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Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law

4 4 4
4 4 4
4 4 4
4 4 4
4 4 4
4 4 4
7 7
7 7
7 7
7 7
7 7
7 7
7 7
7 7
7 7

Love is the law, love under will


O 1 1 A The Fool 81 629 Air Orange

I 2 2 B The Magus 94 696 Mercury Orange
II 3 3 C The High Priestess 195 1457 Moon Purple
III 4 4 D The Empress 128 833 Venus Green
IV 5 5 E The King 74 644 Aries Red
V 6 6 F Hierophant 114 876 Taurus Red-Orange
VI 7 7 G The Lovers 124 834 Gemini Orange
VII 8 8 H The Chariot 107 1002 Cancer Orange-Yellow
VIII 9 9 I The Snake 83 682 Leo Yellow
IX 10 10 J Phosphorescent 181 1332 Virgo Yellow-Green
X 11 20 K The Abrahadabra 90 1274 Jupiter Blue
XI 12 30 L The Balance 71 943 Libra Green
XII 13 40 M The Man 61 489 Water Blue
XIII 14 50 N The Fish 75 666 Scorpio Green-Blue
XIV 15 60 O The Archer 86 903 Sagittarius Blue
XV 16 70 P The Devil 85 782 Capricorn Blue-Purple
XVI 17 80 Q The Fortress 153 991 Mars Scarlet Red
XVII 18 90 R The Sun 87 505 Aquarius Purple
XVIII 19 100 S The Moon 90 580 Pisces Purple-Red
XIX 20 200 T The Star 91 621 Sun Yellow
XX 21 300 U The Aeon 68 588 Fire Red
XXI 22 400 V The Universal 154 1055 Saturn Indigo
XXII 23 500 W The W 56 328 Water of Earth Sky Blue
XXIII 24 600 X The X 57 329 Earth of Earth Brown
XXIV 25 700 Y The Y 58 330 Air of Earth Orange
XXV 26 800 Z The Z 59 331 Fire of Earth Russet
XXVI 27 900 Sh The Sh 60 332 Earth (elemental) Green
XXVII 28 1000 Th The Th 61 333 Earth (planetary) Green
XXVIII29 2000 It The It 62 334 Spirit White
XXIX 30 3000 Oo Satan 55 418 Quintessence Black

Prelude: A Detailed Liber DCLXVI Timeline

Part I: The Reception of Liber DCLXVI SATAN

My Solution To AL I:53
Initial Calculations
Rectification of Keys XII & XVI
The Grand Values, & The W – The Th
My Solution To AL I:42
My Solution To AL III:73
LMNOPQ = 4,774
The 419 Letters of LMNOPQ = 4774 & AL III:47
The 51 Letters Composing Keys LMNOPQ
The 419 Letters Composing Keys LMNOPQ

Part II: An Analysis of Liber DCLXVI SATAN

The Seals of Liber DCLXVI SATAN
Satan The Phosphorescent Magus
Liber DCLXVI SATAN: Satan The Phosphorescent Magus
The Fool + Satan
The Cross of Earth
The Tree of Life
English Phonetics For Numbers 27-52.

Part III: The Grammatometric Orders of Liber DCLXVI SATAN

0-9 English Tarot
0-9 Prime English Tarot
0-9 Sigma English Tarot
0-9 Square English Tarot
1-9 English Tarot
1-9 Prime English Tarot
1-9 Sigma English Tarot
1-9 Square English Tarot
Serial English Tarot
Serial Prime English Tarot
Serial Sigma English Tarot
Serial Square English Tarot
Metric English Tarot
Metric Prime English Tarot
Metric Sigma English Tarot
Metric Square English Tarot
01-1 Liber XXVII English Tarot
012 Liber XXVII English Tarot
123 Liber XXVII English Tarot
Number of Letters English Tarot
Esoteric Tarot Numerals English Tarot
Order of Occurence English Tarot
Sum of Order of Occurence English Tarot

Appendix: A Liber DCLXVI SATAN Number-Word Dictionary

Liber DCLXVI Satan Timeline

Here is a detailed timeline denoting my progression of discovery involving Liber

DCLXVI Satan. This timeline draws on four major sources for its accuracy. The first is a bundle
of papers on which I first wrote what would become my Liber 666 Satan. The second is what I
wrote in my computer on the days after. The third is a letter I wrote to David Hulse dated 5/3,
and the fourth are my parallel journals for around the time.
In preparing the bundle of documents to be scanned, I realized that a number of pages
were not in a linearly dated order. I thus tried to put them in as a linear fashion as possible, but it
is fairly probable that I did not arrive at the correct order. It was no problem as long as the page
in question was dated, but many were not. I normally left these in the order I found them after
the last dated page.

5/1/1999 Saturn ~1am est.

I discovered what I believe to be the correct solution to AL I:54:

“All these old letters of my Book are aright; but Tz is not the Star.
This also is secret: my prophet shall reveal it to the wise.”

It is that the Hebrew letters are in their right place, but that the English names for the
Tarot Keys are not correct. I interpreted this verse to say that The Star is not the correct Key
name for Tz = Aquarius = Purple = Key XVII as 18 & 90. If Key XVII is not The Star, then
which Key is? Seeing the words “The Star” I’d written, I naturally concluded that Key XIX was
The Star as our solar sun, as Key XVII was The Sun. I noticed this name swap occured between
2 Keys with opposite colors, the purple of aquarius with the yellow of the sun. I liked The Star
as the name for Key XIX, as it equals 91 in S.E., as does the word Phoenix. I liked that it is a
solar number, equalling RA in M.E., and as Σ(1-13) represents the sun in the center of the 12
zodiac signs. I noticed “This also is secret” from AL I:54 = 201 in S.E., which equals RA in
M.H. I related this present discovery to two other grammatometrics I had found: that
BABALON Υ∆ΡΧΟΟΣ as Babalon Aquarius, or Babalon the Water-Bearer, equals 4774 (as
3330 + 1444 by a combination of Metric Sanskrit digital and Metric Greek), and that the portion
AL I:52 “Expect him not from the East nor from the West, for from no expected house cometh
that child” = 900 in S.E., which equals Tzaddi final.
~2:00-2:54am est
Although unwritten, I obviously thought to try to find the True Names as it were for all
the Tarot Keys. My method seems to have consisted of starting with the word “The” whenever
possible and basing the name on the Hebrew hieroglyphic letter meaning or the zodiacal
meaning. I recall I was thinking of archetypes, of a person manifesting on earth and just kind of
pointing things out by saying “The …”. Here are the names I arrived at (see scan page 03):
O 1 The Fool 81
I 2 The Magus 94
II 3 The High Priestess 195
III 4 The Empress 128
IV 5 The King 74
V 6 The Hierophant 114
VI 7 The Lovers 124
VII 8 The Chariot 107
VIII 9 The Lion 83
IX 10 The Hermit 73
(Phosphorescent)[2:54am] (181)
X 11 The Wheel
XI 12 The Balance 71
XII 13 The Hanged Man 100
XIII 14 The Fish 75
XIV 15 The Archer 86
XV 16 The Devil 85
XVI 17 The Tower 114
XVII 18 The Sun 87
XVIII 19 The Moon 90
XIX 20 The Star 91
XX 21 The Aeon 68
XXI 22 The Universal 154

During this time, Key X The Wheel was changed to Key X The Abrahadabra, and Key
IX The Hermit was changed to Key IX Phosphorescent. I would have thought I had arrived at
the S.E. sum of 1,000 for Keys O-VIII first, as these are fairly straightforward names, but it
appears not to be the case (see scan page 10):

“I noticed that in Serial English the Tarot Trump names for Keys X through XXI
equalled 1,111! Then I noticed that in Serial English the names for Keys O through VIII
equalled 1,000! I was then left at the position of The Hermit, and decided to subtract 1,111 from
1,292, which revealed 181 as “The Hermit,” which equals “Phosphorescent” in Serial English.”

