I NPHPC - GroundRulesForEffectiveGroups

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Ground rules for effective groups 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.

Test assumptions and inferences. Share all relevant information. Focus on interests, not positions. Be specificuse examples. Agree on what important words mean. Explain the reasons behind ones statements, questions and actions. Disagree openly with any member of the group. Make statements, then invite questions and comments. Jointly design ways to test disagreements and solutions. Discuss undiscussable issues. Keep the discussion focused. Do not take cheap shots or otherwise distract the group. All members are expected to participate in all phases of the process. Exchange relevant information with nongroup members. Make decisions by consensus. Do self-critiques.

Roger Schwartz, The Skilled Facilitator. Jossey-Bass, 1994.

Core values for facilitators Any facilitated exercise must: Generate valid information People share all relevant information People share information in a way others understand it People share information in a way that others can independently validate it People continually seek new information to determine whether previous decisions should be changed Enable participants to make free and informed choices People define their own objectives and methods for achieving them People are not coerced or manipulated People base their choices on valid information Lead members to be internally committed to those choices People feel personally responsible for their decisions People find their choices intrinsically compelling or satisfying

Roger Schwartz, The Skilled Facilitator. Jossey-Bass, 1994.

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