feeders, power loss, and
voltage profile. Capacitors have been very commonly voltage profiles had been respectively presented [6–10].
employed to provide reactive power compensation in Optimal capacitor placement is a combinatorial opti-
distribution systems. The benefits of compensation de- mization problem that is commonly solved by employ-
pend greatly on the size of the capacitors added. The ing mathematical programming techniques. Grainger
size of the capacitors installed on feeders can be varied and Lee [11 –13] formulated the problem as a non-lin-
by using switched capacitors. The idea is to optimize ear programming model that can be solved by simple
the discrete setting of those capacitors in a radial iterative procedures based on gradient search. Bala et
al. used the sensitivity factor [14] and distribution-ana-
* Corresponding author. Tel.: + 886-5-2428162; fax: +886-5-
lyzer-recorder (DAR) [15] to solve optimal capacitor
2720862. placement problems. In Refs. [16,17], the authors used
E-mail address: ieects@ccunix.ccu.edu.tw (C.-T. Su). the genetic algorithm (GA) to select capacitors for

0378-7796/01/$ - see front matter © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
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98 C.-T. Su, C.-S. Lee / Electric Power Systems Research 58 (2001) 97–102

radial distribution systems. Su et al. [18] applied fuzzy- j100A, j200A, or j300A, while capacitor C2 is a capacitor
reasoning approach to optimum capacitor allocation. In with an ‘on’ or ‘off’ setting. In Table 1, case C has the
Refs. [19,20], the authors used evolutionary program- same feeder configuration as case B, but a different
ming to solve optimal reactive power planning problems. capacitor setting, and the losses are 4 kW. Similarly, case
Most previous studies handled reconfiguration prob- D, case E, and case F all have the same feeder configura-
lems without considering the capacitor addition [1–10], tions as case A, but each has different capacitor place-
or handled capacitor compensation problems without ment, and the losses are 6, 3, and 6 kW, respectively.
considering feeder reconfiguration [11– 20]. They dealt In this example, the losses simultaneously taking into
with the feeder reconfiguration and capacitor addition in account system reconfiguration and capacitor placement
a separate manner [1– 20], which may result in unneces- (case E, with 3 kW losses) are lower than that considering
sary losses and cannot yield the minimum loss configura- a system feeder reconfiguration alone (case B, with 10 kW
tion. However, only a few papers on loss minimization losses). Furthermore, by first performing feeder re-
applying heuristic techniques for feeder reconfiguration configuration only, and then optimizing capacitor place-
and capacitor placement had been presented [21– 23]. In ment, it would still yield a sub-optimal solution (case C,
view of this, we try the simulated annealing method to with 4 kW losses). Considering feeder reconfiguration
determine the feeder reconfiguration and capacitor set- simultaneously with capacitor placement would yield the
tings for optimal loss minimization of distribution sys- optimal solution (case E, with 3 kW losses) for this
tems. The proposed method can attain a global or network. Adding capacitors blindly would yield too
near-global optimal feeder reconfiguration and capacitor much of compensation to be an optimal solution (case F,
setting. with 6 kW losses).
Mathematically, the objective function of the problem
can be described as
2. Problem description
min f= min (PT,Loss) (1)
In this study, we propose an approach for feeder where PT,Loss is the total real power loss of the system.
reconfiguration and capacitor setting for distribution The voltage magnitude at each bus must maintain
systems. We aim to minimize the power loss of the within its margins. The current on each branch has to lie
system, subject to load and operating constraints. For within its capacity limits. These constraints are expressed
simplicity, the implementation issues of operation and as follows
maintenance cost and various timing loads are not taken
Vmin 5 Vi 5 Vmax (2)
into account.
To illustrate the advantages of the two functions of Ii 5 Ii,max (3)
feeder reconfiguration and capacitor placement, consider
the distribution system displayed in Fig. 1 [23]. It is a
single-phase system consisting of two feeders, four capac-
itors, and a single load. There are two switches (switches
S1 and S2) placed for feeder reconfiguration and four
switches (switches S3, S41, S42, and S43) for capacitor
setting. The system load on the system will be supplied
from either of the two feeders depending on the states of
S1 and S2. Meanwhile, switch S3 controls capacitor C2,
switches S41, S42, and S43 control capacitor bank C1.
Suppose that the system is initially in the configuration
displayed in Fig. 1. Switch S1 is closed, and other switches
are open. The load is supplied from feeder 1. The initial
real power losses are 15 kW. This is the case of A in Table
1. Now, considering feeder reconfiguration of the system,
but without considering capacitor placement in the
optimization problem, there are only two cases to be
considered. One is the original case. The other case has
switch S2 closed and switch S1 open; this is the case of B in
Table 1. The real power losses of the system are 10 kW.
Furthermore, capacitor placement, together with feeder
reconfiguration, is considered. In the network, capacitor
C1 is a capacitor bank, which can be set with various tap Fig. 1. Example system as an illustration of combined feeder re-
settings making the current through capacitor C1 be 0A, configuration and capacitor setting.
C.-T. Su, C.-S. Lee / Electric Power Systems Research 58 (2001) 97–102 99

Table 1
Losses in the system of Fig. 1

Case IC1(A) IC2(A) S1 S2 S3 S41 S42 S43 Losses (kW)

A 0 0 C O O O O O 15
B 0 0 O C O O O O 10
C 0 j100 O C C O O O 4
D j100 0 C O O C O O 6
E j200 0 C O O C C O 3
F j300 0 C O O C C C 6

O: open; C: closed.