Therefore during this time I came upon the sum of Keys O-VIII as 1,000, IX as 181, and
X-XXI as 1,111, to sum to 2,292. I also correlated this threefold division to ABRA = Keys O-
VIII, HAD = Key IX, ABRA = Keys X-XXI. Note I misnumbered “The Hierophant” as 114, it
should be numbered as 147. This mistake allowed me to arrive at the correct enumerations. It
was 2:54am when I arrived at Phosphorescent = 181 for Key IX, and thus found the correct
number schema.
12:33pm est
I note further the 9-1-13 division in the Tarot schema, and relate it back to my initial AL
I:54 discovery that The Star is the Key name for Key XIX The Star = Sun. 9-1 as 91 = The Star
and Phoenix in S.E., RA in M.E., and is Σ(1-13) as the 1 sun amidst the 12 zodiac signs. In
relation to my discovering the true Tarot Key names, I state that “AL II:55 has been fulfilled by
this find”. This is partially correct, as the new names and numberings are symbols.
12:56pm est
I finally realize the excellent flow established by naming Key XVII The Sun, as it
correlates well with Key XVIII being named The Moon. The Sun, The Moon, & The Star for
Keys XVII-XIX has a better ring to it than The Star, The Moon, The Sun.
1:13pm est
I exclaim “The Name of The Hermit is Ictheus Nympas!!!!!!!!” I’m not sure why I
wouldn’t have known this name to equal 181 in S.E. as well, but apparently I put something
together here. “Ictheus Nympas” (93+88) was a received name for The Hermit of the Tarot I had
received previously.
2:15pm est
I exclaim “The whole alphabet is proven as one shimmering Satan!” This is prophetic, as
I will soon extend the Keys to 30 in number, the last being named Key XXIX Satan, attributed to
the Quintessence, and being represented by The 4774 Sword.
I form the hypothesis that the Keys which start with the word “The” are more exterior
cards, while the few that do not are more interior. The Self is looking out upon the world,
pointing to archetypes, and saying The Fish, etc. In the case of Ictheus Nympas (note his initials
I.N.) it is the Self Itself, or in the case of Phosphorescent is an attribute of the Self, as in a
Voluptuousness of Ecstatic Being.
10:49pm est
I note “Hrumachis-Horus” also equals 181 in S.E. and consider it the potential name for
Key IX, which seems to be a toss up between “Ictheus Nympas” and “Phosphorescent”. I relate
that the name “Ictheus Nympas was received by me a few days prior to my Tarot Trump Name
Revelations of last night”. At some date most likely days prior to this time, I woke up from
some sort of dream remembering the words “There are 3 keys to each of the 7 lower veils,”
which I play around with a bit here.

5/2/1999 Sun 1:32am est

I note that the first three Keys, The Fool + The Magus + The High Priestess = 370 as 81 +
94 + 195 may elucidate Crowley’s Liber CCCLXX I:36 “is not my symbol a triangle?” It is hard
to believe, but it may be that I had no more progress on this day. It is true that “The Fish = 666”
occurs on scan page 10 right by the quote above, but it is unclear what is written the next day and
what is not. At best, the grand values, and the extension to 28 as W, X, Y, Z, Sh, & Th were
established on this day. At worst, they were established the next day.

5/3/1999 Moon 2:32pm est

I made the changes on this day by this time to Keys XII & XVI. I changed The Tower to
The Fortress, 114 to 153, a difference of 39. I was perhaps looking to change another Key to
keep the 1000 + 181 + 1111 equation. I did not like the word Hanged in The Hanged Man, and
first noticed that if I changed The Hanged Man to The Bliss, 100 to 61, this solved the problem.
However at exactly 2:32pm I noticed that Hanged itself equalled 39, and just took out the word
from The Man, which I liked as the Key name.
I had thought of and was using the grand values for the Keys during this midday (see
scan page 10.1).
6pm est
I am still using the names The End, The Cat, The All, and The God for Keys 23-26 being
the letters W-Z.
8:48pm est
I arrive at the names The W, The X, The Y, and The Z, for Keys 23-26.
10:10pm est
By this time I had extended the Keys to 28, adding The Sh and The Th. This is
evidenced by a letter written to David Hulse on this day, in which I give the following

XXII 66 K(f) 500 W 23 The W 56 295 Fire of Earth

XXIII 75 M(f) 600 X 24 The X 57 296 Water of Earth
XXIV 79 N(f) 700 Y 25 The Y 58 297 Air of Earth
XXV 70 P(f) 800 Z 26 The Z 59 298 Earth of Earth
XXVI 79 Tz(f) 900 Sh 27 The Sh 60 299 Wizardiaoan
XXVII 88 A 1,000 Th 28 The Th 61 300 Keys 0 - VIII

The grand values from 23 on are incorrectly numbered, which I will discover much later.
None of these attributions I presently agree with, but the fact that I attributed Wizardiaoan to
Key 27 denotes that I had enumerated it to 900 in S.E.T. by this time. I probably also knew that
Walt = 299 in S.E.T. too. These correlations reverberate the AL I:52 portion of the verse which
equals 900 in S.E.: “Expect him not from the East nor from the West, for from no expected
house cometh that child”.
In this letter it is also documented that I had linked BRAShITh “Creation,” which equals
913 in M.H. to the 9-1-13 Key division. I also relate having found that by S.E.T. Satan = 418, I
was able to my satisfaction solve AL I:42, the 8, 80, 418 riddle.

5/4/1999 Mars 3:43pm est

Here marks the first page that is dated correctly, I was in some time warp and didn’t
bother to truly check the date. I recall genuinely that a few days after the intial reception I
realized my dating mistake. In the scanned manuscript pages, there is a gap between 4/31 and
5/4. For one, there was no 4/31 in 1999, it was a leap year and the month ended on 4/30. On 5/4
is when I discovered the dating was wrong. What on the manuscript pages is 4/29 should be 5/1,
4/30 should be 5/2, & 4/31 should be 5/3.
This marks the first time I use “Satan The Phosphorescent Magus” as the name of the
author, the title at this time is simply called “The English Tarot Trump Names”.

5/6/1999 Jupiter 5:10pm

I simply say “Solved III:19 (actually, I knew it before). The stele is this page of
correlations Itself.” The idea I believe is that of the macrocosmic and microcosmic Satan. I
perhaps perceived earlier that The Sun as Aquarius was the microcosmic self or Satan, as The
Star as our Sun was the macrocosmic self or Satan. 718 = 2 x 359, and 359 = ShTN in M.H.
This is the initial basis for naming the book Liber DCLXVI SATAN, SATAN here is the
macrocosmic Satan, though this idea does not present itself yet here. I do note here that “Satan
The Th” = 718 in S.E.T., and my discovery so-called may thus more relate to the idea that this
tablet of Tarot names is the true stele 718, for the end Key is The Th = 28 & 1000 at this time.
Also on this scan page 19 I am playing with the attributions for 23-28, and more correctly
attribute 23-26 to Water, Earth, Air, and Fire, rather than the previous attributions of Fire, Water,
Air, and Earth which I had seen in David Hulse’s The Key of It All series. I attribute 27 variously
to Saturn and Spirit, and 28 to Spirit and then more correctly earth. On scan page 33 in another
letter to David Hulse it is revealed that I had extended the Keys to 30, named Key 30 Satan, and
am using the 4774 sword as its glyph, but their is no date, and these bundle of pages cannot be
assumed to be in order.

5/11/1999 Mars 1:21am est

I had arrived at Key 29 = The It = Spirit by this time (see scan page 36).
2:11am est
I first postulate Key 30 = Satan (see scan page 36.1).

