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Quran is the religious book of the Muslims. They believe it to be God's exact word to us in his last
revelation. The Quran is split in to suras (chorus) and the suras are made up from ayaats (or verses).

Numerology, meanwhile, is the ancient art of divining meaning from numbers.

The Quran and the Number 19

Sura Al Muddaththir - the cloaked one (74:30) - simply says 'above it are 19'. What is this '19' it talks
about? Well in this entry we will be dealing with one of two meanings. On prophet Muhammad's first
visit to the cave, where the ayaats and suras where revealed to him, he was given five ayaats; on his
second visit he was given 14 ayaats, making 19 ayaats so far. After uttering the word '19' of the above
ayaat, a sura of 19 ayaats was completed. The first ayaat of the very first revelation (96:1-5) has just 19
words. These 19 words consist of exactly 76 letters. 19x4=76. If we started counting backwards from the
last sura (114) we will find that sura 96 is the 19th sura from the end of the Quran. There are 114 suras,
which is 19x6. Many people say this is just coincidence. So far we have five 'coincidences' - there are
more to come.

The Seal of the Suras

Each sura has a 'seal', which is found at the beginning of each sura. All the suras have to rhyme in Arabic
with the 'seal'. The seal is a phrase, Bismillah-Rahmanir-Rahim which means 'In the name of Allah, most
gracious, most merciful'. In Arabic it is spelled with 19 letters (not including repetitions). Have you tried
writing a book of poetry with each poem starting with the same sentence, which is exactly 19 letters

The Quran has 114 suras, all of which start and rhyme with this 19-letter sentence. The Arabic words for
'name', 'god', 'his most gracious' and 'the most merciful' make up the 'seal'. As we know in Arabic, the
seal has 19 letters in it but each individual word appears in the Quran a number of times: 'Name'
appears 19 times; 'God' appears 2698 times (19x142); 'The most gracious' appears 57 times (19x3); 'The
most merciful' appears 114 times (19x6).

Is this coincidence? The fact is, Muhammad could not write, so how could he keep track of all this.

The Missing Seal

As already noted, this 'seal' appears on every sura, apart from one - sura 9. This is because sura 9
describes severe grievous penalties to those who reject faith. If the seal had been used on that sura, it
would, in effect, contradict itself. But not including it means that the Quran is short by one, meaning it's
not a multiple of 19. This quota is, however, made up elsewhere, in sura Naml ayaat 30, which reads:

It is from Solomon, and is (as follows): In the name of god, most gracious, most merciful.

So the 'seal' is repeated in another sura to make up the 114 needed.

The holy Quran is the only book that has certain chapters (suras) that have specific initials - called
'muqataat'. These initials seemed to have no meaning. Only 14 of the Arabic letters of the alphabet are
used. These 14 letters are constituted into 14 different combinations. Only 29 suras have these letters
on them. 14+14+29=57. 57=19x3

Bismillah - the section of the seal that refers to the name of God, is made up of ten letters in Arabic, not
including repetitions, of which nine are common with the muqataat. The Arabic letter for 'B' is not used.

Sura al qalam (68) contains a muqataat letter, 'nun' or 'n' in English. If you count how many times 'nun'
appears in that sura, you will find there are 133 of them - 133=19x7.

Suras 50 and 42 contain the letter 'qaf'. Sura 42 has a five-letter combination ending with qaf. Lets just
look at this sura first. If we add all the 'ha's, 'mmin's, 'ain's, 'sin's and 'qaf's we get a total of 570.

Now, let's focus on 'qaf'.

Suras 42 and 50 have 'qaf' as a common denominator. There are 57 'qaf's in sura 50 and 57 'qaf's in sura
42. 57=19x3. 57+57=114=19x6. Scholars think that 'qaf' may mean 'Quran', hence 114 as that are one
for every sura. There is an average of one use of the word 'god' (Allah) for every 2.5 ayaats; if one
sentence is deleted or added then this preserving system would be for nothing. This is one of the ways
historians can prove the Quranremains the same as it was the day it was first written down.

We have, without doubt, sent down the message, and we will assuredly guard if (from corruption).
Al hijr the rocky tract (15:9).

Suras 7,19 and 38 have the common dominator 'sad'. The total numbers of 'sad's in these three ayaats is
152. 152=19x8.

In fact, every one of the muqataat letters can be reduced to a domination of 19. Even on suras that
contain four or five of these letters.

Sura 7 contains 'alif' (2529 times), 'lam' (1530 times), 'mim' (1164 times) and 'sad' (97 times). Add them
all up and you get 5320, which is 19 x 280.

Sura 19 contains 'kaf' (137 times), 'ha' (175 times), 'ya' (345 times), 'ain' (117 times) and 'sad' (26 times).
Add them all together and you get 796, or 19x42.

Six suras have 'alif', 'lam' and 'min' as initials.

Sura No. Min Lam Alif

2 2195 3202 4502
3 1249 1892 2521
29 344 554 774
30 317 393 544
31 173 297 347
32 158 155 257
Totals 4436 6493 8945

Add them together and you get 19874 = 19x1076. Oh, and remembering the six suras as well, 6x19=114.

How can Muhammad, the busiest man of his time, a man who could neither read nor write, work out
such an intricate mathematical code for the Quran? It is surely beyond the limits of mere coincidence.

This entry has only given you one half of the Quran's mathematics, as the 19 figures elsewhere too....

More Maths on a lower scale

After dealing with the above we come across another interesting thing in the Quran. That is, it balances
out what it says. For instance, the word 'sermon' is mentioned 25 times and, as the sermon is spoken,
the word 'tongue' is also mentioned 25 times. This could be put down to coincidence but the list is quite
extensive to be occur just by chance. For example:

 'Desire' eight times - 'Fear' eight times.

