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THE JOHN A. WILSON BUILDING 1350 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, NW ROOM 107 WASHINGTON, DC 20004 Harry Thomas, Jr. Councilmember, Ward 5 Chair, Committee on Economic Development Tel: 202-724-8028 Fax: 202-724-8076 HThomas@DCCouncil.US

_____________________________________________________________________________________ To: Kwame R. Brown, Chairman Council of the District of Columbia

From: Harry L. Thomas, Jr. Councilmember, Ward 5 Date: June 8, 2011 RE: Committee on Economic Development

As a second generation member of this institution and understanding the importance of the institution of the City Council and the importance of the many economic development projects that will change the lives of the residents that we serve, I am requesting that the oversight, and operations of the Council Committee on Economic Development be vested in the Committee of the Whole with the existing members of the committee so as to ensure continuity. I make this request so as to allow the economic development functions of the Council to go forward free of any scrutiny that may be caused by the allegations raised against me by the Attorney General. I hold our institution in the highest regard. Therefore, any diminution of my personal prerogatives must be secondary to the Council and its perception among District residents. As we have discussed, the recent allegations made against me, though still simply allegations, are very serious. I remind this body that I have the right to defend myself against those allegations. I am adamant in my belief that as this matter is fully vetted, there will be a positive outcome and resolution for all involved. It is my full expectation that I will be restored to the chairmanship of the Council Committee on Economic Development once this matter comes to the resolution that I anticipate. Until this matter is resolved, I look forward to continuing my work as a member of the Council for and with the residents of Ward 5, and the rest of our city. Please know that I will continue to work to ensure that economic development truly means community development for all of our communities.

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