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Neurological Reactions and Reflexes

Age: Reflex-reaction 1 Automatic Stepping Crossed Extension Positive Supporting Flexor Withdrawal Grasp Reflex Plantar Reflex Moro Reflex Galant Response ATNR STNR Tonic Labrynthine Rooting and Sucking Head Righting Neck Righting Landau Optical Righting Body on Body Amphibian Reaction Parachute Side Rear Tilt Prone Supine Sitting Quadruped Standing Month 4 5

Most Active Less Active

9 10 11 12 Year 1 2 3 4

Tilt Protective Equilibruim Extension


Primitive Reflexes

(+) Present Automatic Stepping Crossed Extension Positive Supporting Flexor Withdrawal Grasp Reflex Plantar Reflex Moro Reflex Galant Response ATNR

(-) Absent (O) Obligatory STNR Tonic Labrynthine Rooting Sucking Head Righting Neck Righting Landau Optical Righting Body on Body

(I) Integrated (W) Weak (NT) Not Tested Amphibian Reaction Equilibrium Standing Parachute Protective Ext Left Protective Ext Right Protective Ext Rear Equilibrium Prone Equilibrium Supine Equilibrium Sitting Equilibrium Quadruped


Access Life Therapies, L.L.C.

1490 Old Henderson Road

Columbus, Ohio 43220


Fax (614) 776-5622

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