8D Problem Solving Process Flowchart

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D1 Select Team

D2 Describe Problem Solving Process Flowchart

D3 Implement Interim Containment Actions

D4 Define and Verify Root Cause ( s )

D5 Choose and Verify Permanent Corrective Actions

D6 Implement Permanent Corrective Actions and Verify Effectiveness

D7 Prevent Recurrence

D8 Congratulate Team

8D - Eight Disciplines of Problem Resolution

D1 Select Team
Establish a small group of people with the knowledge , time , authority and skill to solve the problem and implement corrective actions. The group must select a team leader.

D2 Describe the Problem

Describe the problem in measurable terms. Specify the internal /external customer problem by describing it in specific terms.

D3 Implement Interim Containment Actions

Define and implement those intermediate actions that will protect the customer from the problem until permanent corrective action is implemented . Verify with data the effectiveness of these actions.

D4 Define and Verify Root Causes

Identify all potential causes which could explain why the problem occurred. Test each potential cause against the problem description and data.

D5 Choose and Verify Permanent Corrective Actions

Identify alternative corrective actions to eliminate root cause. Confirm that the selected corrective actions will resolve the problem for the customer and will not cause undesirable side effects.

D6 Implement Permanent Corrective Actions D7 Prevent Recurrence

Define and implement the permanent corrective actions needed. Choose on going controls to insure the root cause is eliminated. Modify specifications, update training, review work flow, improve practices and procedures to prevent recurrence of this and all similar problems.

D8 Congratulate Your Team

Recognize the collective efforts of your team. Publicize your achievement. S hare your knowledge and learning.

Meeting Expectations
Questions that drive conversation

1. What is the current/up to date status of 8D? 2. If @ D3 what Root Cause Methodology was used?

3. What D will you report on next time? 4. What is the Target Close Date? 5. Do you need any support from this management group (Tier 1: Directors and VPs)?

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