 'Speaking publicly' 18 - 'Publicising' 18 times.
 'Hardship' 114 - 'Patience' 114 times.
 'Mohammad' four - 'Shariah'1 four times.
 'Man' 24 - 'Woman' 24 times.
 'Dunia' (one word for life) 115 - 'Aakhira' (one word for the hearafter) 115 times.
 'Malayika' (angels) 88 - 'Shaytan '(Satan) 88 times.
 'Life' 145 - 'death' 145 times.
 'Benefit' 50 - 'corruption' 50 times.
 'People' 50 - 'messengers' 50 times.
 'Magic' 60 - Fitnah (misdirection) 60.
 'Zakat' (Tax on Muslims given to the poor) 32 - 'Baraka' (increasing the blessing of wealth) 32.
 'Mind' 49 - 'Nur' (light) 49.

The word 'Salat' (or 'prayer') appears five times in the Quran and it is compulsory to do five prayers a
day. 'Month' appears 12 times, 'Day' appears 365 times.

Even more oddly than that the word sea appears '32' times, while the word 'land' appears 13 times.

 32+13= 45
 Percentage of sea = 32/45 x 100 = 71.1 percent
 Percentage of land = 42/32 x 100 = 28.9 percent.

Modern science has only discovered comparatively recently that water covers 71.1 percent of the earth
and that land covers 28.9 percent. Weighing up every thing said so far, can it all be put down to
coincidence? Many feel that this goes some way to proving that the Quran is the word of God.

Numerology of Holy Qur’an. It’s a miracle & not a simple Numerology.

Professor Dr. Syed Akbar Abbas Naqvi being a numerologist and a commentator of Qur’an with the
miraculous holy knowledge have provided a lot in this relation in his holy book for the Numerical
number 19. Muslims, Christians and Jews have not only failed to understand the difference between
numerology and mathematics but they also unable to understand that what God called “One of the
great ( Numerical Miracle / News )” Qur’an 74:35.

The miracle of the holy Qur’an is based on pure mathematical factors and as well as on the numbers /
letters in the Qur’an. There is no claim of any occult significance of any number or letters before
Professor Dr. Syed Akbar Abbas Naqvi briefly on the significance of number 19 explained by God
Almighty at Qur’an 74:30. The miracle of the Qur’an is a phenomenal mathematical relationship of the
chapters, verses, words and the numbers in the holy Qur’an. For example the Qur’an has 114 chapters
(19X6), The first verse 1:1 known as “Bism’allah” consists of 19 letters. The total number of verses in the
Qur’an is 6346, or 19 x 334.The “Bism’allah” occurs in the Qur’an 114 times (19 x 6), despite its
conspicuous absence from Chapter 9. The famous first revelation ( 96:1-5 ) consists of 19 words. This 19-
worded first revelation consists of 76 letters, & 76 = 19 x 4. The word ALLAH occurs throughout the
Qur’an in its 114 Chapters 2698 times and 2698= 19 x 142. The number of verses where the word Allah
occurs add up to 118123 also a multiple of 19, = 19 x 6217 and so on for hundreds of similar
mathematical findings are available in a miraculous book written by Professor Dr. Syed Akbar Abbas
Naqvi. We have submitted few refrences out of his great book about holy sign 19 ” Book of numerical
wisdom” for our website readers as under:

All the holy discoveries are consistent with God’s submission in holy Qur’an at 74 : 29 -30. Any sincere
person can see, there is no occult significance or hidden values but straight forward mathematics of the
holy Qur’an. Those who calls it other than numerology, are in great ignorance and their deliberate
attempt to cover up their inability to understand or purposely denying the holy truth. The Numeric
Value for “Allaho Akbar” is disclosed as 289 ( 19 ) which is as under :
{ Alf + Lam + Lam + Ha + Alf + Kaf + Ba + Ray }.

1 + 30 + 30 + 5 + 1 + 20 + 2 + 200 = 289.

Thus, reducing the value of 289, it will be as 2+8+9 = 19.

In the same way now you will find that the word “Bra Ellohim” of “Hebrew” equal to Allah ‘o’ Akbar also
have the same value 289 [ 19 ] displayed for you as under :
{ Ba + Ray + Alf, Alf + Lam + Ha + Yei + Mim}.

2 + 200 + 1 + 1 + 30 + 5 + 10 + 40 = 289.

Thus, reducing the value of 289, it will be as 2+8+9 = 19.

Amazingly, it has the same value 289 again, even the different alphabets were used in it, which were
different than the Arabic word Allah’o Akbar. Likewise, you will again find the same numeric value for
the Holy name “AL : Raheem” = 289 [ 19 ] please see :
{ Alf + Lam + Ray + Hey + Yei + Mim }

1 + 30 + 200 + 8 + 10 + 40 = 289.

Thus, reducing the value of 289, it will be as 2+8+9 = 19.

Likewise, once again you will increase in your Iman, to know that the Arabic word AL : Anwar / The
Lights again have been discovered for you, exactly having the same numeric value 289 [19 ] equal to Al
Raheem. See as under :
{ Alf + Lam + Alf + Nun + Wao + Alf + Rey }

1 + 30 + 1 + 50 + 6 + 1 + 200 = 289.

Thus, reducing the value of 289, it will be as 2+8+9 = 19.

Now you will agree with me that the Holy discoveries of 289 [ 19 ] is also very important in the Heaven.
Even before the day of Creation, the importance of it was there. Al- Anwar / The Divine Lights are plural
in form, same as the Arabic words “Nuroun Ela Nurien” Lights above Lights are the plural in form of AL :
Noor a united Light in oneness of Wahid. The Allah being the oneness of His Holy Attributes of Light has
been called as “Wahid” the word Wahid in Arabic also holds the numeric value 19 disclosed : { Wao +
Alif + Ha + Dal }
6 + 1 + 8 + 4 = 19.
Therefore, 289 (19) related to the holy Divinity in relation to the Divine Lights. It’s only for my students
of Illahiyat, for them I have, taught the whole Holy Divinity based on 19 with authentic evidences from
the holy Books and Sahaif / Scrolls of past including holy Qur‘an. All the holy attributes with Lord are
from Lights / Anwar and they have been called Nuroun and Nurien in Qur‘an 24 : 35.
The Allah of Arabic is “Allaha” of Syriac Peshitta / Siryani, the language of Syria in which the Injeel was
preached. Allaha was the alternate for the word “Ellohim” of Hebrew. Which is also a plural in form of

The word Allah has it’s numeric value 66 based on ( 6=6=12 ).

