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Standard First Aid

Characteristics of a Good First Aider GROTER y Gentle

y Should not cause pain

y Resourceful y Should make the best use of things out of hand y Observant y Should notice all signs y Tactful y Should not alarm the victim

Standard First Aid

y Empathetic y Should be comforting y Respectable y Should maintain a professional and caring attitude

Soft Tissue Injuries

y Wounds y Is a break in the continuity of a tissue of the body either internal or external 2 Classification of wounds: y Closed Wound y Contusion or bruises y S/ Sx
y y y y

Redness/ Hematoma/ Discoloration Pain and tenderness Swelling Any indication of internal bleeding (hematuria, hematemesis, blood on mouth, nose or ear canal)

First Aid Management ICES y Immobilize y Compress- cold/ ice application y Elevate y Splint

y Open Wound y PALAI y Punture y Abrasion y Laceration y Avulsion y Incision y S/Sx


Oozing blood either bright or dark red

First Aid Management 4C s y Control bleeding y Cover the wound with a dressing and secure bandage y Care for shock y Consult or refer to the physician Home Care Management y Clean the wound with soap an water y Cover the wound with dressing and bandage

Specific Body Injuries

y Blows to the eye y Chemical burn y Eye knocked out y Foreign objects y Nosebleeds y Knocked out toothed y Impaled objects y Amputations y Sucking chest wounds y Abdominal injuries y Protruding organs

y Is a depressed condition of many body functions due to failure of enough blood to circulate throughout the body following serious injury y Major causes y Heart failure y Massive vasodilation y Hemorrhage/ severe blood loss y S/Sx y HypoTT y Pallor/ cyanosis y Weakness y Dilated pupils y Unconciousness

Objectives of First Aid: y Ensure an adequate supply of oxygen y Improve circulation of the blood y Maintain normal body temperature Management of Shock: y Proper transfer y Proper body position y Proper temperature y Proper IVF

Bandaging Technique
y Head y Face, Back of the head y Hand, Foot y Forehead, Eye, Ear y Arm, Leg y Palm Pressure, Palm Bandage (open hand) y Elbow, Knee

Bones, Joints, and Muscle Injuries

Causes y Falls y Sports Types: y Muscle cramps
y Painful tightening of a muscle y Stretch the affected muscle y Massage firmly and gently y Apply moist heat

y Strain y Painful tearing of muscle fiber y Sprain y Torn fibers in a ligament y Dislocation y Displacement of a bone from its normal position a joint y Fracture y Break or disruption in bone tissue Management: ICES

y Mechanical y Anatomical

y One Man Carry y Assist to walk y Carry in arms y Pack strap carry y Piggy back carry y Fireman s carry y Blanket drag y Two Man Assist y Assist to walk y Four hand seat y Hand as a litter y Carry by extremities

y Three Man Carry y Hammock Carry y Four/ six/ eight man carry y Use of commercial stretcher

Emergency Action Principles

y Survey the scene y Is the scene is safe? y What happened? y How many people are injured? y Get consent y Do a primary survey y Check for responsiveness y Check ABC y Activate Medical Assistance

y What happened y Location y Number of persons injured y Extent of injury and first aid given

y Do the secondary survey y DCAPBTLS

Other Common Emergencies

y Heat cramps y A muscle pain and spasm due to largely loss of salt from the body in sweating y Heat exhaustion/ heat stroke y Collapse due to excessive loss of salt and water y S/Sx
y y y

Heavy perspiration Weakness, lightheadedness Muscle ramps in the abdomen/ legs Have a rest Cool the victim Give electrolyte beverages Massage

First Aid
y y y y

y Hypoglycemia y Too low blood sugar level y TIRED y Tremors y Irritability y Restlessness y Excessive hunger y Diaphoresis y Give candy, cola, juice

y Seizure y Involuntary muscle contraction due to uncontrolled activity in the brain y S/Sx
y y y

Sudden loss of consciousness Drooling, frothing mouth Twitching part of the body

y First Aid y Side lying, flat position y Do not touch the patient y Monitor ABC while on seizure activity y Note the duration of the seizure y Provide safety

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