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A very nice Sloka in the nature of Samarpanam or

Sharanagati at the Holy Feet of Sri Kanchi Parmacharyal :

(A good one to include in ones daily chants / prayers)

which great divine presence


of the Kanchi Kamakoti Mata


(shines as) the adornment

Which Cosmic Absolute, as
described in the Sruthis (Vedas)
pious people, learned in Sastras,
declare as
The Formless and Nirguna Brahman
(transcending the three gunas)
(hey!) Pujya Shri Chandra-sekhara
Guro !
You are verily that Nirguna
Brahman ( visible to us )!
By your pious deeds, Tapas and
Gunas, you are, verily, purifying
the world and its people !
Whatever acts I perform, in this
worldly existence of mine,
all those acts, in their entirety,
I submit unto your divine lotus
feet, in a spirit of total surrender.
Typed : KKR : 27th May 2011

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