Ellohim is a plural in form of Ellohi of Hebrew. Therefore, Arabic God / Allah has it’s from Ellohim of
Hebrew and Allaha‘a of Siryani. Thus the word Allah must be taken as a plural in form. The idea of the
previous Muslim Scholars have been proved false, that Allah is nor singular not plural. The holy Qur’an
has also rejected their false thoughts confirming that the Allah is in two groups, Lights above the Lights
“Nuroun Ela Nurien, please look at :

Qur’an Surah Noor 24 : 35.

“The Allah is the Light ( Nour ) of Heaven and the Earth. The example of His Light is….. LikeNuroun- Ela –
Nurien/ Lights above the Lights.” Allah guides unto His Light whomsoever He wills, and Allah sets forth
parable for the people ……..”
It shows clearly, that Allah’s Noor is divided in to two Groups, as “Nuroun- Ela – Nurien, Lights above the
Lights. The Nuroun group is above the Nurien group. Whilst, the higher Group “Nuroun” is also Higher in
rank. It will be disclosed for you in my next lessons. I have disclosed first time for all the students of
Illahiyat that these two groups of Lights are divided in to two as14 & 5 = 19 Holy Lights”. It is important
to note that all the Shia and Sunni ( Hanfi ) Scholars were believing the Lights of Allah in plural but they
were totally ignorant from these two divisions of Lights based on 19. According to the Holy Qur’an, the
Higher Group of Lights, beingNuroun has reached to the mankind.
Qur‘an said at 5 : 15.

“Qad Ja’aokum min Allahe Nuroun va Kitabien Mubbien……….” Reached to you Lights /Nurounout of
[two Holy groups of Lights of ] Allah, and the Manifested Book. Kitabien Mubbien”.
Some of our English translators, has mistranslated, the word Nuroun ELa’a Noorien as Light upon Light,
but you may know that, Nuroun and Nurien words of Arabic language are plural in form and can only be
translated as Lights above the Lights. As per the Arabic law of plurality you must have three or more
than three.  The Law of plurality in Arabic doesn’t cover even 2 being a plural.”
Moreover, Surah “AL : Ea’ala” introducing our Lord consisting of 19 Holy Verses, in one Raku / Section,
making a sign of oneness of 19. 18+1= 19 Holy ones of Light. The word18 as 1 + 8 = 9 is a sign of Dot .
The Numeric value 9 is disclosed as the value of Dot. It is also very amazing that our Lord Most High has
given Literacy from the Numeracy, & the Numeracy was the foundation of all the Literacy.
For example:

The divine Authorities have said in the Qur’an that We have made AL: Shams and AL: Qamr“/Sun and
Moon” as an example for the men of understanding. The speed of light is related with both of them.
Amazingly, the numerical values of the names Sun and Moon has disclosed the same as our Holy sign
“19“ because of their oneness.{ Alf + Lam + Shin + Mim + Sin } AL : Shams / The Sun 431 ( 8).
1 + 30 + 300 + 40 + 60 = 431.

By reducing the sign comes as [4+3+1] = 8.

{ Alf + Lam + Quaf +Mim + Rey } AL : Qamr / The Moon = 371(11).
1 + 30 + 100 + 30 + 200 = 371.

By reducing he sign comes as [3 +7 +1] =11.

Thus the sign of Sun and Moon comes as 8 + 11 = 19.
You may know that the SUN and Moon were also called two couples in surah Yousaf 12thchapter of the
Holy Qur’an. The couples are one in oneness according to the holy guidance of the previous holy
The Lord has fixed the “Speed of Light” from Sun to our Land in 8 Seconds, then according to the speed
of light its name Al: Shams, which was given to the Sun on the basis of it’s sign 431[ 8 ].
The Speed of Reflection from Sun via Moon arrives to our Land in 11 Seconds. Now according to the
speed of Reflection its name Al: Qamr, which was given to the Moon on the basis of it’s sign371[ 11 ].
The Scientists have found the duration of Speed of Light same as above but they haven’t found the
speed of Reflection. Perhaps they don’t want it at present.
See another example again:

Qur’an Chapter ( Bani Israel ) 17 : 12.

“ and We appoint the night and the day two Signs. Then We make the dark a Sign of the night and We
make the Sign of the day sight giving, that you may seek bounty from your Lord and that you may know
the computation of the years and the reckoning. [ 7 days a week and 12months a year 7+12=19 ]
And everything, We have expounded Mathematically.”
The Most High God / Allah-ul-Aziem ( JJ ) have promised us, to show His miracles, only to the sincere
believers, who attained certainty at Qur’an 2 :118 and 83 :18-22 including many other holy verses.

The Myth of 786

The history of numerology, complex as it is, can be traced to the ancient civilisations of Egypt, Babylon,
Assyria, Greece and India. This ancient art of numerology went hand in hand with the development of
mathematics, geometry and trigonometry. One man who contributed most to this art was Pythagoras.
In his view, all things can be expressed in numerical terms because all the science of Gematria. The
Qabalist Gemetria is based on the combination of magic and philosophy which centred on twenty two
letters of the Hebrew alphabet and its corresponding numbers to discover hidden meaning in the
Scripture by interchanging Hebrew words whose letters have the same numerical value when added.
Some Muslim theological adventurers who called it ABJAD borrowed this science of Gemetria. Thomas
Patrick Hughes, in his Dictionary of Islaam, explains ABJAD as "The name of an arithmetical arrangement
of the alphabets; the letters of which have different powers from one to one thousand. It is in order of
the alphabets as used by the Jews as far as 400 AD, then six remaining letters being added by Arabians."