5/12/1999 Mercury 1:131am est

Postulated “Oo” as the letter for Key 30 Satan, and had noted its color as black and its
symbol as the 4774 sword by this time (see scan page 43.1). I had related it in essence to the 30th
Tibetan letter Ah. I noted 4774 as Key 30 shed light on AL III:47 as being literally “the Key of
it all.” During these days I had arrived at the name “Liber DCLXVI” for the Book of the English
Tarot Names.

5/14/1999 Venus 1:43pm est

Thought of OoTItVISh as the spirit line of the tarotic mandala, and numerated it to 505.
505 = The Sun in S.E.T., and “Liber DCLXVI SATAN: Satan, The Phosphorescent Magus” in
S.E. I had arrived at the true title at 9:31pm on perhaps the day previous, 5/13 (see scan page
57). At any rate, I knew it by now as is evidenced by my writing “359/359” (see scan page

5/17/1999 Moon 2:42am est

I discovered the grand values of Keys 12-17, being LMNOPQ, sum to 4774. At 3:18am I
discovered they serially sum to 330 in M.E. I noted that this string of letters was at the center of
a 28-fold alphabet, and devised a solution to III:73 based upon it. This is the 28-fold cross
ordered from right to left, and from top to bottom, with Key 29 at its center, and Key 30
represnting the whole thing, or surrounding it as the Oroboros serpent. Also previously at
2:30am, I found that “The Star Hadit” = 1111 by S.E.T.

5/20/1999 Saturn 2am est

On scan page 69 I note the time as 2am and relate I “Just discovered The Hierophant =
147, not 114.” On scan page 19 I am contemplating names for Key V. I write “Hierophant 114
& 876, The Elephant 114 & 930, The Tower 114 & 666, The Horus 114 & 710”. This portion
must have been written after scan page 69, or is just in an incorrect order, which would not be
2:06am est
I write that “this could be why the “the” of “the Hierophant” is not capitalized in AL
II:16!” I used AL II:16 as a basis for naming The Empress and The King, rather than using The
Emperor to match it. I here upon analyzing AL II:16 note that the “the” of “the Hierophant”
appears not to be capitalized in the verse, but that both the “The” of “The Empress” and the
“The” of “The King” appear to be captialized. This I take as evidence that Key V should not be
named The Hierophant, but that the “the” should be dropped and it should just be Key V

5/24/1999 Moon 12:25pm est

I calculate The Snake as 682 and The Owl as 484 by S.E.T. This reveals I was thinking
of alternate names for Key VIII The Lion, for they all equal 83 in S.E., but I did not make any
changes at this time (see scan page 70). This ends the extent of the major discoveries as
contained in the Liber DCLXVI SATAN bundle of documents.

1/2/2000 12:25pm
I realize that “The Snake” is the Key name for Leo and that this makes the LMNOPQ =
4774 equation composed of 419 letters (419 = TITh, Teth, the Hebrew letter name for T = 9).
This mirrors exactly the 419 parts in my AL III:47 solution.

2/13/2001 Mars 6:44pm

I discovered on Case’s version of the Tarot the two pillars are named B & I (as Boaz and
Joachim), which translates as BJ = THE PHOSPHORESCENT MAGUS, which is my name for
the author of Liber DCLXVI, minus SATAN. I correlated this to Σ(30-35) = 195 = THE HIGH
PRIESTESS to see she was basically the carrier of the Black Star of Satan (my solution to AL

2/25/02 Moon 6:10PM

The 10 letter wavy Rune N as Virgo I realized was a symbol was waving trees in the
wind, which I had the vision of Crowley’s head in when first numbering Key IX as
Phosphorescent = 1332.
Liber DCLXVI SATAN and Liber AL vel Legis
The author(s) of AL know precisely how the infinite future will unfold. This is well
indicated in AL II:58(124), where Hadit says:

Yea! deem not of change: ye shall be as ye are, & not other. Therefore
the kings of the earth shall be Kings for ever: the slaves shall serve.
There is none that shall be cast down or lifted up: all is ever as it was.

"All is ever as it was" seemingly indicates that the authors of Liber AL vel Legis initially
created the universe with the intimate knowledge of its exact unfoldment through time. The
great proof of their omniscience and omnipotence is their knowledge in 1904 of the particular
nature of my incarnation in 1974, being the one who would discover 4,774's alphanumeric and
qabalistic synchronicities. The important fact to note well concerning Liber DCLXVI SATAN is
that the intelligences of AL were already referring to it and making use of it in the text of AL.

Liber DCLXVI SATAN & the 4774 Thelemic Phoenix Gnosis

Liber DCLXVI SATAN goes toward fulfilling AL II:55(121), which reads "Thou shalt
obtain the order & value of the English Alphabet; thou shalt find new symbols to attribute them
unto." AL II:55 itself encodes that 1-26 Serial English is the true code for the English language
by its chapter and serial verse sums of 55 & 121. 55 = SATAN as 19 + 1 + 20 + 1 + 14 in Serial
English, while 121 = SATAN as 60 + 1 + 9 + 1 + 50 in Metric Hebrew, AL II:55 being the 121st
verse of AL as a whole. AL II:55(121) is speaking to me personally as Satan. I interpret "thou
shalt find new symbols to attribute them unto" as finding new correspondences for the English
Alphabet/Tarot, basically implying that I shall elucidate the Tarot, which I have done and will
continue to do.
My Solution to AL I:53
My Ordeal of the reception of the True Tarot Key Names was initiated on 5/1/1999 at
12:32am est, when I first began an automatic writing session which involved writing the first
name that came to mind for a given Tarot Trump. Around 15 minutes into this creative session
the true solution to Liber AL vel Legis I:53 occured to me, which is that Tzaddi is not “The Star”,
it is “The Sun”. This verse states “All these old letters of my book are aright, but x is not the
Star”. The verse has commonly been interpreted to mean that the 18th letter of the Hebrew
alphabet x, which corresponds to Aquarius, is not attributed to the Tarot Key “The Star”.
However my solution does not interpret the verse as implying that the serial order of the
Hebrew alphabet or its common occult attributions must be altered, but rather that the Tarot Key
name “The Star” does not apply to x = Key XVII = Aquarius = Purple = 18 & 90. I interpret AL
I:57 as Nuit saying the English name for Key XVII is not “The Star”. At the time of my initial
understanding of this I immediately intuited that “The Star” was the name of Key XIX, which is
attributed to the sun, and which has traditionally been called “The Sun”. “The Sun” in turn was
the true name for Tzaddi as Key XVII, which now made it correspond well with Key XVIII The
Moon as Pisces. Thus the solution to AL I:53 is simply the swapping of the traditional Tarot
card names for Key XVII and XIX!
This intuitional breakthrough led me to wonder what the true names for all the other
Tarot Trumps were, and I immediately set out to find them with the hopes they would prove
themselves correct through the numerological language of the Serial English Qabalah.

