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Bluetooth, ZigBee, and Wibree:

A Comparison of WPAN Technologies

John Kooker CSE 237A November 20, 2008

Introduction and Background

Wireless Personal Area Network (WPAN) designs have been ourishing in recent years. The pervasive success of Bluetooth has been a boon to all devices in the IEEE 802.15 working group. As competing and complementary standards are formed within this working group, a successful embedded system designer must understand the differences between the technology standards. It is the goal of this paper to examine three: Bluetooth, ZigBee, and Wibree. First, a short history: Wibree is a technology that has been under development by Nokia since 2001 [13]. It was originally adapted from the Bluetooth specication, and in 2006, the Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG) announced it would be adopting Wibree into the Bluetooth specication [12]. Integrated Bluetooth/Wibree devices are not yet shipping, though Nordic Semiconductor has published a preliminary product specication [14]. While the Wibree and Bluetooth specs are being integrated, the new name of the Wibree technology has changed several times. In this paper, I will continue to use the Wibree name. While Wibree has been under development, the competing IEEE 802.15.4 technology of ZigBee has been available to the public for several years. ZigBee was designed as a lowpower, low-cost, low-speed solution [1], and has many benets over Bluetooth, though fewer benets over Wibree.

Detailed Technology Comparison

Below I will analyze a limited set of characteristics for the three technologies. Frequency Band All three technologies operate in the unlicensed 2.4 GHz spectrum, while ZigBee can also operate at reduced speeds at 915MHz and 868 MHz [7]. Antenna and Hardware Wibrees adoption into the Bluetooth spec was directly related to the fact that it can coexist on BT hardware. Devices that wish to take advantage of both Bluetooth and Wibree will not need to add extra hardware; one antenna will do for both. ZigBee support, however, requires its own hardware and antenna. [11]

Power and Battery Life ZigBee, designed to be a low-power alternative to Bluetooth, offers 30mW performance compared to Bluetooths 100mW [10]. However, Dr. Bob Iannucci, Senior Vice President and Technology Advisor at Nokia, claims that Wibree is up to 10 times more energy efcient than Bluetooth [5], putting Wibree around 10mW. ZigBee is designed to run for six months to two years on just two AA batteries [2]. This results from its ability to lock into a transmission time slot and sleep in between. Bluetooth, however, must stay awake for the convenience of quick response time, which results in battery life on the order of days. This led to Wibrees design goal of 1-2 years on a single battery. [12] Range Both Bluetooth and Wibree are designed to operate within a 10m range, though Bluetooth 2.1 now states a maximum range of 30m [10]. ZigBee, being designed to enable home and industry automation [4], allows a maximum range of 75m. Data Rate Wibree has caught up to Bluetooths original data rate at 1Mbps [13], while Bluetooth has proceeded to reach maximum rates of 3Mbps. ZigBee intentionally lags far behind these numbers, sacricing data rates for power savings, and so transmits only 20-250Kbps. [6] Component Cost In 2003, when ZigBee was targeting a $2 component cost, Bluetooth support cost $5 per device [2]. Now Bluetooth pricing has fallen to $3, while ZigBee costs $2 [10]. More importantly, integrating Wibree into an existing Bluetooth implementation adds around 20, making Wibree a much more attractive addition to Bluetooth-enabled devices than ZigBee. Network Topologies Bluetooth and Wibree operate primarily in ad hoc piconets, where a master device controls multiple slaves. These piconets are limited to 8 devices. ZigBee has far greater exibility in this arena, supporting mesh and star congurations [3]. Mesh networks offer resilience against severed connections, as Coordinator devices can reroute trafc as needed. Star congurations at the ends of the mesh allow clusters of ZigBee devices to interact with the outside world, while the mesh devices focus on data transmission. Security All three technologies support state-of-the-art 128-bit encryption, and all three continue to be scrutinized for key distribution vulnerabilities and the like. Time to Wake and Transmit One of ZigBees greatest strengths over Bluetooth has been its freedom to sleep often. This comes from its quick wake-from-sleep design. A ZigBee device can wake up and get a packet across a network connection in around 15 milliseconds, while a Bluetooth device would take 3 seconds. [2] A Wibree device would presumably behave more like the ZigBee device, but this remains to be seen.

Table of Feature Comparisons The above analysis is summarized in Table 1. Bluetooth Band Antenna/HW Power 100 mW 2.4GHz Wibree 2.4GHz Shared ~10 mW 1-2 years 10 m 1 Mbps Bluetooth + 20 Ad hoc, point to point, star 128-bit encryption TBA ZigBee 2.4GHz, 868MHz, 915MHz Independent 30 mW 6 months - 2 years 10-75 m 25-250 Kbps $2 Mesh, ad hoc, star 128-bit encryption 15ms

Target Battery Life Days - months Range Data Rate Component Cost Network Topologies Security Time to Wake and Transmit 10-30 m 1-3 Mbps $3 Ad hoc, point to point, star 128-bit encryption 3s

Table 1. Feature Comparison of the Three Technologies [2,6,7,10]

Exemplary Technology Applications

Given the above knowledge of the three wireless technologies differences, one can make intelligent decisions about which to use in particular applications. Wibree is already being targeted toward watches, as low-data, low-battery-drain accessories to mobile phones [8,9]. Meanwhile, industrial automation taskslike adding lighting control to an existing building requires the resilience of mesh networking, making ZigBee a strong choice. For applications requiring high bit rates over short distances, like wireless stereo headphones, Bluetooth remains the best technology of the three.

Future and Conclusion

Given the above analysis of the three technologies, one can see the strategic signicance of Wibrees adoption by the Bluetooth SIG. If integrated Wibree devices can be released soon, the combined momentum with the upcoming Bluetooth 3.0 may prove to be a devastating blow to ZigBee, as mesh networking will be left as its only clear selling point over Wibree. Meanwhile, Bluetooth is growing from a single specication to a whole family of WPAN technologies. This is all good news to the embedded systems designer, who will continue to be offered more and faster technologies for wireless communication.

[1] Ciardiello, T., "Wireless communications for industrial control and monitoring," Computing & Control Engineering Journal , vol.16, no.2, pp. 12-13, April-May 2005, http:// [2] Evans-Pughe, C., "Bzzzz zzz [ZigBee wireless standard]," IEE Review , vol.49, no.3, pp. 28-31, March 2003, arnumber=1196386&isnumber=26924 [3] Home networking with Zigbee, 18902431?_requestid=184548 [4] Nokia's Wibree and the Wireless Zoo, itemId=38/59/ [5] BBC News, Bluetooth rival unveiled by Nokia, 5403564.stm [6] Baker, N., "ZigBee and Bluetooth strengths and weaknesses for industrial applications," Computing & Control Engineering Journal , vol.16, no.2, pp. 20-25, April-May 2005, http:// [7], "Compare with Other Technologies," Technology/Works/Compare/ [8] Mike Foley, "The new wireless frontier," 9A00E8AB-1337-40FF-A4A5-4092D9E17121/0/ BluetoothLowEnergyTechnology_MikeFoley_TheNewWirelessFrontier.pdf [9], "Market potential for Bluetooth low energy technology," http:// BluetoothLowEnergyTechnology_MarketPotential.pdf [10], "Technical Comparison," Works/Compare/Technical/ [11] Jackson, Donny, "More than a Flash in the Pan," radio_ash_pan/ [12] Smith, Brad, "Bluetooth Umbrella Covers Low-Power Wibree," http:// [13] Wikipedia, Wibree, [14] Nordic Semi, nRF24LE1, nRF24LE1_Preliminary_Product_Specication_v1.1.pdf

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