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CD4060 Tlmer Clrcult 1 mlnute to 2 hours

Thls ls u 1 mlnute to two-hour tlmer swltch. The 14-stuge blnury rlpple counter Type 4060, IC1, hus un on-
chlp osclllutor cupuble of stuble operutlon over u relutlvely wlde frequency runge. In the present clrcult, the
osclllutor frequency ls determlned by un externul RC network connected to plns 9, 10 und 11.

R1 2.2MO
R2 18KO
R3 1KO
R4 1KO
R5 1KO
R6 1MO
VR1 500KO (504)
C1 220nF (224)
C2 10nF (103)
D3 1N4001
Q1 BC547
IC1 CD4060
RL1 Relay
hen the power ls on, the pulse ut |unctlon R6-C2 resets the counter und countlng sturts. hen the
counter reuches blt 14 (O13), pln 3 goes hlgh so thut the reluy, u 9V type, ls turned on vlu drlver O1.

CD4060 Plnout
The tlme deluy ls set wlth the uld of VR1. Tlme deluys of between one mlnute und two hours ure posslble
by upproprlute dlmenslonlng of the tlmlng components:
1-30 mlnutes: C1 = 220nF ; VR1 = 500KD.
1-60 mlnutes: C1 = 470nF ; VR1 = 500KD.
1-120 mlnutes: C1 = 470nF ; VR1 = 1MD.
The tlmer ls powered by u 9V PP3 buttery. Llght-emlttlng dlode D1 does not uffect the operutlon of the
clrcult und ls lncluded merely to show thut the tlmer works. Dlode D1 und reslstor R4 ure , therefore,
optlonul components.

his timer circuit can be used to switch OFF a particular device after around 35
minutes. The circuit can be used to switch OFF devices like radio, TV, fan,
pump etc after a preset time of 35 minutes. Such a circuit can surely save a lot
of power.

The circuit is based on quad 2 input CMOS IC 4011 (U1).The resistor
R1 and capacitor C1 produces the required long time delay. When
pushbutton switch S2 is pressed, capacitor C1 discharges and input
of the four NAND gates are pulled to zero. The four shorted outputs
of U1 go high and activate the transistor Q1 to drive the relay. The
appliance connected via the relay is switched ON. When S2 is
released the C1 starts charging and when the voltage at its positive
pin becomes equal to the supply voltage the outputs of U1
becomes zero and the transistor is switched OFF. This makes the
relay deactivated and the appliance connected via the relay is
turned OFF. The timer can be made to stop when required by
pressing switch S1.


* Assemble the circuit on a good quality PCB or common board.
* The circuit can be powered from a 9V PP3 battery or 12V DC
power supply.
* The time delay can be varied by varying the values of C1&R1.
* The push button switch S2 is for starting the timer and S1 for
stopping the time.
* The appliance can be connected via contacts N1 & N2 of the relay
* The IC U1 is 2 input quad NAND gate 4011.
These two circuits are multi-range timers offering periods of up to 24 hours and beyond. Both are
essentially the same. The main difference is that when the time runs out, Version 1 energizes the
relay and Version 2 de-energizes it. The first uses less power while the timer is running; and the
second uses less power after the timer stops. Pick the one that best suits your application.

The Cmos 4060 is a 14 bit binary counter with a built in oscillator. The oscillator consists of the two
inverters connected to Pins 9, 10 & 11; and its frequency is set by R3, R4 & C3.The green Led
flashes while the oscillator is running: and the C counts the number of oscillations. Although it's a 14
bit counter, not all of the bits are accessible. Those that can be reached are shown on the drawing.
By adjusting the frequency of the oscillator you can set the length of time it takes for any given output
to go high. This output then switches the transistor; which in turn operates the relay. At the same time,
D1 stops the count by disabling the oscillator. deally C3 should be non-polarized; but a regular
electrolytic will work, provided it doesn't leak too badly in the reverse direction. Alternatively, you can
simulate a non-polarized 10uF capacitor by connecting two 22uF capacitors back to back (as shown).
Using "Trial and Error" to set a long time period would be very tedious. A better solution is to use the
Setup tables provided; and calculate the time required for Pin 7 to go high. The Setup tables on both
schematics are interchangeable. They're just two different ways of expressing the same equation.
For example, if you want a period of 9 Hours, the Range table shows that you can use the output at
Pin 2. You need Pin 2 to go high after 9 x 60 x 60 = 32 400 seconds. The Setup table tells you to
divide this by 512; giving about 63 seconds. Adjust R4 so that the Yellow LED lights 63 seconds after
power is applied. This will give an output at Pin 2 after about 9 Hours.
The Support Material for the timers includes a detailed circuit description - parts lists - a step-by-step
guide to construction - and more. A suitable Veroboard layout for each version is shown below:

The timer was designed for a 12-volt supply. However, provided a suitable relay is used, the circuit
will work at anything from 5 to 15-volts. Applying power starts the timer. t can be reset at any time by
a brief interruption of the power supply. The reset button is optional; but it should NOT be used during
setup. The time it takes for the Yellow LED to light MUST be measured from the moment power is
applied. Although R1, R2 and the two LEDs help with the setup, they are not necessary to the
operation of the timer. f you want to reduce the power consumption, disconnect them once you've
completed the setup. f you need a longer period than 24-hours, increase the value of C3.
This timer was designed for people wanting to get tanned but at the same time wishing to avoid an
excessive exposure to sunlight. A Rotary Switch sets the timer according to six classified Photo-types
(see table). A Photo resistor extends the preset time value according to sunlight brightness (see table).
When preset time ends, the beeper emits an intermittent signal and, to stop it, a complete switch-off of
the circuit via SW2 is necessary.

Circuit diagram:

%an %imer Circuit Diagram


R1 = 47K - 1/4W Resistor
R2 = 1M - 1/4W Resistor
R3 = 120K - 1/4W Resistors
R4 = Photo resistor (any type)
R5 = 120K - 1/4W Resistors
C1 = 10F - 25V Electrolytic Capacitors
C2 = 220nF - 63V Polyester Capacitor
C3 = 10F - 25V Electrolytic Capacitors
D1 = 1N4148 - 75V 150mA Diodes
D2 = 1N4148 - 75V 150mA Diodes
Q1 = BC337 - 45V 800mA NPN Transistor
B1 = 3V Battery (two 1.5V AA or AAA cells in series)

IC1 = 4060 - 14 stage ripple counter and oscillator IC
IC2 = 4017 - Decade counter with 10 decoded outputs IC
SW1 = 2 poles 6 ways Rotary Switch (see notes)
SW2 = SPST Slider Switch
BZ1 = Piezo sounder (incorporating 3KHz oscillator)

Can be used as a repetition timers or timers at once.
Both circuits are mainly the same thing. The main diIIerence between them and their behavior
single shot. Mode switch S2 is set to below
1 in 12 minutes
210 min to 2 hours
3100 min to 20 hours

In one stroke when the set time has elapsed Version
1 energizes the relay and Version 2 de-energizes the relay.
These 2 circuits are multi-range timers oIIering periods
The Iirst uses less energy, while the timer is running and
second uses less energy, aIter the timer has stopped. Choose
one that best suits your application.

Electronic parts List
R1 2K2
IC1 555timer
R2 39K
IC2 14017, decade counter
R3 470K (pot)
IC3 14020, divider
R4 1M
Q1 2N3906
R5 27K
D1 1N4001
R6 6K8
D2 1N4001
C1 0.12F, ceramic
S1 Push switch, momemtary on
C2 1.2F, polyester
S2 3-step/2-deck rotary switch
C3 0.1F, ceramic
Ry1 12V

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