Justin Biebers Biggest Secret Released !!! Keep It On The Down Low !!!

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St Andrews Middle School

Progress Indicators Levels-based Assessment for Narrative Writing

Deeper Features of Writing Audience, content, coherence, language
Level 2 genres range of texts in a reworking editing, and Shaping, genres number of ideas in a Shaping
1. 2. 3. 3. 4. 5. 6. Story line is sequenced logically Some descriptive detail can be seen in writing. Beginning to vary sentence beginnings and length. Beginning to extend sentences with conjunctions. Language is simple and vocabulary broadening beyond high frequency word lists. May insert direct speech but lacks accuracy. The writer recognises the purpose for writing (i.e., to tell a story) and that he/she is writing for an audience other than themself. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Surface Features of Writing Punctuation, grammar, syntax, spelling

Mostly correct uses of full stops, capitals, commas for listing, and question marks. Beginning to use speech marks. May use apostrophe for contraction Accurate sentence structure is generally evident, but errors interfere with meaning. Simple vocabulary has been used Some knowledge of common spelling pattern, with mostly 'phonetic attempts'. Between 10%-20% spelling errors (not proper nouns)

Level 3

1. Uses linking words and/or phrases 1. Beginning to organise ideas into paragraphs. 2. Beginning to use some descriptive detail of setting and character to support story line. 2. Evidence of a problem or complication. 2. May attempt to include a moral or message. 3. Varies sentence beginnings and length. 3. Many simple sentences correct but few complex sentences have been used. 4. Attempts to add interest and detail through the use of adverbs and adjectives. 5. May attempt to use direct speech to add to story. 6. Attempts to capture the reader's interest. 6. Attempts to use a perspective to tell the story.


Mostly correct use of full stops, capitals, commas, question marks, exclamation marks, and speech marks. 4. Accurate sentence structure is evident 5. A variety of simple and extended vocabulary has been used 6. Shows clear phonetic spelling 6. Spelling shows some understanding of more complex spelling patterns 7. Between 5%-10% spelling errors (not proper nouns) 8. Tenses my vary unintentionally Control of verb forms, i.e., singular/plural agreement, subject/verb agreement and tense.

Level 4

genres range of texts in a reworking editing, and Shaping,

1. Conjunctions and time words have been used to make the story flow. 1. Sequencing managed well with an effective plot or development of events. 1. Organises ideas into coherent paragraphs. 2. Includes descriptive detail of character and setting. 2. Story includes orientation, complication, resolution, and sometimes a moral/message. 3. Varies sentence beginnings and sentence length. 4. Language use and writing style enhance the story telling. 4. May use simile and/or metaphor. 5. Purposeful use of direct speech. 6. The writer's "voice" may enter the text and invoke a reaction. 6. Engages the audience and sustains reader attention.


Accurate use of full stops and capitals, commas, question marks, exclamation marks, speech marks, apostrophes, parentheses, dashes, colons, and semi-colons. 4. Most sentences are correct. Control of complex sentences is evident. 4. Uses complete sentences with subject verb agreement and appropriate word order 5. A variety of simple, extended and technical vocabulary has been used 6. Common spelling patterns evident 6. Evidence of ability to spell multi-syllabic, irregular, or technical words 7. Between 3%-5% spelling errors (not proper nouns) 8. Maintains consistent tense

Modified from NZCER Assessment Resource Banks and AsTTle by Tanya Thompson.

The final Level for this piece of writing is Level 2 3 4

My Next Steps are

Basic Proficient


I intend to achieve this by

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