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I have lived almost a major portion of my life near NH 39, and I have seen how it has been abused, ignored and taken advantage of. For years we have to bear the brunt of the neglect and even this year the story is no different. In winter and dry season its so dusty that we can hardly open our windows for fresh air and in rainy season the situation is equally worse. The heavy downpour on the 3rd of May completely submerged the NH 39, below Naga Hospital colony. The poor drainage system unable to contain the torrent of water, spilled over the embankment, turning the NH 39 into a drivers nightmare. Forget the neighborhood. This has been occurring year after year without any concrete steps being taken to solve the problem. And the irony is that this half a km stretch of road from Para medical bridge is perhaps the most important life line to the capital. Gagged this passage and virtually you have a socio-economic nightmare. You can take a detour but for how long. Taxi to price of commodities is going to shoot up and double your traveling time to anywhere meaningful. What baffles me is that, I do not know even now, why the drainage systems are not being improved upon, to handle the situation created during the summer. The area is a sinking zone and a landslide prone area. So special attention should be accorded. But even after having known this fact, what they do every year is, do cosmetic jobs by tarring the road, which eventually gets washed away during rainy season, as the drainage system cannot handle the amount of water it receives. It is causing massive soil erosion. The concern authority whoever it may be, (Nagaland govt. stop passing the buck, at least take some moral responsibilities) urgently needs to address this issue head on and provide an alternative solution to the above challenges. The Indus civilization which existed around 1500 B.C was known for its excellent town planning. The core of which was the presence of good roads, juxtapose along with a scientific drainage system. The Nagas need to wake upit is 21 Century. Robin Temsu

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