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The Sinking Canoe

A band of North American Indian braves was paddling down a river in their canoes. One brave noticed that his canoe had a leak, but he was too proud to call the others for help.

If I ask for help, then the other braves will have to row to shore with me to repair my canoe.

Then we will be delayed in our journey.

The brave rowed more furiously to try to keep up with the others. Those in canoes near him noticed that his canoe was filling with water, and that he was beginning to lag behind. If I go to help him, then others will see he is having trouble. That might embarrass him. Ill pretend I dont notice the problem, and hopefully hell be okay.

The brave with the leaky canoe began to fall farther and farther behind, until the level of the water in his canoe caused it to sink. Down into the water went the canoe, as well as the food, tools, and weapons that he was transporting. Only then did he call out for help.

After all of the braves had made it safely to the other side of the river, the chief was disappointed to hear what had happened.

How foolish you all have been.

The leak was discovered early enough to fix it, but you did nothing. The small repair and the delay would have been nothing compared to the loss of the canoe and the supplies.

Moral: It is better to sacrifice pride to save yourself or another from disaster than it is to save your or anothers pride but lose everything else in the process.

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Illustrations by Zeb Geppetto. Copyright The Family International

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