Our Model of Change

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Teach For Malaysia is an independent, not-for-profit organization that is enlisting Malaysias most promising future leaders in our mission

to end education inequity. Teach For Malaysia Fellows will serve as full-time teachers for two years in high-need schools, and commit to transform the education outcomes of less-privileged schoolchildren, through significantly improving their achievements and aspirations. In the long term, Teach For Malaysia Fellows would go on to become Ambassadors who will form a different class of leaders, working in various fields to expand education opportunity for all children in Malaysia. Teach For Malaysia opened its applications for its inaugural 2012 Fellowship on 14 January, 2011. 50 Fellows will enter 17 high-need schools across three states in Malaysia, beginning the journey to ending educational inequity. Our Model of Change Fundamentally, Teach For Malaysia believes that in order to solve the problem of education inequity, the mobilisation and direct intervention of Malaysias most promising future leaders are crucial. Teach For Malaysia is building that movement for change by gathering passionate individuals who are invested in understanding the root causes of education inequity, and who are ingrained with a sense of possibility to make our vision a reality. In the short term, our fellows will be solving the puzzle of educational inequity by being in the system as teachers. In the long term, having worked in the system at a grassroots level, they would work at various leadership positions within or outside the educational sector to make the vision of Teach For Malaysia come to life. The firsthand experience of fundamentally shifting the life trajectories of students they teach would inspire our Ambassadors to lead the necessary changes to end education inequity in our country. As teachers and principals, administrators and policy makers, doctors and lawyers, corporate leaders and social entrepreneurs, our Ambassadors would work together, in various sectors, to help children in highneed communities overcome the challenges they face by building capacity in school systems and changing mindsets through their examples and their advocacy, in their pursuit of making Teach For Malaysias vision a reality. For further information, please visit our website at www.teachformalaysia.org

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