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Presentation Excellence and Sustainability

Minas Gerais is the 2nd Brazilian state in terms of the

Excellence and sustainability are important requisites for the correct operation of the Health System in Brazil.
number of hospitals, laboratories and medical clinics. It
The more technology advances, the greater challenges to take care of life and to provide an effectively inclusive
possesses a large network of consultancies and
aggregated services, being an international reference health system to all.
point in human health. Its capital, Belo Horizonte, The objective of CONEXÃO SAÚDE is to bring to the target audience
possesses more than 50 hospitals in the public, private, the technological advances in medical, pharmaceutical and
philanthropic and university network, besides a signifi- laboratory science, rehabilitation, and all new forms of
cant network of services for laboratory diagnostics and diagnostics and therapies without leaving aside the preventive
high-complexity procedures. therapeutic and medical arsenal capable of promoting human
As if this significant biomedical support wasn’t enough, wellbeing.
Minas Gerais also counts on numerous initiatives, both CONEXÃO SAÚDE comes not only to meet the demand of
public and private, directed to the promotion of quality of life
hospital, clinic and laboratory managers but also the need to
in its most varied aspects. The exercise in citizenship has been
update the immense contingent of professionals in the area.
propelling the innovative spirit of the inhabitants of Minas Gerais in
the search actions that guarantee the sustainability of the health
promotion programs. Obviously, it is more important (and less costly) to promote health than to take care of a
sickly population.
Being complex and of a multiple nature, the promotion of health requires the active participation of all the agents
involved in its production. Managers from the health sectors, professionals from the area, users, educators, social
Health – a good investment
movements and other institutions representing various segments in society must be involved in the analysis and As a business fair, CONEXÃO SAÚDE offers all the marketing resources to
formulation of actions that aim to improve access to services for health and quality of life. boost sales and ensure a financial and institutional return to exhibitors and sponsors.
Besides the presence of the most important companies operating in the field of the promotion of human health,
Assuming its social co-responsibility in the promotion of means of improving human well-being, Minasplan, a
seminars, lectures and discussions on themes of public interest are also held in parallel.
company with 25 years of experience in the organization of large scale business fairs, will be realizing the
CONEXÃO SAÚDE – Feira de Excelência em Saúde Humana [HEALTH CONNECTION – Fair for Excellence in Human The current economic situation in Brazil summed with the excellent technological level of our medical industry
Health]. and academic quality in biomedicine has made this moment particularly favorable for the realization of the
Objectives and Strategies
Objectively, the business fair is for the medical-hospital-dental sector and other segments directed to the
promotion of human health. Unlike other national business fairs dedicated to this segment, CONEXÃO SAÚDE
has the special focus on quality of life, sustainability and social responsibility as reasons for success. Selling Pro-health Sectors
quality of life is the shortest, most pleasurable and secure way to sell health.
• Industries and distributors of equipment, materials and products
This strategic change of focus enables CONEXÃO SAÚDE to expand its range of exhibitors and to reach a
• Health plans and insurance operators
differentiated target audience committed to health from its foundations. For the participating companies this
is a key point, essential for expanding sales and narrowing relationships • Service providers
not only with health managers but with a range of diversified • Federal, state and municipal bodies
consumers, consolidating their brands in the market.
• Trade associations
• Universities and research institutions
Belo Horizonte, the capital dedicated to business • Financial agents
tourism, offers all the requisites to host an event to
the scale of CONEXÃO SAÚDE. A strategic • Publications
geographical location, excellent access routes,
airports, wide hotel network and low rates of
violence also turn events in the capital of Minas
Gerais attractive to other Brazilian states.
Target Audience
Business people and professionals from the medical, dental,
pharmacology, physiotherapy and physical activity, psychologi-
Owing to this set of factors, many large scale national cal support, nursing, cosmetology, esthetics, nutrition, environ-
events have established their base in Belo Horizonte, ment, human ecology and education areas for the promotion of
notably EXPOMINAS, one of the most modern and well health.
equipped events centers in Latin America.

Information and Sales

31-3371-3377 /

Minasplan Ltda.
Rua Pedra Bonita, 1079 - Alto Barroca - 30431-065 - Belo Horizonte
Minas Gerais - Brazil -

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