CS609-System Programming Assignment No. 3: (Spring 2011) Deadline Uploading Instructions

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CS609-System Programming Assignment No.

[Spring 2011] Deadline
Your assignment must be uploaded/submitted at or before Tuesday 10, June 2011.

Uploading instructions
View the assignment submission process document provided to you by the Virtual University to upload the assignment.

Marking Rules
It should be clear that your assignment will not get any credit if: o o o o The assignment is submitted after due date. The submitted assignment does not compile or run. The code is uploaded in Microsoft Word file. The assignment is copied.

Q No. 1 #include <dos.h> #include <bios.h> char st[4096]="Virtual University of Pakistan\0"; char st1[4096]="Knowledge beyond boundaries";

[Total Marks 18]

void main (void) { } In the above code you are required to calculate the segment and offset address of the two strings st and st1. [8] Q No. 2 Write the C program that should read the Master Boot Record using the biosdisk() function and write this block at the location D:\MBR.txt. [10] If you are not able to read the data from hard disk then do the following step. Boot your system in MS DOS and try to run your program to access the hard disk.

Note: For Question No. 1 and Question No. 2 make two separate files Q1.c and Q2.c and send these two files in zip format. Your work must be original. No marks will be given in case of cheating or copying from the internet or from any other students.

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