Vi is the voltage magnitude of bus i; 4. Simulated annealing

Vmin, Vmax are the bus minimum and maximum
voltage limits; In this study, an optimization technique based on
Ii , Ii,max are the current magnitude and maximum simulated annealing (SA) for finding a global non-infe-
current limit of branch i. rior point is employed. In thermodynamic systems,
annealing is known as a thermal process for obtaining
low energy states of a solid in a heat bath [4,5,10,21].
3. Simplified power-flow formulation The procedures of algorithm of the SA may be
summarized as follows.
Power-flow study includes the calculation of bus Step 1. Initial state. Initialize the iteration counter
voltages and line flows of a network. In this study, we k=0, and select the beginning control parameter, T0,
employ a set of simplified power flow formulation to which can assure a high acceptance probability in the
avoid the complex iteration process needed for power initial search.
flow analysis. Associated with each bus, there are four Step 2. Metropolis process. This is based on a Monte
quantities to be determined or specified, which are the Carlo simulation and generates a series of states of the
real and reactive powers, the voltage magnitude and solid. Given the current state, i, of the solid with
phase angle. Considering the one-line diagram dis- energy, Ei, then a subsequent state, j, with energy Ej is
played in Fig. 2, the system is assumed to be a balanced generated by applying a small perturbation. If the
three-phase system. The following set of recursive equa- energy difference, Ej − Ei, is less than or equal to 0,
tions is used for power-flow calculation [2] state j is accepted; otherwise, it is accepted with a
Pi = Pi + 1 +PLi + 1 + Ri,i + 1[(P 2i +Q 2i )/ Vi 2] (4) certain probability given as
Qi = Qi + 1 + QLi + 1 +Xi,i + 1[(P 2i +Q 2i )/ Vi 2] (5)
Pc = exp
Ei − Ej  (9)
Vi + 1 2 = Vi 2 −2(Ri,i + 1Pi +Xi,i + 1Qi ) KBT
(P 2i +Q 2i ) where T is the temperature of the heat bath, and KB is
+ (R 2i,i + 1 + X 2i,i + 1) (6)
Vi 2 a physical constant known as the Boltzmann constant.
where the real and reactive powers flowing out of bus i The acceptance rule described above is generally known
are denoted by Pi and Qi, respectively. The real and as the Metropolis criterion.
reactive load powers at bus i are denoted by PLi and Step 3. Equilibrium criterion. In general, the initial
QLi, respectively. The resistance and reactance of the temperature should be chosen to be high enough so
line section between buses i and i +1 are denoted by that the initial acceptance ratio is close to 1, then
Ri,i + 1 and Xi,i + 1, respectively. The voltage magnitude decreases monotonically. In this, we would perform
at bus i is denoted as Vi . The power loss of the line Metropolis process many times, and check the accep-
section connecting buses i and i+ 1 may be computed tance ratio. If the acceptance ratio is below 0.1, then we
as say that the equilibrium state is reached at this temper-
ature. If the state developed from step 2 reaches an
P 2i +Q 2i
PLOSS(i,i + 1)= Ri,i + 1 . (7) equilibrium state, then go to step 4; otherwise, go back
Vi 2 to step 2, where the acceptance ratio is defined as the
The total power loss of the feeder, PT,LOSS, may then be number of accepted cases divided by the number of
determined by summing up the losses of all line sections Metropolis processes.
in the feeder, which is given by Step 4. Cooling schedule. Temperature, T, is gradu-
n−1 ally reduced as
PT,LOSS = % PLOSS(i,i + 1). (8)
i=0 Ti + 1 = h(Ti )× Ti, i =1, 2, 3,… (10)
100 C.-T. Su, C.-S. Lee / Electric Power Systems Research 58 (2001) 97–102

Fig. 2. One-line diagram of a main feeder.

where the cooling rate, h(Ti ), can be a constant or a system displayed in Fig. 4 [1]. The system consists of
function of Ti. three feeders, 13 sectionalizing switches, and three tie
Step 5. Convergence criterion. If the state reaches the switches. The load of the system is assumed to be
minimal energy of the system, the algorithm is com- constant. Table 2 shows the data of the three-feeder
pleted, and the solution is obtained; otherwise, let
k =k +1 and go back to step 2.
We assume an analogy between a physical annealing
system and the studied combinatorial optimization
problem based on the following equivalencies.
1. Solutions in the investigated problem are equivalent
to states of a physical system.
2. The real power loss of a solution is equivalent to the
energy of a state.