Initial Calculations
At a time after 1:15 AM EST but before 2:32 AM EST on 5/1/1999 I had enumerated
Keys X - XXI to 1,111, beginning with Key XXI, as:

XXI The Universal 154

XX The Aeon 68
XIX The Star 91
XVIII The Moon 90
XVII The Sun 87
XVI The Tower 114
XV The Devil 85
XIV The Archer 86
XIII The Fish 75
XII The Hanged Man 100
XI The Balance 71
X The Abrahadabra 90

Immediately thereafter I enumerated the following nine Trumps to find they equalled
1,000, as:
O The Fool 81
I The Magus 94
II The High Priestess 195
III The Empress 128
IV The King 74
V The Hierophant 114
VI The Lovers 124
VII The Chariot 107
VIII The Lion 83

Nextly, at 2:54 AM EST I became aware that “Phosphorescent” = 181 was the True
Name for Key IX, which brought the 22 Keys' sum to 2,292 as 1,000 + 181 + 1,111 in Serial
English. To recap, my intent to find the true Tarot Trump Names was initiated by my correct
solution to AL I:57, which is that Key XVII was “The Sun” and that Key XIX was “The Star”,
rather than being the other way around. After this I began enumerating the Tarot Keys from Key
XXI on down, and became surprised when I found that Keys XXI-X equalled 1,111. The names
of the Keys I enumerated sprang from my own creative mind intuitively and fairly
spontaneously, and the ones found upon my manuscript pages are the first ones that I had
thought of and written down. My names for the Keys were based upon the Tarot Key's
traditional name and meaning as well as their corresponding Hebrew letter's hieroglyphic
meaning, with the intent to begin each Key with the word “The” to archetypalize it whenever
The new names I at that time invented for the Keys and why I chose them are as follows:

XXI THE UNIVERSAL: I loved the fact that Universal = 121 in Serial English, which
thus equates it with Wizardiaoan which also equals 121 in Serial English, and SATAN which
equals 121 in Metric Hebrew. The name The Universal was more dramatic than The World,
which did not have the same ring to it. I liked the fact that 154 = The Universal in Serial
English is a multiple of 4,774 as 154 x 31.

XX THE AEON: I liked this title rather than the boring name Judgement, because of
my love for Thelema, and the Hebrew letter ShIN's ties to periods of time, as it symbolizes “the
sun between two mountain peaks”, which would occur at sunrise and sunset of any given day.

XIX THE STAR: I liked this title to represent our solar orb much better than the more
passive name of “The Sun”, and also because “The Star” = 91 = “Phoenix” in Serial English. 91
is (1-13), which implies our solar orb as the 1 in 12, the twelve being the zodiac.

XVII THE SUN: This name correlated wonderfully with the next card, Key XVIII THE
MOON, which assured me that “The Sun” was Key XVII's correct name. I also liked Key
XVII's ties with “Truth” and “Hastur”, all of which also equal 87 in Serial English.
XIV THE ARCHER: I certainly liked this name much better than the boring traditional
names of “Temperance” and “Art,” and liked the number 86, the sum in Serial English of the
name “The Archer”, for it seemed of a very beautific nature.

XIII THE FISH: I really liked my change of name for this card rather than its grim
traditional and yet again very uncreative name of “Death”. I didn't even think of naming it “The
Scorpion”, for scorpions are not really major archetype. I knew the corresponding Hebrew letter
N's hieroglyphic letter meaning and name of NVN meant “fish”, and this is what I went by.

XI THE BALANCE: I liked this name better than the rather ambiguous title of
“Justice”. I liked that ”The Balance” began with the word “The”, and it flowed much better than

X THE ABRAHADABRA: I was very pleased with this inventive name, as it described
the beautific vision of the wonder of AL Reality. I actually had the name “The Wheel” at first, a
much better rendition of the lengthy “The Wheel of Fortune”, but “The Abrahadabra” as anme
for this Key is most excellent.

IX PHOSPHORESCENT: I had “The Hermit” at first, but when finding that 181 +
1,000 + 1,111 equals 2,292 with its addition, I knew “Phosphorescent” was the correct word for
Key IX. The word “Phosphorescent” had been swirling in my subconscious for years. At 20,
besides having painted with phosphorescent black light paints I had written some rap type songs,
one of which began: “’Cause I'm The Phosphorescent Magus, alius The Funkarine, and you’re
my Fungal People soul scream!”

VIII THE SNAKE: I first named this Key The Lion, and liked this name much better
than giving the key the quality of “Strength”, lion being a noun of something actually in reality.
I liked its enumeration of 83, as I knew 83 equalled “Wisdom” in Serial English. I found on
5/24/1999 that “The Snake” also equalled 83 and had the grand value of 682, though I kept the
name “The Lion” because I thought the lion a more noble animal. I found shortly after “The
Owl” also equals 83, denoting the general quality of initiated wisdom this Key signifies, which
possesses the grand value of 485. It would not be until eight months later, on 1/2/2000, that I
could definitively prove “The Snake” as the True Name for Key VIII.
IV THE KING: I liked “The King” = 74 in Serial English much better than “The
Emperor” = 123 in Serial English. I was also aware that Liber AL vel Legis itself uses this name
for Key IV in verse II:15, “The Empress and The King are not of me”.

Rectification of Keys XII & XVI

On 5/3/1999 from 10am to well before 9pm est I rectified the names for Keys XII & XVI,
changing them from Key XII The Hanged Man & Key XVI The Tower to Key XII The Man &
Key XVI The Fortress. I disliked the word “Hanged” from Key XII, and thought its connotation
of “wisdom gained through self-sacrifice” was old aeon crap, restricitng the “Do what thou wilt”
freedom upon which this current aeon of Thelema is based. I also saw that Key XII as The
Hanged Man possessed the enumeration of 100 in Serial English, which is the common number
for the illusion and falsehood of restrictive maya. The Hanged portion of The Hanged Man was
thus duly dropped from Key XII, which now became Key XII The Man to represent the self's
innate nobility and adepthood.
I realized that if I dropped “Hanged” = 39 in Serial English from Key XII this would
askew the excellent equation of 1,000 + 181 + 1,111 = 2,292 by 39. At sometime later that day
of 5/3/1999 I found the solution to my problem in Key XVI “The Tower,” a Key I was looking to
change because I had noticed it had the same enumeration of 114 in Serial English as The
Hierophant (for I at that time did not realize that The Hierophant truly equals 147 in S.E.). I at
some point recalled that Key XVI is perhaps referred to in Liber AL vel Legis I:53 as “The
Fortress.” Recalling this, I found the solution I was looking for, as “The Fortress” = 153 in
Serial English, which is exactly 39 more than that of “The Tower “as 114.
Thus I was able to truly rectify Keys XII and XVI as Key XII The Man and Key XVI The
Fortress while at the same time not altering the ideal sum of Keys O-XXI as 2,292. Here for the
first time I had discovered the True Serial English names and enumerations for the first 22 Keys
(except Key V and Key VIII). Also during the day of 5/3/1999 I fed these enumerations back
into the Key Names in the hopes of proving them true or false and first came upon the grand
values in Serial English for the 22 Keys, such as Key O THE FOOL = 629, Key I The Magus =
696, etc. This led me to be able to better confirm my finds.

The Grand Values, & The W - The Th

I enumerated various words by my newly found Tarot Qabalah, which led me to ponder
the True Names for the English letters W-Z. At first I remember naming them as “The End” in
the case of W, etc., as “End” in Serial English equals 23, the serial value of the letter W, but by
the end of the day I arrived at what I consider the true method, which consists of simply calling
Keys XXII—XXV, being the letters W-Z: The W, The X, The Y, and The Z. My reason for so
doing was doubtless encouraged by my finding that if W = The W = 56 in Serial English, then
Will + Love would equal 666 as (56 + 83 + 71 + 71) + (71 + 86 + 154 + 74), and that if X = The
X = 57 in Serial English, then Phoenix would equal 567 as 85 + 107 + 86 + 74 + 75 + 83 + 57.
During the day of 5/3/1999 I also added Key XXVI The Sh and Key XXVII The Th to
my tarotic schema, although I was not able to surmise their correct attributions. I have
documented proof that I had arrived at the tarotic schema below in a letter to David Allen Hulse
telling him of my tarotic discoveries dated 5/3/1999.