Arabic Letters Arabic Words






















The above group of letters spell the words: ABJAD, HAWWAZ, HUTTI, KALAMAN, SA’FAS, QASHAT,
SAKHAZ AND ZAZIGH. The author of the Arabic lexicon, Al-Qamoos, is of the opinion that the first six
words are the names of celebrated kings of Madyan (Midian) and the last two were added by the
Arabians. Some scholars believe that they are the names of the eight sons of the inventor of the Arabic
character, Muramir Ibn Murra.
Having borrowed the Qabalist science of Gematria, the Muslim theological adventurers, who had
nothing else to do, got down to reducing the Qur’anic verses, and even the Soorahs, to numbers. The
most commonly used number is 786, which is a normally found letterhead beginning of books,
pamphlets, letters, etc. We are made to believe that 786 stands for BISMILLAAHIR RAHMAANIR RAHEEM
which is the very first verse of the Qur’an. It is my contention that 786 does NOT mean for
BISMILLAAHIR RAHMAANIR RAHEEM, for it has no meaning other than seven hundred and eighty-six
units of anything.

Symbolic Numbers
The Qur’an is not a book of mathematics or a book of symbolic numbers. The absurdity of ABJAD
numbers becomes clear if you reflect upon the following numbers 66, 92, 352, 296 and 62. What do
these numbers stand for? What do they mean? They are the numerical values of Allah, Muhammad
(pbuh), Qur’an, Rasool, and Nabi respectively. We all know that prisoners have numbers and those
numbers normally call them, but can we dare to allocate similar numbers to Allah and His Messenger?
The users of 786 have the arrogance to do so, but a God conscious Muslim (a Muslim with Taqwa) will
not even dream of using such numbers!

Imagine if the beautiful names like Muhammad, Mahmood, Mustapha, Abdullah, Zahid, Sajid, Rahmaan,
Ahmad, Shahid, Zainab, Fatimah, Khadijah and Aishah are transformed into numbers, 92, 98, 199, 142,
17, 68, 299, 56, 305, 69, 135, 622 and 376 respectively! How ridiculous these numbers sound does not
require any imagination. Is it not and insult to call people by numbers, is it not, then, the height of
arrogance to reduce the Qur’anic verses and Soorahs to meaningless numbers?

BISMILLAAHIR RAHMAANIR RAHEEM, the first verse of the Qur’an has a message and a meaning, but the
number 786 has no significance. Strange as it may appear, the numerical value of BISMILLAAHIR
RAHMAANIR RAHEEM is not 786 as is widely and positively believed but 787 as is apparent from the

The total is 787 and NOT 786, as we are made to believe! Someone from among the number theologians
has erred badly on this simple arithmetic!

It may interest readers that I have not taken into consideration the Alif in ISM (from BISMILLAAHIR) and
the Alif in Allah, nor have I taken into consideration the shaddah   on Allah, Ar-Rahmaan and Ar-
Raheem. With these, the numerical value would be even greater than 787!

There may be some who say that I should not have counted the Alif in Rahmaan. Why not? Rahmaan is

actually written as  corresponding to the matter of   . Even if we accept that
the correct value of BISMILLAAHIR RAHMAANIR RAHEEM IS 786, the number 786 remains
MEANINGLESS! It could stand for or represent anything. With a little imagination, various alphabets can
be grouped together to form a sensible or meaningless phrase containing a numerical value of 786. For
example the following words have a numerical value of 786:
The total value is 786. It is an examinable evidence. So WHAT does it prove? This is but one example.
Many others can be found! Even if the numerical value of BISMILLAAH was accurate (which is NOT the
case), 786 is not exclusive for BISMILLAAH. The example above should be more than sufficient for this

Allah revealed the Qur’an in Arabic. Let the Qur’an speak for itself, for it requires no advocates: "A book
of verses of which are well expounded, a discourse in Arabic for people who understand..."(41:3); "We
have revealed the Qur’an in Arabic so that you may understand."(43:3); "The speech of a man they
imply is alien, while this is purest Arabic." (16:103) "And the (Qur’an) is a revelation from the Lord of
the Worlds ... in plain Arabic." (26:192-195); "We have revealed a discourse in Arabic so that you may
understand." (12:2).

It is a matter of FACT that Allah has revealed the Qur’an in Arabic, as stated in the above selection and in
many other verses. Why was the Qur’an NOT revealed in mathematical figures? WHY ARE WE THEN,
CONVERTING IT INTO NUMBERS??? Did Allah, perhaps, commit an error, which our scholars are trying to
rectify? (Na’oozubillah). What message would mankind have received if the pages of the Qur’an had
filled with numbers and nothing else? It would have been unintelligible and a mystifying conundrum!

We are instructed to recite the Qur’an Majeed, as can be seen from the following verses: "And (it is) a
Qur’an that we have divided, that you may RECITE it unto mankind ate interval, and We have revealed
it by (successive) revelation." (17:106); "RECITE then, of the Qur’an that is easy for you..." (73:20).

Now would one recite the Qur’an if it is reduced to numbers? As an example, we shall reduce the Soorah
Fatiha to numerical figures for the benefit of the reader.
Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem............................................ 787
Al-humdolillaahir rub-ul alamin................................................ 632
Ar-Rahmaan-ur-Raheem......................................................... 618
Malikay yawm-midh deen....................................................... 242
Eeyya ka Na’ bo-du Wa eeyya ka nastha’een....................... 836
Ah’daynas-sira thal mustaqeem.............................................. 1073
Sirat-ul a th(z)eena unamtha alay-him..................................... 1807
Ghayril magh dhubay alayhim waludh ‘aleen.......................... 4194
Total numerical value............................................................... 10189

Does this mean that merely reading 10189 we have read the whole of Soorah al-Fatiha? How easy it is to
gain reward by just repeating the numbers! For example, to recite Soorah al-Fatiha ten times, we only
have to multiply by ten, i.e. 10189 ´ 10 = 101890, and just recite that number. Similarly the whole of the
Qur’an can be reduced to numbers. Meaningless and of NO significance, the numbers will NOT have a
message for the whole mankind!
Those who invented the "786", are GUILTY of tampering with the text of the Holy Qur’an. Muslims are
invited to give up this EVIL and disgusting practice of using 786. It is, I repeat, an innovation, evil and in
NO WAY sacred. It is a conspiracy against the kitaab (book) of Allah.

This old game of numbers was practised by the ancient Egyptians, as did many other civilisations. Islaam
came to ELIMINATE ALL such superstitions, mysteries and numerological mumbo-jumbo. However,
Muslims are still enslaved to the number game, and think that 786 represents BISMILLAAHIR
May ALLAH give us all the guidance to practice what is most Pleasing to Him!

