Simple Present: For Routine Actions

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Simple Present: for routine actions

Present Continuous: for actions happening now.

Simple Past: for actions that happened in the past

and have already ended.

Be going to for plans and intentions and
things evident to the senses or understanding
Will for predictions, hopes and fears often
after verbs such as expect, hope, imagine,
think; to express determination or an idea or

A)Complete with the Simple Present:

1.1 I ____________________ ( To like) reading comics.

1.2 She _________________ (To Go/not) to school every morning.

1.3 My best friend _____________ (To Play) the piano.

1.4 My mother _______________ (To Drive) me to school.
1.5 My English teacher _____________ (To Wear/not) glasses.
1.6 _______ you ___________ (To Go) to the cinema every day?
1.7 Where ___________ she ______________ (To Study)?
1.8 I usually ___________ (Get up) at 8 oclock.
1.9 My Mum ___________________________ (To work/not) in a shop.


Complete with the Simple Past

Dear Anna

How are you? We _______ (To arrive) in Manaus yesterday. We

___________ (To visit) the town but it ___________ (To Be) very hot.
In the evening we _____________ (To decide) to have dinner at a typical
Brazillian restaurant with live music.
We _______________ (To taste) the delicious picanha. The music and the
dancers ____________ (To Be) fantastic.
We _______________ (To Travel) by helicopter from Manaus to the hotel.
It is a top tree hotel.
Thats all for now.


C)Complete with the Present Continuous.






What are Peter and Anna doing?

1.2 Are Sally, John and Martha eating?



Make these sentences negative.

1.3.1 John is playing the guitar.

1.3.2 My husband is drinking water.
1.3.3 They are taking a photo.
1.3.4 Jackie and Martin are fishing in the river.


Complete using one of the right future tense.

1.1 Peter ______________________ (To be) a doctor.

1.2 Next year Jane and Peter _________________ (To Live)
1.3 I think I __________________ (To drink) water.

I _________________ (To Be/not) late. I really want to

go to the concert.

A) Hello. Can I speak to your boss?

B) Yes, of course. I _______________ (To call) him.

1.6 A) Did you shut the door for me?
B) Oh, Im sorry. I completely forgot. Im ___________ (To Do)
it now.

1.7 Anna _______________ (To have) her English exam next

1.8 We cant play football with you tomorrow. We _________ (To

Nice Work !!!

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