The English Tarot Trump Names, their attributions, and their Serial English enumerations
that I had arrived at by, but probably well before, 9pm est on 5/3/1999 are as follows (note 23-
26's attributions are incorrect):

O The Fool 81 629 Air

I The Magus 94 696 Mercury
II The High Priestess 195 1457 Moon
III The Empress 128 833 Venus
IV The King 74 644 Aries
V The Hierophant 114 1148 Taurus
VI The Lovers 124 834 Gemini
VII The Chariot 107 1002 Cancer
VIII The Lion 83 587 Leo
IX Phosphorescent 181 1332 Virgo
X The Abrahadabra 90 1274 Jupiter
XII The Man 61 489 Water
XIII The Fish 75 666 Scorpio
XIV The Archer 86 903 Sagittarius
XV The Devil 85 782 Capricorn
XVI The Fortress 153 991 Mars
XVII The Sun 87 505 Aquarius
XVIII The Moon 90 580 Pisces
XIX The Star 91 621 Sun
XX The Aeon 68 588 Fire
XXI The Universal 154 1055 Saturn
XXII The W 56 295 Fire of Earth
XXIII The X 57 296 Water of Earth
XXIV The Y 58 297 Air of Earth
XXV The Z 59 298 Earth of Earth
XXVI The Sh 60 299 -
XXVII The Th 61 300 -

The grand enumerations are produced by feeding the Tarot Key values back in upon
themselves, for example Key XII THE MAN = T (The Star = 91) + H (The Chariot = 107) + E
(The King = 74) + M (The Man = 61) + A (The Fool = 81) + N (The Fish) = 489.

My Solution to Liber AL vel Legis I:42

This solution also occured to me on 5/3/1999, which is also documented in the letter
written to David Allen Hulse mentioned above. The exact time it occured is whenever I thought
to enumerate the word Satan by the English Tarot, for as soon as I found that Satan = 418, I had
the missing part of the solution to AL I:42. SATAN = 418 as follows:

The Moon The Fool The Star The Fool The Fish
90 81 91 81 75

AL I:42 states: “Nothing is a secret key of this law. Sixty-one the Jews call it; I call it
eight, eighty, four hundred & eighteen.” I discovered that the “8, 80” part of the solution
referred to the proportional perimeter measurements of the pentagram upon seeing them given in
the second section of the revised edition of Israel Regardie's The Middle Pillar, the one edited by
Chic and Sandra Tabitha Cicero. 8 is the proportional measurement of one side of the perimeter
of a pentagram's arm, and so thus 80 is the proportional measurement of the perimeter of all five
arms of a pentagram. My discovery that Satan = 418 by the Serial English Tarot Trumps of
Liber DCLXVI SATAN is the second half of the solution. The word SATAN is composed of 5
letters, so one letter may be correlated to each arm of a pentagram, as in the following


Although I correctly solved AL I:42 on 5/3/1999, I did not fully understand its meaning
until after I included Satan as the 30th Key of my tarotic schema. Since Key XXIX Satan is the
Omega Key, being the last, the implication of AL I:42 is that “infinity = zero”, or “everything =

My Solution to AL III:73
Now that I had a tarotic schema of 1-28, events were set for me to discover the correct
matrice which AL III:73 was referring to. It seems likely that by the time I discovered AL III:73's
correct solution, I would already have added the final two keys, being Key XXVIII The It and
Key XXIX Satan, but this is only conjecture, and I really do not know when these last two Keys
were added. I was looking for this verse's correct solution now that my solution to AL I:57
disproved that AL III:73's traditional solution was correct. The traditional solution has been to
interpret AL III:73's instructions to “Paste the sheets from right to left and from top to bottom” as
referring to the following Hebrew alphabet order, the "sheets" being synonymous with the
Hebrew alphabet letters/Tarot Trumps:

K I T Ch Z V H D G B A
L M N S O P Tz Q R Sh Th

With this alignment, seeing that Tzaddi (the letter refered to in AL I:53) is directly below
Heh, the notion has been to switch these two letters' astrological attributions, making Tzaddi =
“The Emperor” and Heh = “The Star”. Most non-Thelemites working with the traditional tarotic
attributions of the Hebrew Alphabet probably view this alignment as ridiculous, and it is. It is an
improper solution, mixing up the true tarotic order upon which every true magickal language is
based (the tarotic order itself being ultimately based upon the the serial progression of pure
I had the intuitional insight to hypothesize that AL III:73 might be referring to the English
Alphabet rather than Hebrew, the language in which Liber AL vel Legis itself was written. I also
had the insight to ponder that the true matrice referred to might be in the form of an equilateral
cross, for another discrepancy the traditional solution to AL III:73 possesses is that its order does
not really follow AL III:73's directions. Its order more aptly follows a “From right to left, and
from left to right” pattern. In contrast, the form of the equilateral cross remains true to AL
III:73's wording. After following this train of thought, the task of finding the true solution to AL
III:73 proved very simple, for I now only had to divide the Tarot schema by four, the logical
dividend being the number 28 to include as many Keys as possible. The true solution to AL
III:73 I believe is thus the following matrice:

N M L K J I H It G F E D C B A

This is the matrice which accurately follows the instructions of AL III:73. Every circle of
letters, such as ANOTh, sum to 58, the value of STAR in Serial English. The outermost rim of
letters, ANOTh, equal 1,111, which is the value of “The Star Hadit”, as 621 + 490, using the
Serial English Tarot Grammatometric Order. Since in Serial English every circle of letters
equals 58, Key XXVIII THE It, as It = 29, seems to synchronously occupy the center position,
29 being exactly half of 58. Key XXIX SATAN is the quintessence of all the letters, being in
symbol the black circle surrounding the equilateral cross as The World Serpent Oroboros, or
IORMUNGANDR = 121 in Serial Elder Futhark Runes. Here we have Spirit = white = It as the
center letter, and The Quintessence of AL Reality = 4774 = black = Oo as the circumference.

LMNOPQ = 4,774
Sometime after the above discoveries were made, I found I had made a mistake in my
original calculations. It is that “The Hierophant” = 147 in Serial English, not 114. Hierophant
by itself equals 114. However, I did not discover this fact until right after I had discovered that
the grand values for the series LMNOPQ equal 4,774, as: 943 + 489 + 666 + 903 + 782 + 991. I
believe my reception of Liber DCLXVI SATAN was subtly aided by the help of occult
intelligences, and that two of their key influences was firstly to make me initially mistakenly
enumerate The Hierophant as 114 and secondly to make me find the equation LMNOPQ = 4,774
before I was to notice my mistaken calculation. My reason for believing this is that if I would
have initially calculated Key V THE HIEROPHANT as 147, I would have never gotten
anywhere to begin with, and Liber DCLXVI SATAN would have never come into existence.
The LMNOPQ = 4,774 equation is of immense importance in understanding Liber
DCLXVI SATAN. I have used this equation as my ground to prove and verify three very
important hypothesis:

1.) Key V Hierophant = 114 is the True Name for Key V rather than The Hierophant
= 147. If Key V is The Hierophant then LMNOPQ does not equal 4,774, for both N (The Fish)
and Q (The Fortress) each have an F (the English letter corresponding to Key V) in their names.
2.) LMNOPQ = 4,774 proves that my solution to AL III:73 is correct. It does so by
being the sum of the last three letters composing the horizontal line and the first three letters
composing the vertical line. It thus marks the center of the 28-fold alphabet, and that LMNOPQ
= 330 in Serial English further connotes a center balance, as 330 = HRVMAChIS in M.H. and
3.) LMNOPQ = 4,774 proves that Key VIII is The Snake rather than The Lion or The
Owl. I first discovered on 1/2/2000 at 12:25pm est that with Key VIII as The Snake the tarotic
sequence LMNOPQ = 4,774 is composed of exactly 419 letters, which is the Metric Hebrew
value for TITh, Teth, meaning “snake”, the Hebrew letter name for the Hebrew alphabet's 9th
letter, T = 9 = Key VIII The Snake = Leo = Yellow.

On 11/20/1999, circa 5PM, I realized that Key VIII might be THE SNAKE due to its
appearance in AL II:21.