Article taken from Al-Balaagh magazine


"786" - Does it stand for 'Bismillah Hirahmaan niraaheem' ?

We are meant to understand that '786' stands for 'Bismillah Hirahmaan Niraaheem'. How did it come
about, and who started it? The numerals 786 in no way represent 'Bismillah Hirahmaan Niraaheem' and
is not the Sunnat way. If one fears abuse of the letter, etc. 'Bismillah Hirahmaan Niraaheem' should be
recited verbally at the beginning of the letter which will suffice for the written script. Refer below.

By Mufti Ebrahim Desai

CAN NUMBER 786 REPLACE THE HOLY NAME OF GOD? The innovation of writing '786' replacing
'Bismillah Hirahmaan Niraaheem' has been adopted for a long time and the majority of the Ummah is
still indulged in it advertently.

Apart from the common folk, the scholars also heed no attention towards it and to avoid disrespect to
the Holy Words they use it in their letters and documents. They adopt it as 'correct' and 'better' way to
invite Allah's
blessings and have also started replacing the Holy Words by this number on their houses, offices,
buildings, etc. Unfortunately, this tendency is gradually gaining momentum. But, do we see this number
instead of the Holy Words in the Holy Qur'aan? Or, can we write it there as well? can we remove
'Bismillah Hirahmaan Niraaheem' from the top of Surah al-Faatiha and replace it with the number 786?
Obviously not. If we study the Qur'aan, we see it carries the holy words in a letter from Prophet
Solomon (pbuh) to the Queen of Sheeba -Bilqis - who was an infidel at that time. Even Prophet
Muhammad (sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) in his letters to different heads of states and governments,
used the holy words at the top.

Therefore, whosoever uses 786 with the intention to obtain Allah's blessings, is a misguided person and
any attempt to justify it, is ignorance. More astonishing is that fact that '786' is an aggregation of
the numbers of Hindu 'Lord Hari Krishna'. H(a)iri Kr(i)shna

h-5, r-200, r-10, k-20, r-200, sh-300, n-50, a-1 =Aggregate of 786

Thus, the aggregate number of these letters (Hari Krishna) equals 786. This is also the case of 'Bismillah
Hirahmaan Niraaheem'. Therefore, it is necessary to avoid using this number to avoid the danger of
being indulging in infidelity. Islam's foundation is laid on the belief in Tawheed (oneness of God). If we
associate anyone with Allah's exalted names orally or practically, we would be committing infidelity that
is an unpardonable sin.

The Qur'aan warns us, one who finds a rival against Allah, Allah will never allow him to enter paradise,
and his abode is the hell. The letters by the Prophet(sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) to non-Muslim Kings
and chiefs bear the holy words 'Bismillah Hirahmaan Niraaheem'. This was also the case of his noble
companions. Did the Prophet (sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) and his companions respect the Holy Words
less than we do? Was the verse, 'Today I completed your religion for you', revealed to the
Prophet(sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) or to the socalled scholars of our age who are all bent to amend
the Divine principles.

Now, when it became known that '786' is written in place of Hindu, 'Lord Krishna', and has no
significance in the Holy Qur'aan and Sunnah, it is obviously an innovation and goes against the Divine
doctrine of 'Obey Allah and His Prophet'. Similarly, some Muslims replace Allah's name by the number
'66' and the Prophet's name by '92'. But if one ask, the number '420' is used against somebody's name
and he is called '420'.Can he bear such an insult? Calling someone by a nick name is a sin. Allah Ta'ala
says, 'Don't call one another by nick names'. If Allah prohibits the use of nicknames for fellow human
beings, how can He allow the use of such insulting replacement number for Himself and His Prophet
(sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam).

'Bismillah Hirahmaan Niraaheem' has great significance in the Qur'aan and Muslims are ordered to begin
any work but in the names Allah,not in the number of '786' or any other substitution.

What is Arabic Numerology

There are numerous Astro - Sciences, such as astrology, palmistry, numerology, vaastu horoscope, etc.
Of these Numerology is suppose to be the most accurate and out of all Numerologies, Arabic
Numerology is the most authentic, accurate and has multi - purpose uses. Numerology in Hindi is called
'Ankh Vidya', in Urdu it is called 'Ilm -e- Adad' & in Arabic it is called 'Ilm - e -Jafr'. The Arabic language
has 28 alphabets & each of these alphabets have been given numbers, 1 to 1000, the end product of
which are - 1 to 9. We know that these 9 numbers are synonymous to the planets that are so very
important in our lives. Hence, if we take out these numbers from our life we are left with nothing. In fact
everything in this world depends totally on these numbers.

Though Arabic Numerology can predict the future, yet, we have deliberately omitted this area for
religious reasons & with the notion that apart from God no human can predict the future precisely.
However, to our best knowledge, we guide the people to a good future, with God’s blessings. God has
created the planetary system in which he attaches every individual to a particular planet that governs &
influences his life on this earth. If that individual is attached to the wrong planet owing to his name or
marriage combination then he shall suffer. All the prayers become ineffective, because God cannot
change the entire system for a few individuals. However, these individuals can change themselves so as
to be in harmony with the system.

What is this Planetary System & how does it affect our life on this earth? 
The logic behind this is that the man is made of two things - 
a) Name / Number - that attaches him to his respective planet(s)
b) Chemicals - which he receives in the form of rays from those planets.

There are 9 Astro - Planets and there are 9 numbers in numerology. Every number is governed by their
respective planets. Each of these planets possess different chemical configuration which influence
individuals. Humans absorb chemical rays from their respective planets which develop their
characteristics & have direct influence on their future. The chemical deficiencies, which every planet
has, cause particular illnesses & bad effects on life.

To authenticate this, our Guru travelled to Bengal & Bihar, which are the poorest states in India. There
he found that 80% of the names & marriage combinations of the people were bad. Then he travelled to
Punjab & Haryana, the richest states of India & found that 70% of the names & marriage combinations
were good. The names & marriage combinations of the Muslims in Northern & Eastern India were found
to be 85% bad, which proves the fact seeing their present conditions. This authenticated our claim to a
large extent.