5. Computational procedures of the proposed method

A technique employing feeder reconfiguration and

setting of switched capacitor to reduce power loss for
distribution systems is presented. Simulated annealing
is employed as the optimization technique. The compu-
tational procedures of the proposed method are mainly
composed of power-loss calculation, bus voltage deter-
mination, and simulated annealing application. The
computational procedures find a series of configura-
tions with different status of switches and addition of
capacitors such that the objective function is succes-
sively reduced.
During the solution process, the number of the
switches will be fixed, regardless of the variation in the
topology of the system. The fixed-type capacitors of
distribution systems can be seen as straight reactive
load that cannot be changed. Therefore, the parameters
that decide the minimum loss configuration are the
status of the switches and settings of the switched
capacitors. A flow chart describing the main computa-
tional procedures is shown in Fig. 3.

6. Application example

To demonstrate the application of the proposed

method, we employ an IEEE three-feeder distribution Fig. 3. Main computational procedures.
C.-T. Su, C.-S. Lee / Electric Power Systems Research 58 (2001) 97–102 101

Fig. 4. Three-feeder distribution system. Fig. 5. Modification of the three-feeder distribution system consider-
ing setting of switched capacitors.

distribution system [1]. This system had been studied in

ration are considered and are taken into account
Refs. [1] [10], in which only feeder reconfiguration is
considered. In this study, both feeder reconfiguration
The computer program used in this paper has been
and setting of switched capacitors are taken into ac- written in MATLAB language implemented on the
count together. The data for SA application are se- Pentium II 266 MHz compatible personal computer.
lected as KB = 1, T0 =30, Tf =6.4, h =0.95, kmax = 300 Table 3 shows the final results. Where case 1 has the
and base power=100 Mva. Moreover, assume that same result as that of Ref. [10]. The computational
buses 4, 8, and 13 are selected to set up switched results show that case 4 can reduce power loss the most
capacitor banks for feeders 1, 2, and 3, respectively. among these four cases.
Practical sizes available for the switched capacitor This method has been applied to a practical 11.4 Kv
banks are 300, 600, 900, 1200, 1500, and 1800 Kvar. distribution system of Taiwan Power Company as well.
Fig. 4 is redrawn in Fig. 5 to further display the The distribution network includes nine feeders, 41 sec-
switched capacitor banks. tionalizing switches, and nine tie switches. Numerical
For comparison, we had investigated four cases for results show that the proposed method is efficient on
this application example. These four cases are as power-loss reduction.
Case 1. Only feeder reconfiguration is considered.
Case 2. Only capacitor addition is considered. 7. Conclusions
Case 3. Both capacitor addition and feeder reconfigu-
ration are considered. However, capacitor addition is An useful feeder reconfiguration and capacitor place-
carried out before feeder reconfiguration. ment approach employing simulated annealing tech-
Case 4. Both capacitor addition and feeder reconfigu- nique for loss reduction of distribution systems is

Table 2
Data of the three-feeder distribution system

Bus to bus Section resistance Section reactance (P.U.) End bus load End bus load End bus fixed capacitor
(P.U.) (MW) (MVAR) (MVAR)

1–4 0.075 0.1 2.0 1.6

4–5 0.08 0.11 3.0 1.5 1.1
4–6 0.09 0.18 2.0 0.8 1.2
6–7 0.04 0.04 1.5 1.2
2–8 0.11 0.11 4.0 2.7
8–9 0.08 0.11 5.0 3.0 1.2
8–10 0.11 0.11 1.0 0.9
9–11 0.11 0.11 0.6 0.1 0.6
9–12 0.08 0.11 4.5 2.0 3.7
3–13 0.11 0.11 1.0 0.9
13–14 0.09 0.12 1.0 0.7 1.8
13–15 0.11 0.11 1.0 0.9
15–16 0.04 0.04 2.1 1.0 1.8
5–11 0.04 0.04
10–14 0.04 0.04
7–16 0.12 0.12
102 C.-T. Su, C.-S. Lee / Electric Power Systems Research 58 (2001) 97–102

Table 3
Final results for the four cases investigated

Main items Original configuration Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Case 4

Switches status alternated – (15,19), (21,17) – (15,19), (21,17) (15,19), (21,17)

Maximum bus voltage 1 1 1 1 1
Minimum bus voltage 0.9693 0.9716 0.9713 0.9736 0.9736
Capacitors added (K6ar)
Bus 4 1800 1800 1800
Bus 8 – – 1800 1800 1800
Bus 13 0 0 900
Total power loss (MW) 0.5111 0.4660 0.4938 0.4521 0.4513
Power-loss reduction (%) – 8.82 3.38 11.54 11.70
CPU time (s) – 7.5 7.7 14.9 12.4

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