The 419 Letters of LMNOPQ = 4774 and AL III:47

The other immensely important synchronicity involving the equation LMNOPQ = 4,774,
composed of 419 letters, is that my solution to AL III:47 is also composed of exactly 419 parts.
The total number of letters in AL III:47 is 427. The “line drawn” subtracts the 11 letters it
touches, being the series “a, f, I, yas, I, t, eB, t, s”, bringing the total number of letters composing
AL III:47 to 416. The “circle squared” then adds 3 to the verse sum according to the number of
strokes it took to make it, as 1.) A vertical line; 2.) A horizontal line; 3.) A clockwise circle.
Although not letters, this brings the total number of “parts” composing AL III:47 which equals
4,774 in Serial English to exactly 419 in number!
The true solution to AL III:47 is that the entire verse's sum equals 4,774 in Serial English
following the above mentioned equation of: 4,898, the verse's sum in Serial English, minus the
letters the “line drawn” touches (a, f, I, yas, I, t, eB, t, s) = 127, + 3 (the three strokes it took to
make the “circle squared”) = 4,774. Thus 4,898 – 127 + 3 = 4,774. The meaning of the solution
is that 4,774 is “the Key of it all” as the number of Ra-Hoor-Khuit, he being symbolic of the
Child of The Sacred Triad. The “line drawn” is the Father and Hadit, manifesting from within to
without. The “circle squared” is The Mother and Nuit, “failed” because manifesting from
without to within but yet devoid of a single point (Hadit). “Abrahadabra” is the Child and Ra-
Hoor-Khuit, manifesting as The Quintessence of AL Reality as the unity of Hadit and Nuit.
Thus Hadit equals zero, Nuit equals infinity, and Ra-Hoor-Khuit equals zero and infinity united.
The second table below showing the 419 letters composing LMNOPQ which equal 4,774
is paralleled by the 419 parts that equal 4,774 from AL III:47. The first table shows LMNOPQ as
composed of 51 letters, which is also important because I first began receiving Liber DCLXVI
SATAN at 12:32am est on 5/1/1999, which encodes 51 by the month and day being May 1st.
Beyond LMNOPQ and AL III:47 equalling 4,774, The Comment to AL also equals 4,774 in
Serial English if the name “Hoor-Paar-Kraat” = 143 is used rather than “Ankh-f-n-knonsu” =
142. The sense of this is that now that the magickal child is manifest he is to sign his signature
of “Hoor-Paar-Kraat” to The Comment as the final Seal to Liber AL vel Legis.

