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The Television industry is witnessing a spate of new channels being launched every year. TV is
also penetrating into the rural areas and is a promising segment. Homes with TVs are expected
to grow from 112 million to 200 million in a few years.

 Current size: Rs 14,800 crore

 Projected size by 2010: Rs 42,700 crore
 CAGR: 24%

India boasts of being the third largest television market in the world today. And cable
penetration (pay TV market) is expected to grow from the present 70 million to all TV homes.
More than 350 channels (paid and free) are available to viewers in India today.

The fact that 40 per cent households of India are still without television connectivity highlights the
scope of growth in the segment. The majority of the revenue generated in the television industry
is through advertisements, followed by subscriptions. The Indian television advertisements market
is currently valued at about US$ 1,067 million and is expected to grow at a rapid rate with the
increase in the number of channels and the television viewers. Over the next five years, the
subscription revenues are poised to be the growth driver of the Indian television industry. The
number of pay TV homes and the increased subscription rates will increase the subscription
revenues. The spread among the lower- income groups is very low and offers a wide scope for
growth. The Indian television industry is currently being dominated by Star India, which is the top
player in the sector at present.

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