LMS Constitution Draft

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The Legislative power of the League shall be invested in the Assembly, to be composed of one representative from each member nation of the League. 2. The duties of the Assembly shall be to: a. Declare war, b. Impeach Officers of State, c. Conduct treason trials, and d. Pass legislation and approve proposals. 3. The Executive power of the League shall be vested in the Offices of State, which shall be the Lord Protector and the Minister for War. 4. The duties of the Lord Protector shall be to: a. Represent the League in diplomacy, b. Conduct free and fair elections by: i. Compiling the ballot, ii. Counting the votes, and iii. Announcing the results, c. Settle disputes between member nations, and d. Lead the League in ordinary situations. 5. The Lord Protector shall be elected by an absolute majority of the voting members of the Assembly and shall serve a term of 50 days. 6. The duties of the Minister for War shall be to: a. Gather intelligence concerning member states and enemies, b. Bring proposals of war to the Assembly, c. Mobilise the Militia, and d. Oversee military activities. 7. The Minister for War shall be elected by an absolute majority of the voting members of the Assembly and shall serve a term of 50 days. ARTICLE II: THE WORLD ASSEMBLY DELEGATE 8. The Delegate shall be the member state that holds the most endorsements from other member states. 9. The duties of the Delegate shall be to: a. Represent the League at the World Assembly, b. Protect the region from raiders, and c. Propose and accept Embassy requests from other regions. ARTICLE III: THE ELECTION PROCESS 10. The Lord Protector shall open electoral registration on the 44th day of their term, and close registration on the 46th day. 11. Elections shall take place on and including the 47th, 48th, and 49th days of the Lord Protectors term, and results shall be announced before the close of the 49th day of the Lord Protectors term. 12. Newly elected officers shall take office on the day after the 50th day of the Lord Protectors term. 13. Candidates elected at by-elections shall end their term at the time their predecessor would have. 14. Each member state shall vote in the optional preferential method, and candidates need an absolute majority of votes to win office. ARTICLE IV: THE MILITIA 15. The Minister for War is the Commander In Chief of the Armed Forces of the League, herein called the Militia.

16. The Minister for War, and, if chosen by him, a General from his National Army, shall command the Militia. 17. All nations shall be required to give 10-25% of material and personnel of their national military to the Militia. 18. Nations are exempt from providing material and personnel if they can convince the Assembly that: a. They do not have the financial stability to provide material and personnel, or, b. Providing material and personnel would pose a serious threat to their defensive capabilities, or, c. Any other reason the Assembly deems appropriate. 19. The Militia may only be deployed after the Assembly issues a declaration of war, however, it may be mobilised at the command of the Minister for War. ARTICLE V: MEMBERSHIP 20. To be considered for membership and to retain membership, nations must have a sovereign ruling their nation in any capacity. 21. The Delegate and the Lord Protector shall have the right to admit, at first instance, members to the League, and have discretion as to which nations are accepted. An absolute majority of the assembly can overrule an admission. An overruling of an admission is not an expulsion unless explicitly deemed so by the Assembly. 22. Nations that are rejected shall have reasons provided to them, and shall be afforded the opportunity to re-apply at any time. 23. Members may be expelled from the League pursuant to an absolute majority vote of the Assembly. 24. Expelled members may be reinstated as full members only by an absolute majority vote of the Assembly, with conditions, if any, set by the Assembly. ARTICLE VI: AMENDMENTS 25. The Assembly may amend this constitution with a two-thirds majority vote. 26. All member nations may propose amendments.

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