You must have noticed in life that your co-workers who are unmatched to your personality, experience,
qualifications, intelligence are your bosses or are much better off than you. The reason is very simple -
their name or marriage combination is better than yours, hence that is what gives them an edge and
power over you. Arabic Numerology says that numbers 1, 3, and 9 are good name numbers and are of
those who are successful people, whereas 2, 4 and 7 are average name numbers which need the
support of above numbers to be effective. The bad numbers are 5, 6 and 8 and are of those who are
failures in life. Now, how these names are calculated? In Arabic Numerology the names are written in
Arabic. Each Arabic alphabet has a number. The numbers of each alphabet are added again and again till
we derive at a single digit from 1 to 9. That number becomes the person's name number. However,
there are various other methods of calculations in other forms of numerologies, such as by Date and
Time of Birth, First Alphabet or Full Name.

In Arabic numerology we first take the date of birth and then the first alphabet and lastly the total name
number. All these are matched or derived through the best combination. 
To give a boost to the name we usually recommend the people to wear gems and stones that go along
with their name’s first alphabet and the total name. This combination has done miracles in the lives of
thousands of people.
Arabic numerology best works at two stages and if our instructions are followed religiously, then these
two stages will make a total difference in any individual’s life.
1) Naming the Child 
2) Marital stage
What is this planetary system and how it is connected to Numerology?
It is a fact that you may be having the best of knowledge, degrees, experiences, background, etc, but if
the Forces of Nature are working against you then really nothing happens. Your life comes to a stand still
or is ruined. When such a situation arises the victim finds solace or seeks answers and help from spiritual
persons. This happens when wrong names are given or wrong marriage combinations take place or your
house is against vaastu norms, then the Forces of Nature act against you and unknowingly you start
making mistakes, hence putting you in greater trouble. To get out of such troubles / problems it is not

Arabic numerology is a science that can have innumerable applications. If it is followed religiously it can
do wonders in a person’s life. It has the ability to change the destiny or fortune not only of an individual,
but of a community and even the entire race or country. Arabic Numerology can guide us and make our
lives healthy and free from all tensions as it identifies the illnesses that are attached to each name
number and further guides us as to how they can be cured. All Mighty God has created the planetary
system which has 9 astro- planets. Then there are 9 name numbers through which he attaches every
individual to a particular planet that governs & influences his life on this earth. If any individual is
attached to the wrong planet owing to his name or marriage combination then he shall suffer. As said
earlier that humans absorb chemical rays from their respective planets which develop their
characteristics & have direct influence on their future. The chemical deficiencies, which every planet
has, cause particular illnesses & bad effects on life. Some of these illnesses are incurable. 

For instance, person with name number 1 wears spectacles at an early age and is prone to heart attacks.
He can also develop BP & diabetes. Name number 2 is allergic to new environment and may also
develop arthritis and skin problems. Number 3 has liver enlargement problem. Number 4 has heart and
backbone problems. Number 5 develop breast and lung related problems while number 6 has acute
stomach & below the waist problems. Number 7 has skin problems and number 8 has TB if he has a
combination with numbers 7 & 9. These combinations & 2 with 7, 1 with 3, 5 with 1, 6 with 4, 8 with 3
and same number combinations are mostly a cause of early child, suicide, and dowry deaths. Aids &
cancer usually happens to 4, 5, 6 & 8 number people. Number 9 has left ear problem. It can also cure
obesity as it identifies what name numbers are fat. Usually name numbers 4 & 9 in women are obese &
numbers 5, 6, & 9 in men or those having wrong combinations. 

Illness totally depends upon the name or marriage combination. There are broadly 81 name and
marriage combinations, which are divided into 6 categories. These categories, as per the chart, are:-
1. Excellent – which has 4.8 % combinations only
2. Very Good – has 7.4 % combinations,
3. Good – has 7.4 % combinations
4. Average – has 27.1 % combinations,
5. Bad – has 24.8 % combinations, and
6. Very Bad – has 28.5 % combinations.

From the above it is obvious that good combinations are very less as compared to bad combinations and
illness is the result of these average and bad combinations, which are more than 80 %. The 80-20 theory
is applicable here also. Now the question is how illness / disease take place? The theory is very simple. In
our 20 years of experience while we were treating people for general problems in life (especially
childless couples with 100% results), we found out that the main reasons for all these problems are the
name and marriage combinations – 
1. In name the combination is between the first alphabet (or the phonetic sound of a person’s name),
with the total name number. For example, Shelly is a combination between 3 (Sh) as first alphabet and 8
as full name. If she catches an illness the result can be disastrous. Similarly, Stephen, as per Arabic
Numerology, is a combination of 1 with 7, which is a very good name. If he catches any illness he can be
cured easily as he has a very strong name combination, which would build in him a strong immune

2. In marriage, the combination is between the husband and wife’s total name numbers. Here also the
phonetic sound of an alphabet is very important. For example, Stephen (7) which by itself is a good
name marries Shelly (8). This combination is disastrous. Both of them are in deep trouble and either of
them can be a victim of an incurable illness. But if Stephen (7) marries Monica (9) then they may never
have any kind of problem or serious illness.

Now, we know that the illnesses occur due to the chemical deficiencies in our body. This chemical
deficiency occurs due to wrong name and marriage combination. The main effect of illness is generally
seen after marriage. Hazrat Ali, the son-in-law of the Prophet (pbuh) had said,” Marriage is totally
responsible for your present condition and situation – whatever it is”. This includes illnesses also. What
is marriage? Marriage is the meeting of two souls and bodies that accept each other mentally. It is from
the day of this acceptance that the chemical transfer starts to take place from husband’s body into the
wife’s body and vice versa, even if they don’t sleep together. It is at the time of making love that the
transfer of these chemicals is at its peak. This transfer of chemical is negative or positive would depend
upon the category of marriage combination. In good combinations it has a positive effect giving boost to
each others immune systems, whereas in bad combinations the effect is negative, creating deficiencies
& weakening the immune system. Hence, the severity of an illness totally depends on the combination.
This philosophy of universal law doesn’t have any scientific reasoning but it is true. There are certain
things in life which have not been and probably shall never be explained by science.