The 51 Letters Composing Keys LMNOPQ

1 T 20 The Star 91 7 621
2 H 8 The Chariot 107 10 1,002
3 E 5 The King 74 7 644
4 B 2 The Magus 94 8 696
L 5 A 1 The Fool 81 7 629
6 L 12 The Balance 71 10 943
7 A 1 The Fool 81 7 629
8 N 14 The Fish 75 7 666
9 C 3 The High Priestess 195 16 1,457
__ 10 E 5 The King 74 7 644
11 T 20 The Star 91 7 621
12 H 8 The Chariot 107 10 1,002
M 13 E 5 The King 74 7 644
14 M 13 The Man 61 6 489
15 A 1 The Fool 81 7 629
__ 16 N 14 The Fish 75 7 666
17 T 20 The Star 91 7 621
18 H 8 The Chariot 107 10 1,002
19 E 5 The King 74 7 644
N 20 F 6 Hierophant 114 10 876
21 I 9 The Snake 83 8 682
22 S 19 The Moon 90 7 580
__ 23 H 8 The Chariot 107 10 1,002
24 T 20 The Star 91 7 621
25 H 8 The Chariot 107 10 1,002
26 E 5 The King 74 7 644
27 A 1 The Fool 81 7 629
O 28 R 18 The Sun 87 6 505
29 C 3 The High Priestess 195 16 1,457
30 H 8 The Chariot 107 10 1,002
31 E 5 The King 74 7 644
__ 32 R 18 The Sun 87 6 505
33 T 20 The Star 91 7 621
34 H 8 The Chariot 107 10 1,002
35 E 5 The King 74 7 644
P 36 D 4 The Empress 128 10 833
37 E 5 The King 74 7 644
38 V 22 The Universal 154 12 1,055
39 I 9 The Snake 83 8 682
__ 40 L 12 The Balance 71 10 943
41 T 20 The Star 91 7 621
42 H 8 The Chariot 107 10 1,002
43 E 5 The King 74 7 644
44 F 6 Hierophant 114 10 876
45 O 15 The Archer 86 9 903
Q 46 R 18 The Sun 87 6 505
47 T 20 The Star 91 7 621
48 R 18 The Sun 87 6 505
49 E 5 The King 74 7 644
50 S 19 The Moon 90 7 580
__ 51 S 19 The Moon 90 7 580
531 4774 419 38303
The 419 Letters Composing Keys LMNOPQ
__ AL III:47
1 T 20 The Star 91 T 20
2 H 8 The Chariot 107 h 8
3 E 5 The King 74 i 9
T 4 S 19 The Moon 90 s 19
5 T 20 The Star 91 b 2
6 A 1 The Fool 81 o 15
__ 7 R 18 The Sun 87 o 15
8 T 20 The Star 91 k 11
9 H 8 The Chariot 107 s 19
10 E 5 The King 74 h 8
11 C 3 The High Priestess 195 a 1
H 12 H 8 The Chariot 107 l 12
13 A 1 The Fool 81 l 12
14 R 18 The Sun 87 b 2
15 I 9 The Snake 83 e 5
16 O 15 The Archer 86 t 20
__ 17 T 20 The Star 91 r 18
18 T 20 The Star 91 a 1
19 H 8 The Chariot 107 n 14
20 E 5 The King 74 s 19
E 21 K 11 The Abrahadabra 90 l 12
22 I 9 The Snake 83 a 1
23 N 14 The Fish 75 t 20
__ 24 G 7 The Lovers 124 e 5
25 T 20 The Star 91 d 4
26 H 8 The Chariot 107 i 9
27 E 5 The King 74 n 14
B 28 M 13 The Man 61 t 20
29 A 1 The Fool 81 o 15
30 G 7 The Lovers 124 a 1
31 U 21 The Aeon 68 l 12
__ 32 S 19 The Moon 90 l 12
33 T 20 The Star 91 t 20
34 H 8 The Chariot 107 o 15
35 E 5 The King 74 n 14
A 36 F 6 Hierophant 114 g 7
37 O 15 The Archer 86 u 21
38 O 15 The Archer 86 e 5
__ 39 L 12 The Balance 71 s: 19
40 T 20 The Star 91 b 2
41 H 8 The Chariot 107 u 21
42 E 5 The King 74 t 20
43 B 2 The Magus 94 a 1
L L 44 A 1 The Fool 81 l 12
45 L 12 The Balance 71 w 23
46 A 1 The Fool 81 a 1
47 N 14 The Fish 75 y 2
48 C 3 The High Priestess 195 s 19
__ 49 E 5 The King 74 w 23
50 T 20 The Star 91 i 9
51 H 8 The Chariot 107 t 20
52 E 5 The King 74 h 8
A 53 F 6 Hierophant 114 t 20
54 O 15 The Archer 86 h 8
55 O 15 The Archer 86 e 5
__ 56 L 12 The Balance 71 o 15
57 T 20 The Star 91 r 18
58 H 8 The Chariot 107 i 9
59 E 5 The King 74 g 7
N 60 F 6 Hierophant 114 i 9
61 I 9 The Snake 83 n 14
62 S 19 The Moon 90 a 1
__ 63 H 8 The Chariot 107 l 12
64 T 20 The Star 91 i 9
65 H 8 The Chariot 107 n 14
66 E 5 The King 74 t 20
67 H 8 The Chariot 107 h 8
68 I 9 The Snake 83 e 5
69 G 7 The Lovers 124 w 23
70 H 8 The Chariot 107 r 18
C 71 P 16 The Devil 85 i 9
72 R 18 The Sun 87 t 20
73 I 9 The Snake 83 i 9
74 E 5 The King 74 n 14
75 S 19 The Moon 90 g 7
76 T 20 The Star 91 o 15
77 E 5 The Chariot 107 f 6
78 S 19 The Moon 90 t 20
__ 79 S 19 The Moon 90 h 8
80 T 20 The Star 91 e 5
81 H 8 The Chariot 107 B 2
82 E 5 The King 74 e 5
E 83 K 11 The Abrahadabra 90 a 1
84 I 9 The Snake 83 s 19
85 N 14 The Fish 75 t; 20
__ __ 86 G 7 The Lovers 124 f 6
87 T 20 The Star 91 o 15
88 H 8 The Chariot 107 r 18
89 E 5 The King 74 i 9
T 90 S 19 The Moon 90 n 14
91 T 20 The Star 91 t 20
92 A 1 The Fool 81 h 8
__ 93 R 18 The Sun 87 e 5
94 T 20 The Star 91 c 3
95 H 8 The Chariot 107 h 8
96 E 5 The King 74 a 1
97 C 3 The High Priestess 195 n 14
H 98 H 8 The Chariot 107 c 3
99 A 1 The Fool 81 e 5
100 R 18 The Sun 87 h* 8
101 I 9 The Snake 83 a 1
102 O 15 The Archer 86 p 16
__ 103 T 20 The Star 91 e 5
104 T 20 The Star 91 o 15
105 H 8 The Chariot 107 f 6
106 E 5 The King 74 t 20
M E 107 K 11 The Abrahadabra 90 h 8
108 I 9 The Snake 83 e 5
109 N 14 The Fish 75 l 12
__ 110 G 7 The Lovers 124 e 5
111 T 20 The Star 91 t 20
112 H 8 The Chariot 107 t 20
M 113 E 5 The King 74 e 5
114 M 13 The Man 61 r 18
115 A 1 The Fool 81 s 19
__ 116 N 14 The Fish 75 a 1
117 T 20 The Star 91 n 14
118 H 8 The Chariot 107 d 4
119 E 5 The King 74 t 20
A 120 F 6 Hierophant 114 h 8
121 O 15 The Archer 86 e 5
122 O 15 The Archer 86 i 9
__ 123 L 12 The Balance 71 r 18
124 T 20 The Star 91 p 16
125 H 8 The Chariot 107 o 15
126 E 5 The King 74 s 19
N 127 F 6 Hierophant 114 i 9
128 I 9 The Snake 83 t 20
129 S 19 The Moon 90 i 9
__ __ 130 H 8 The Chariot 107 o 15
131 T 20 The Star 91 n 14
132 H 8 The Chariot 107 o* 15
133 E 5 The King 74 o 15
T 134 S 19 The Moon 90 n 14
135 T 20 The Star 91 e 5
136 A 1 The Fool 81 a 1
__ 137 R 18 The Sun 87 n 14
138 T 20 The Star 91 o 15
139 H 8 The Chariot 107 t 20
140 E 5 The King 74 h 8
141 C 3 The High Priestess 195 e 5
H 142 H 8 The Chariot 107 r: 18
143 A 1 The Fool 81 i 9
144 R 18 The Sun 87 n 14
145 I 9 The Snake 83 t 20
146 O 15 The Archer 86 h 8
__ 147 T 20 The Star 91 e 5
148 T 20 The Star 91 s 19
149 H 8 The Chariot 107 e 5
150 E 74 The King 74 a 1
E 151 K 11 The Abrahadabra 90 r 18
152 I 9 The Snake 83 e 5
153 N 14 The Fish 75 m 13
__ 154 G 7 The Lovers 124 y 25
155 H 8 The Chariot 107 s 19
156 I 9 The Snake 83 t 20
157 E 5 The King 74 e 5
158 R 18 The Sun 87 r 18
N F 159 O 15 The Archer 86 i 9
160 P 16 The Devil 85 e 5
161 H 8 The Chariot 107 s 19
162 A 1 The Fool 81 t 20
163 N 14 The Fish 75 h 8
__ 164 T 20 The Star 91 a 1
165 T 20 The Star 91 t 20
166 H 8 The Chariot 107 n 14
167 E 5 The King 74 o 15
I 168 S 19 The Moon 90 a** 1
169 N 14 The Fish 75 s 19
170 A 1 The Fool 81 t 20
171 K 11 The Abrahadabra 90 s 19
__ 172 E 5 The King 74 h 8
173 T 20 The Star 91 a 1
174 H 8 The Chariot 107 l 12
175 E 5 The King 74 l 12
S 176 M 13 The Man 61 d 4
177 O 15 The Archer 86 i 9
178 O 15 The Archer 86 v 22
__ 179 N 14 The Fish 75 i 9
180 T 20 The Star 91 n 14
181 H 8 The Chariot 107 e. 5
182 E 5 The King 74 L 12
183 C 3 The High Priestess 195 e 5
H 184 H 8 The Chariot 107 t 20
185 A 1 The Fool 81 h 8
