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c ccc 

   has estimated that the average American comes into
contact with about      everyday ͙͙͙.͟[Camposano,1996]

Latest top level BMWs contain over     ͙͙

An c    is a microprocessor based system that is embedded as a subsystem, in a

larger system (which may or may not be a computer system).

It has various    such as automotive electronics, Aircraft electronics, Trains,
Telecommunications, Medical systems, Military applications, Authentication, Consumer
electronics, Fabrication equipment, smart buildings and list goes on.

All embedded systems are microprocessor based systems, but all microprocessor based
systems may not be amenable to embedding (Area, power, cost, payload parameters).

Most of the embedded systems have    , but there may be ES which are not
hard RTS, for example off line Palm tops.

Embedded systems are  ; they are designed for dedicated applications with specific
interfaces with the sphere of control.

$ c%!
c ccc :

It is estimated that each year embedded software is written five times as much as ͚regular͛

The vast majority of C.P.U. chips produced worldwide today are used in the embedded market.

Now coming out of that there are some problems too, which need to be sorted out ͙͙..

r üow to capture the required behavior of complex systems.

r üow do we validate specifications?
r üow do we translate specifications efficiently into implementations?
r Êo software engineers ever consider electrical power?

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