Let us explain these 6 categories of combinations. People with excellent, very good and good
combinations may only have old age or minor illnesses, because the chemical reaction works positively,
creating a very strong immune system in these people. In average combination there may be minor,
major as well as incurable illnesses. In these combinations illnesses can be cured if the physician and
medication is good and there is no negligence on the part of the patient. In bad the chances of cure
could be 15 %, but in very bad the chances are very remote, even if the physician and medications are

1. Alexander The Great (4) married Roxane (4). 4 with 4 is a very bad combination. Alexander died within
a year from an illness. If he would not have married her, the history of this world would have been
2. Jawaharlal Nehru (3) married Kamla(1). Individually both the names are very good, but when married
it becomes a very bad combination. Nehru’s political career survived only after Kamla died very early
from an illness.
3. Shah Reza (7) of Iran had a good marriage combination prior to marrying Farrah Diba(8). This is a very
dangerous combination. His trouble started soon after & he had to leave Iran. He died shortly. May be, if
he had not married her, the history of Iran also would have been different today.
4. King Henry VIII(5) married Jane Seymour(9). 5 with 9 is an extremely bad combination. She died within
one year from an illness.
5. Indira (4) married Feroze Gandhi (6). Feroze died very early, also due to an illness.
6. Zeenat Aman(8), very famous Indian actress of 70s, married Mazhar Khan(2). Mazhar died very early
due to an illness.

All the above marriage combinations are very bad

Let us explain to you by giving another example. John is a businessman. According to Arabic numerology
his name number is 9. People with name number 9 are very successful in almost all the fields. John is
now big enough and plans to marry. He has various proposals. Let us discuss these proposals with
different combinations and the effects (illnesses) these combinations will have on John and his wife.
1. John (9) marries Demi (1). This marriage combination is good. Life for both will be healthy and
prosperous. John and Demi may only develop old age or minor illnesses, but nothing serious.
2. John (9) marries Cameroon (2). This is not a good combination. Life will be full of tensions with
financial problems. There may be no male or no child at all. Either of them can fall victim to long lasting
incurable illness. Chances of Cameroon being the victim are more.
3. John (9) marries Anita (3). This is an average combination. Life will be average. A childless issue may
be a problem. Anita may develop lung or breathing problems.
4. John (9) marries Leonne (4). This is a very bad combination. Life will be full of tension and financial
problems. John may develop right ear problem and may become obese. Even operation will not be able
to cure his right ear. Leonne may develop acidity, heart and hair problems.
5. John (9) marries Julia (5). This is a bad combination. Life will be full of problems at home and work
place. John may develop tension related illnesses. He may become obese and will develop right ear
problem when in late 30s. Julia may develop thighs and rheumatic pains and stomach problems. Here if
the wife becomes a victim to an incurable illness, her fate will be bad.
6. John (9) marries Jacqueline (6). This is an average combination. Life will be above average, though
relations will not be good. Child issue problems may be there. Jacqueline may have stomach and below
the waist illnesses. 
7. John (9) marries Lara (7). This is an excellent combination. No tension of any kind. Life will shower all
its blessings on the couple on all fronts. Health and financially the couple will remain very sound.
8. John (9) marries Shelly (8). This is the most dangerous combination. The couple can expect anything
from the very first day- whether accidental, health or financial. Both can be victims to incurable
illnesses, attacks of madness or eccentric behaviour, nervous breakdown and its kind. The woman may
be a victim of TB, Aids, 
cancer or acute arthritis problem. John may develop acute right ear problem, piles and backache. There
are many problems and illnesses in this combination.
9. John (9) marries Candice (9). This is also a very bad combination. Same number marriages are
dangerous. Stronger the number worse are the consequences. They will have almost the same problems
as above. In addition to that they may not have a child issue.

By now we are sure that you may have understood how, why and under what combinations we develop
illnesses. Arabic numerology not only identifies these illnesses but also gives us their cures. Before we go
to its cure let us give you another example that would clear the concept of why some dreaded illnesses
cannot be cured and why we just remain helpless spectators to it. Let us talk about Aids. 

The general perception is that Aids is an incurable illness, which takes the patient to his death bed. It
happens to those who have weak immune system. However, if we understand it in numerological sense,
why and to whom it happens it can be avoided and even cured and if Aids can be cured then any
dreaded illness can be cured. In the book, Prophetic Way of Treatment, Mr. Badr Azimabadi has quoted
the Prophet (pbuh), “God has not created any disease without also creating a cure for it……..” This is
agreed upon, because so far the man has found a cure for all the illnesses and shall succeed in finding a
cure for those that he has not yet found.

Name numbers 1, 3, & 9 are very strong numbers. You may very rarely find any person from these
numbers having Aids. Numbers 5, 6, & 8 are very bad numbers. These are the people who have
maximum number of diseases. In fact, the hospital is filled with these people. Numbers 2, 4, & 7 are
average numbers. If they have the support of 1, 3, & 9, respectively, then they will be healthy and
successful, but if they get the support of 5, 6, & 8 then they are in deep trouble. It has been seen that
Aids victims are usually from name numbers – 8, 6, 5 & 4. Among the women name numbers 8 & 4 and
among the men name numbers 4, 6 & 9 are sexually frustrated. They have no control on their sexual
desires. That is the main reason why these numbers contract Aids, as it is a sexually transmitted disease.
Number 5 develops a weak immune system naturally. Though, number 9 (those born in the second half
of the lunar month) is sexually frustrated, yet he may not catch Aids, because he has a very strong
immune system. Only those 9 name numbers can be victims, in very rare cases, who have their name’s
first alphabet number as 4, & 8. 
Say for instance, Shelly (8) contracts Aids. It is not necessary that her husband John (9) will contract Aids,
even if he sleeps with her for months. The chances are very remote. Magic Johnson, famous USA basket
ball player, had Aids, but his wife didn’t, similarly in the newspapers we read almost daily that the
husband has and the wife doesn’t or the wife has and the husband doesn’t, or both have and the
children born later don’t have. The reason is what we have explained to you – that their immune
system, due to their names, are very strong; hence they don’t become easy victim to any dreaded

