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Tools/ Materials


Other Info

Old Age/ Paleolithic Period

50,000 Core tools 10,000 Pebble tools B.C. Cobble tools Flake tools

Hunting, gathering Tree Barks- clothing Kinilaw- earliest method by using vinegar/ limejuice Tabon Cave Complex- example of prehistoric planning for adaptation Root crops: taro & yam Grill/boil food Kilning Burial Traditions Manunggal jar- funerary vessel Phil. Pottery- shows a variety of shapes and decorative techniques by rope and mat Only semi-precious stone beads endured decay

New Stone 10,000- Fire Agriculture: upland Age/ Neolithic 500 B.C. ax &adz-like forms rise farming Period stone tools for pot-making forest clearing and boat-making

Early Metal Age

500 B.C.- 1 A.D.

Metals: copper, bronze Jewelry: beads: jade, stones, glass, shells, seeds, twigs, stems, reeds of plants

Developed Iron Age

Iron Smiting, jewelry Cloth weaving- replaced the bark cloth Knives, making, beaters for fashioning dress & other sumpak(blowguns) metalworking, apparel , kalikot, gong pottery making, utilized the use of blackloom glass making, tie- fabrics & blankets are used for rituals and-die weaving 5001,400 A.D. balangay trading Sharing of religion and writing through internal trade

Age of Contact

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