Grade II MTAP Math Challenge Questions

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Crade II hTAP hath ChaIIenge DuestIons

1. 5 X 10000 7 X 100 2 X 10 7
2. What is the place value oI 8 in 71 805?
3. II you bundle 872 sticks in tens, how many bundles will you have?
4. What is the largest three-digit even number?
5. What is the smallest Iour-digit number that you can make with 0,1,5,7?
6. Write the smallest digit in the blank in 567 ~ 5784 to make the statement true?
7. Write CLXXII in Hindu-Arabic
8. What is N in 35, 32, 29, 26, , N?
9. What is in N in 72 - N 35
10.A vendor has 85 melons and 58 pineapples to sell. How many Iruits in all has the
vendor to sell?
11.Write , , or ~ } in the blank to make 3616 | | 19 33 a true sentence.

12. There are 28 girls and 27 boys in a class. How many pupils are in the class?

13. What is the sum oI the Iirst three odd numbers?

14.. Add 42 to the diIIerence oI 48 and 16.

15. What is N in | N | -- 7 -- | | ----12--- | | --- 16 --- | | --- -8 --- | 32 |

16. Anna has P 42 and Rose has P37. How much more do they need to buy a bag worth P
98.50 Ior their mother?

17. Father bought 52 balloons Ior Nick's birthday party. II 25 oI the balloons are red, how
many are not red?

18.There are 45 pupils in a class. II 18 wear white shoes, 14 wear brown shoes and the rest
wear black shoes, how many wear black shoes?

19.Tito bought 2 ballpens at P 6.50 each and 1 pad paper Ior P 14. How much change did
he get Irom a P 50-bill he gave to the cashier.

20.You have a P 100-bill. Apples cost P 9 each. How many apples can you buy?

21.Josie sold 78 tickets Ior their school play. Kristine sold 105 tickets. How many more
tickets did Kristine sell?

22.The product oI two numbers is 24 and their sum is 11. What are the two numbers?

23.II 55 38 43 N, what is N?

24.In C O M M U N I C A T I O N, which is the 9th letter?

25.How many twelves are there in in 96?

26.What is teh average oI 22, 34, and 49?

27.Nita baked 54 cookies and Rose baked 45. They put the cookies, 6 to a plastic bag.
How many bags did they use?

28.What is the remainder when 134 is divided by 7?

29.What is the perimeter oI the Iigure?

30.What is the area oI the Iigure?

31.What Iraction oI the Iigure is shaded?

32. In how many ways can you divide the Iigure into two matching halves?
33. 4/7 is equal to how many 56ths?
34. How many more is 2/3 oI 96 than 1/4 oI 84?
35.Roy has 48 marbles. II 1/4 are red, 1/3 are blue and the rest are green, how many green
marbles has Roy?
36.Mother bought 3 dozen eggs. She used 20 Ior leche Ilan. How many eggs remained?
37.Sally can read 65 words a minute. In 5 minutes, how many words can she read?
38.A Iarmer can walk 5 kilometers an hour. How many kilometers can he walk in 2 hours?
39.Which oI the Iollowing Iractions is nearest to 2? 18/7, 19/7, 15/7, 16/7 }
40.Write two hundred Iorty-six pesos and Iorty-Iive centavos, using the peso sign.
41.Mother changed 1/2 oI a P 200-bill into P 10-coins and the other halI into P 5-c0ins.
How many coins did she get?
42.A hiking group began climbing a mountain at 4:30 a.m. and reached the top at 10:30
a.m.. How long did the climb take?
43.What time is it iI the big hand is at 6 and the short hand is between 2 and 3?
44.Liza work at a canteen at P42 an hour. How much does she earn a week iI she works 5
hours everyday except on Sundays?
45.In a box, Ior every 5 are oranges, there are 6 apples. How many apples are in the box iI
there are 15 oranges?
46.Fely is making 4 handkerchieIs. Each side is 25 cm long. How much lace does she need
to put around all the handkershieIs?
47.Mother bought 1 3/4 kilos oI pechay and 1 1/2 kilos oI cabbage. How many kilos oI
vegetables did she buy?
48.II March 1 is a Tuesday, what day is March 21?
49.Tito has a piece oI string 10 meters long. He cut it into two pieces. II one piece is 2
meters longer than the other how long is the longer piece?
50.I am a 3-digit number. My ones is 2 less than my hundreds and my tens is 3 more than
my ones. The sum oI my digits is 20. What number am I

Answers to Questions 1-10 Grade II

1. 35000027
2. 800
3. 870
4. 998
5. 7510
6. 5067
7. 172
8. 20
9. 37
12. 55
13. 9
14. 74
15. 29
16. P 19.5
17. 27 balloons
18. 13 black shoes
19. P 23
20. 11 apples
21. 27 tickets
22. 8 and 3
23. 50
24. A
25. 8
26. 35
27. 16 plastics bags
28. 1
29. 46
30. 126
31. 126
32. two
34. 11 more
35. 20 marbles
36. 16 eggs
37. 325 words
38. 10 kilometers
39. 15/7
40. P 246.45
41. 30 coins
42. 6 hours
43. 2:30
44. P 1, 260
45. 18 apples 48. Monday
46. 100 cm 49. 6 meter
47. 3 / 50. 785

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