However, on knowing that Shelly has Aids she is taken to the hospital where she is tested positive. The
seriousness of the illness will be derived from her cell counts. She then has to come on medication. The
medicines have chemicals in them. Shelly will be given those medicines that have those chemicals in
them, whose deficiencies have made her immune system weak. When these medicines are taken the
chemicals react positively. But these chemicals have a short life and hence have to be taken twice or
thrice a day.
As we already know that marriage means transfer of chemicals from the husband’s body to that of the
wife’s and vice versa. John and Shelly belong to opposite planets, who are enemies, in numerological
sense. The chemical transfer creates deficiencies of chemicals in the body of the weaker (by name
number) partner. These deficiencies, if marriage combination is very bad, develop illnesses that are
incurable. John’s marriage with Shelly is very bad for both. The good effect of the medicines cannot last
for long, as the transfer of chemicals, even when not sleeping together, is permanently creating a
stronger adverse effect. Result of this is that Shelly may never survive. Even a divorce at this stage may
not prove to be worthwhile. If Shelly’s husband would have been either Edward (8), or James (5), or
Charles (6), then probably she would have survived because the intensity of chemical reaction in her
body would be much less. Please note, that bad name number married to another bad name number
becomes an average combination. In average combination the condition does not deteriorate, it either
becomes better with medicines and therapies or else the patient is able to survive for a longer period.
Problem with name numbers 5, 6, & 8 is that no marriage combination is good. The best they have is an
average combination.

The next question is, can Shelly, as John’s wife, survive from this dreaded illness? The answer is YES. As
per Arabic numerology, there are various stages of treatment that she has to undergo. Let us discuss
Change of Name
The patient's & the spouse's full and accurate names are of paramount importance. People all over the
world find it difficult to believe that name can play the most important role in a person's life. They find it
absurd. But those thousands of people who have consulted us & benefited now believe that name alone
plays a pivotal role in a person's life. We want to spread this message across the world so that people
keep correct names and have a happy and a prosperous life.
From the names we determine the marriage combination and numerological implication of the patient's
current situation. We correct this by recommending change in the name, through proper religious rites -
• of the patient if he/she is unmarried, or
• of the patient or the spouse, if married, to arrive at the best marriage combination. 
The negative effect that was ruining the patient’s health gradually stops and starts reversing to positive
energy, though this change is very slow. 

Gems & Stones 

Gems and stones have chemicals in them. These are recommended as per the person's name number
and as per his situation, which is the most important thing. These have to be worn in metal rings. These
gems & stones supply those chemicals that are in deficiency in the patient's body, just as tablets give the
required chemicals to the body, curing or giving relief. This supply of chemicals through gems & stones is
uniform and continuous. The supply is as per the requirements of the body. Change of name does not
change the chemical configuration of the patient and the spouse immediately. It is a slow process and
may take months; but when it happens then there is no looking back. To boost this and to provide
immediate relief, gems & stones have to be worn (a must) by both - husband and wife, because their
marriage combination affects each other.
Herbal Medicine
The gems & stones provide continuous chemicals which improve the patient's condition. The herbal
medicine gives an immediate boost to the patient's immune system and begins to strengthen it. This
herbal medicine is made of honey in which 4 - 5 herbal / spice ingredients are mixed. One herb is given
separately with cow's milk. The patient should have these twice a day – first thing early in the morning
on an empty stomach and then in the evening before going to bed. This medicine does not have any side
effects. It has a continuous effect on the body. Even when cured the patient should continue for life as it
will do wonders for him. The doctor's normal treatment should continue simultaneously as it does not
interfere with it. In fact, it helps the patient to recover faster.
Colour Therapy
As per the colour of the main stone that is recommended, the patient has to drink solarised water from
that colour bottle. This bottle is kept outside in the open at night. The first 20 - 30 minutes of morning
sun rays must fall on the bottle directly. More normal water can be added if it is less. Apart from this,
other colour therapies, with different methods, are also given depending on the illness.

Yoga Exercises 
5 to 6 exercises have to be taught to the patient by a trained Yogi. These have to be performed by the
patient twice daily - morning & evening - for around 20 - 30 minutes. These asanas strengthen the
muscles and purify blood, which is good for the immune system and the whole body.

Sadka (Alms) 
This too is equally important as has been seen through years of experience. We ask the patient or his
family members to give alms to the poor and needy people - once a week. These are usually food items,
which would vary as per the number of the patient. Just giving money may not do much good, as per
this Science. 
For example, number 1 must give -
a) Kheer - rice pudding (50 gms), or
b) Gulab Jamun - Indian sweet (2 pieces), or
c) Honey (2 spoons), or
d) Gram lentils (100 gms), or
e) Rose scent bottle (small)

Any one or two items can be given every week. These items, if possible, should change. Number 1's day
is Sunday, so he can give these items every Sunday, preferably by his own hands. His wife or any direct
blood relation can also give these items in his name. For other name numbers please see Sadka (Alms)

Bakhoor (Essence) 
The essence with different ingredients, as per the number of the person, have to be burnt, in a way only
smoke should come, in the house or in the room where the patient is living. This has to be done
immediately after sunset & only on the specified day. The patient should inhale little smoke, but not
directly. Number 1 should burn on every Sunday a mixture of - udh stick, red colour sandal, saffron,
amber & mushk. 

Vaastu is an ancient Indian residential & environmental science. It is similar to Reiki. The house of the
patient is checked for anti - vaastu effects, if any, and we 
then give suggestions to correct those effects. This also plays an important role in a person's life. For
example, if your house number is 8 or 5 or their sum (26, 395, 404 
- all are 8 number houses) you may have financial losses & you may fall seriously ill. Or if you have more
vacant space on the west side the male member of the house is badly affected. There are many such

Please note: If your house is anti - vaastu, then your best marriage combinations or your talents all
become ineffective. Hence, your house should be in harmony with vaastu, which is absolutely necessary
for a happy & a prosperous life.

Apart from these we also recommend that all the patients must have dieticians who should recommend
proper eating & drinking habits. This has to be followed very strictly by all the patients.

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