186 R 18 The Sun 87 i 9
187 I 9 The Snake 83 m 13
188 O 15 The Archer 86 n 14
__ __ 189 T 20 The Star 91 o 15
190 T 20 The Star 91 t 20
191 H 8 The Chariot 107 s 19
192 E 5 The King 74 e 5
T 193 S 19 The Moon 90 e 5
194 T 20 The Star 91 k 11
195 A 1 The Fool 81 t 20
__ 196 R 18 The Sun 87 o 15
197 T 20 The Star 87 r* 18
198 H 8 The Chariot 107 y: 25
199 E 5 The King 74 b 2
200 C 3 The High Priestess 195 u 21
H 201 H 8 The Chariot 107 t 20
202 A 1 The Fool 81 o 15
203 R 18 The Sun 87 n 14
204 I 9 The Snake 83 e 5
205 O 15 The Archer 86 c 3
__ 206 T 20 The Star 91 o 15
207 T 20 The Star 91 m 13
208 H 8 The Chariot 107 e 5
209 E 5 The King 74 t 20
E 210 K 11 The Abrahadabra 90 h 8
211 I 9 The Snake 83 a 1
212 N 14 The Fish 75 f 6
__ 213 G 7 The Lovers 124 t 20
214 T 20 The Star 91 e 5
215 H 8 The Chariot 107 r 18
216 E 5 The King 74 h 8
A 217 F 6 Hierophant 114 i 9
218 O 15 The Archer 86 m, 13
219 O 15 The Archer 86 w 23
__ 220 L 12 The Balance 71 h 8
221 T 20 The Star 91 e 5
222 H 8 The Chariot 107 n 14
R 223 E 5 The King 74 c 3
224 S 19 The Moon 90 e 5
225 U 21 The Aeon 68 n**** 14
__ 226 N 13 The Fish 75 o 15
O 227 T 20 The Star 91 t, 20
228 H 8 The Chariot 107 w 23
229 E 5 The King 74 h 8
230 H 8 The Chariot 107 o 15
231 I 9 The Snake 83 s 19
232 G 7 The Lovers 124 h 8
233 H 8 The Chariot 107 a 1
C 234 P 16 The Devil 85 l 12
235 R 18 The Sun 87 l 12
236 I 9 The Snake 83 d 4
237 E 5 The King 74 i 9
238 S 19 The Moon 90 s 19
239 T 20 The Star 91 c 3
240 E 5 The King 74 o 15
241 S 19 The Moon 90 v 22
__ 242 S 19 The Moon 90 e 5
243 T 20 The Star 91 r 18
244 H 8 The Chariot 107 t 20
245 E 5 The King 74 h 8
246 C 3 The High Priestess 195 e 5
H 247 H 8 The Chariot 107 K 11
248 A 1 The Fool 81 e 5
249 R 18 The Sun 87 y 25
250 I 9 The Snake 83 o 15
251 O 15 The Archer 86 i* 9
__ 252 T 20 The Star 91 t 20
253 T 20 The Star 91 a 1
254 H 8 The Chariot 107 l 12
255 E 5 The King 74 l. 12
E 256 K 11 The Abrahadabra 90 T 20
257 I 9 The Snake 83 h 8
258 N 14 The Fish 75 e 5
__ 259 G 7 The Lovers 124 n 14
260 T 20 The Star 91 t 20
261 H 8 The Chariot 107 h 8
R 262 E 5 The King 74 i 9
263 S 19 The Moon 90 s 19
264 U 21 The Aeon 68 l 12
__ __ 265 N 14 The Fish 75 i 9
266 T 20 The Star 91 n 14
267 H 8 The Chariot 107 e 5
268 E 5 The King 74 d 4
T 269 S 19 The Moon 90 r 18
270 T 20 The Star 91 a 1
271 A 1 The Fool 81 w 23
__ 272 R 18 The Sun 87 n 14
273 T 20 The Star 91 i 9
274 H 8 The Chariot 107 s 19
275 E 5 The King 74 k* 11
276 C 3 The High Priestess 195 e 5
H 277 H 8 The Chariot 107 y: 25
278 A 1 The Fool 81 t 20
279 R 18 The Sun 87 h 8
280 I 9 The Snake 83 e 5
281 O 15 The Archer 86 n 14
__ 282 T 20 The Star 91 t 20
283 T 20 The Star 91 h 8
284 H 8 The Chariot 107 i 9
285 E 5 The King 74 s 19
E 286 K 11 The Abrahadabra 90 c 3
287 I 9 The Snake 83 i 9
288 N 14 The Fish 75 r 18
__ 289 G 7 The Lovers 124 c 3
290 T 20 The Star 91 l 12
291 H 8 The Chariot 107 e 5
292 E 5 The King 74 s 19
293 E 5 The King 74 q 17
D 294 M 13 The Man 61 u 21
295 P 16 The Devil 85 a 1
296 R 18 The Sun 87 r 18
297 E 5 The King 74 e 5
298 S 19 The Moon 90 d 4
__ 299 S 19 The Moon 90 (vertical line) 1
300 T 20 The Star 91 (horizontal line) 1
301 H 8 The Chariot 107 (clockwise circle) 1
302 E 5 The King 74 i 9
P E 303 K 11 The Abrahadabra 90 n 14
304 I 9 The Snake 83 i 9
305 N 14 The Fish 75 t 20
__ 306 G 7 The Lovers 124 s 19
307 T 20 The Star 91 f 6
308 H 8 The Chariot 107 a 1
309 E 5 The King 74 i 9
310 U 21 The Aeon 68 l 12
311 N 14 The Fish 75 u 21
V 312 I 9 The Snake 83 r 18
313 V 22 The Universal 154 e 5
314 E 5 The King 74 i 9
315 R 18 The Sun 87 s 19
316 S 19 The Moon 90 a 1
317 A 1 The Fool 81 k 11
__ 318 L 12 The Balance 71 e 5
319 T 20 The Star 91 y 25
320 H 8 The Chariot 107 a 1
321 E 5 The King 74 l 12
I 322 S 19 The Moon 90 s 19
323 N 14 The Fish 75 o. 15
324 A 1 The Fool 81 A 1
325 K 11 The Abrahadabra 90 n 14
__ 326 E 5 The King 74 d 4
327 T 20 The Star 91 A 1
328 H 8 The Chariot 107 b 2
329 E 5 The King 74 r 18
330 B 2 The Magus 94 a 1
L 331 A 1 The Fool 81 h 8
332 L 12 The Balance 71 a 1
333 A 1 The Fool 81 d 4
334 N 13 The Fish 75 a 1
335 C 3 The High Priestess 195 b 2
__ __ 336 E 5 The King 74 r 18
337 T 20 The Star 91 a. 1
338 H 8 The Chariot 107 I 9
339 E 5 The King 74 t 20
T 340 S 19 The Moon 90 s 19
341 T 20 The Star 91 h 8
342 A 1 The Fool 81 a 1
__ 343 R 18 The Sun 87 l 12
344 T 20 The Star 91 l 12
345 H 8 The Chariot 107 b 2
346 E 5 The King 74 e 5
347 C 3 The High Priestess 195 h 8
H 348 H 8 The Chariot 107 i 9
349 A 1 The Fool 81 s 19
350 R 18 The Sun 87 c 3
351 I 9 The Snake 83 h 8
352 O 15 The Archer 86 i 9
__ 353 T 20 The Star 91 l 12
354 T 20 The Star 91 d, & 4
355 H 8 The Chariot 107 t 20
356 E 5 The King 74 h 8
E 357 K 11 The Abrahadabra 90 a 1
358 I 9 The Snake 83 t 20
359 N 14 The Fish 75 s 19
__ 360 G 7 The Lovers 124 t 20
361 H 8 The Chariot 107 r 18
362 I 9 The Snake 83 a 1
363 E 5 The King 74 n 14
364 R 18 The Sun 87 g 7
F 365 O 15 The Archer 86 e 5
366 P 16 The Devil 85 l 12
367 H 8 The Chariot 107 y. 25
368 A 1 The Fool 81 L 12
369 N 14 The Fish 75 e 5
__ 370 T 20 The Star 91 t 20
371 T 20 The Star 91 h 8
372 H 8 The Chariot 107 i 9
373 E 5 The King 74 m 13
374 A 1 The Fool 81 n 14
O 375 R 18 The Sun 87 o 15
376 C 3 The High Priestess 195 t 20
377 H 8 The Chariot 107 s 19
Q 378 E 5 The King 74 e 5
__ 379 R 18 The Sun 87 e 5
380 T 20 The Star 91 k 11
381 H 8 The Chariot 107 a 1
R 382 E 5 The King 74 f 6
383 S 19 The Moon 90 t 20
384 U 21 The Aeon 68 e 5
__ 385 N 14 The Fish 75 r 18
386 T 20 The Star 91 t 20
387 H 8 The Chariot 107 h 8
388 E 5 The King 74 i 9
T 389 S 19 The Moon 90 s; 19
390 T 20 The Star 91 f 6
391 A 1 The Fool 81 o 15
__ 392 R 18 The Sun 87 r 18
393 T 20 The Star 91 t 20
394 H 8 The Chariot 107 h 8
R 395 E 5 The King 74 e 5
396 S 19 The Moon 90 r 18
397 U 21 The Aeon 68 e 5
__ 398 N 14 The Fish 75 b 2
399 T 20 The Star 91 y 25
400 H 8 The Chariot 107 a 1
401 E 5 The King 74 l 12
E 402 K 11 The Abrahadabra 90 o 15
403 I 9 The Snake 83 n 14
404 N 14 The Fish 75 e 5
__ 405 G 7 The Lovers 124 c 3
406 T 20 The Star 91 a 1
407 H 8 The Chariot 107 n 14
408 E 5 The King 74 h 8
S 409 M 13 The Man 61 e 5
410 O 15 The Archer 86 f 6
411 O 15 The Archer 86 a 1
__ 412 N 14 The Fish 75 l 12
413 T 20 The Star 91 l 12
414 H 8 The Chariot 107 f 6
415 E 5 The King 74 r 18
S 416 M 13 The Man 61 o 15
417 O 15 The Archer 86 m 13
418 O 15 The Archer 86 i 9
__ __ 419 N 14 The Fish 75 t. 20
4,774 38,303 4,774

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