Mcdonald Neill Letter

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DescriptiveSummary Title:NeillMcDonaldletter Dates:1868 AccessionNumber(s):2007009 Extent:2pages Language:MaterialsarewritteninEnglish. BiographicalNote: Neill McDonald (18121875) was a Presbyterian pastor in North Carolina and Texas. He attended Donaldson Academy in Fayetteville, North Carolina as well as Union Theological Seminary of Virginia in Richmond (18411844). He was ordained on November 14, 1846 and he served as stated supply for many churches in North Carolina.HemovedtoTexasin1868andservedasstatedsupplyatLancaster(1868 1872) and Unity and North Bosque churches (18721874). He died in Turnersville, TexasonFebruary3,1875. ScopeandContents: TheNeillMcDonaldletterdocumentsMcDonaldsmovetoLancaster,Texasin1868. Materials in accession #2007009 were originally held at the Montreat office of the Presbyterian Historical Society. They were transferred to the Austin Seminary Archivesin2007. Restrictions: Materialsareavailablebyappointmentonly.Contactthearchivistfordetails. IndexTerms: McDonald,Neill,18121875 PreferredCitation:NeillMcDonaldletter,1868,AustinSeminaryArchives,StittLibrary, AustinPresbyterianTheologicalSeminary Inventory: Box Contents D007 Letter,1868
For information on this collection, contact the Austin Seminary Archives at 512-404-4875,, or visit us at

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