Resume PR

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Abigail Nicole Stollar

Current Address 16 Christiana Drive 503 Christiana Tower West Newark, DE 19717 (717) 476-6008 (cell) Permanent Address 5075 East Berlin Road East Berlin, PA 17316 Twitter: @abbynicole1204

Education Bachelor of Communication, Concentration in Public Relations (May 2012) University of Delaware, Newark, DE Minors: Political Science, Political Communication, and Journalism Overall GPA: 3.8/4.0 Experience Legislative/Events Intern, Autism Delaware, Newark, DE (January 2011-May 2011) *KEY ACCOMPLISHMENT: served as Exhibitor and Participant Coordinator for fundraising event with over 1,800 participants Wrote multiple press releases and performed media distribution Organized and maintained current press list Wrote legislative briefs for senators in support of autism-related bills Social Science Summer Scholar, University of Delaware, Newark, DE (Summer 2010- December 2010) * KEY ACCOMPLISHMENT: Coordinated event for over 50 people and executed all media outreach to showcase research out of nationally-recognized Center for Political Communication Produced print advertisements, press releases, and other promotional materials Researched and wrote 48-page literature review outlining historical trends in political communication Community Outreach/Public Relations Intern, American Cancer Society, York County, PA (Summer 2009) * KEY ACCOMPLISHMENT: Planned fundraising event that raised over $100,000 for organization Wrote multiple pieces for ACS volunteer newsletter Worked on editorial advocacy piece in Harrisburg Patriot, encouraging legislators to tax smokeless tobacco Public Relations/Marketing Intern, Pennsylvania State Employees Credit Union, Harrisburg, PA (Summer 2008, January 2009) * KEY ACCOMPLISHMENT: Created interactive timeline for 75th anniversary celebration Organized multiple member appreciation luncheons across the state Coordinated youth financial literacy program Compiled legislative information for government affairs specialist President, Public Relations Student Society of America, UD Chapter (September 2010-present) * KEY ACCOMPLISHMENT: Developed strategic plan for organization, which helped to increase meeting attendance by over 300% Established mentor program between PRSSA members and PRSA professionals Developed first-ever PRSSA Challenge event; 100% of participants rated event as very good or good Activities and Honors StUDent Government Association, Director of Public Relations (September 2008 May 2011) * KEY ACCOMPLISHMENT: Coordinated Elections Week strategy and raised total voter participation by over 400% Blue Hen Ambassador (September 2008-present) LeaderShape Institute Graduate (June 2009) Alpha Lambda Delta Honors Society (September 2009-present) University Teachers Assistant Program (September 2010-May 2011) Lambda Pi Eta, Communication Honors Society (November 2010-present) Deans List, each semester from December 2008-present Skills Knowledge of social media integration and analytics, Adobe InDesign and Illustrator, and Microsoft Office Suite; Strong written and oral communication skills; Experience in print journalism; Skilled in event planning and corporate sponsorships.

For writing samples, a biography, and additional information, please visit my blog, PR and Political Communication Commentary, at

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