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12th Sakyadhita International Conference

on Buddhist Women

(Leading to Liberation)

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(Buddhist Women of Thailand)

(Buddhist Women of the World)

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(Leading Buddhist Women)

(New Directions for Buddhist Social Transformation)

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(Buddhist Women & Global Sustainability)

(The Many Forms of Compassion)

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(Buddhist Women as Scholars and Educators)

, (Peaceful Mind, Peaceful World)

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(Speaking of Other Religions)

(Ethical Education)

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(The Bhikkhuni Issue Revisited)

, .. : (Mr. Dharma, Ms. Samsara: Challenging Stereotypes)







( )
Hatha Yoga Practice

: Tell me a story: Document- :

ing the Lives of Buddhist

Women ( )

( )
Hatha Yoga Practice

Hatha Yoga Practice

Hatha Yoga Practice

Hatha Yoga Practice

How to be an Authentic and Compassionate

Woman Writer

Meditating Through Singing and Tea

How to be an Authentic and Compassionate

Woman Writer

Meditation that works in

daily life & makes Buddhist
Teaching priceless!
Dharma Rap

How to be an Authentic and Compassionate

Woman Writer


Meditating Through Singing

and Tea

How to be an Authentic
and Compassionate Woman

New Roles for Vietnamese

Buddhist Nuns/Laywomen

How to be an Authentic and Compassionate

Woman Writer
Meditating Through Singing
and Tea

(Painting (Painting
LGBTQ Across Cultures

the Mind)
the Mind)
(LGBTQ = )

: :

S.O.S. (Seeds of Spirituality)

: : Offerings of Buddhist

Working with Survivors of
Sexual Violence

Buddhist Chanting to
Western Sacred Music


Meditation on the Four Im-

Forgiveness Practices

.-. . , Taiwan Kalavinka, Eight Fold Noble

Path , , , Contemporary Dance
, Soko Performance , ,
, ,

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