Projected Savings From Insurance Reform in Other States

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Newark: Milton:

924 Old Harmony Road, Suite 201, Newark, DE 19713 16394 Samuel Paynter Blvd, Unit 201, Milton, DE 19968

Report: Projected Savings from Passing Autism Insurance Compiled January 24, 2011
Arizona In Arizona, the average cost of public education per student with ASD (autism spectrum disorders) for children age 3+ in 2005 ranged from $12,700 to $18,800 (self-contained classroom). In comparison, the cost of a typical childs education was $5,000. Enrolling a child in a typical education program rather than special education would save the state between $7,000 1 and $13,000 per child per year

Arkansas Based upon data from the states ASD population and a study done by the London School of Economics, Arkansas could save $658 million through insurance coverage of diagnosis and 2 intervention therapies.

Colorado Colorado would save anywhere from $2 billion to $3.2 billion if only 25% of those affected by 3 ASD respond favorably to treatment covered under this insurance law.

Connecticut SB-301, which addresses health insurance coverage for those with ASD, would save the state $1.2 million in 2010 and $2.4 million in 2011, due to increased reimbursement for their Birth to 4 Three Program.

Maine Autism insurance will result in savings of approximately $850,000 per year for the MaineCare 5 program , a total savings of $308,000 per year to the General Fund (assuming a 63.80% federal 6 match).

Massachusetts According to a report prepared by the Massachusetts Division of Healthcare Finance and Policy, any costs associated with passing autism insurance (H3809) would be more than offset by $4 7 million in savings to the states early intervention program alone.

Michigan 8 - Insurance reform would save the state over $14 billion for the current population. - Michigan would save $200,000 per child with ASD, ages 3 to 18, in the school system. Research 9 shows that schools would save over $2.8 billion total. Minnesota - Passing the Autism Healthcare Protection Act (in HF 2614) will save the state $3.6 million by 10 shifting associated costs from Medical Assistance back to the private insurers. New Jersey According to a non-partisan legislative analysis, it costs $50,300 to educate an autistic student in New Jersey, compared to $13,500 for a non-autistic student. Given that cost disparity, New

Jersey could break even by mainstreaming as few as 156 autistic students out of special 11 education. Pennsylvania By passing autism insurance (under HB 1150), Pennsylvania taxpayers could save $219,550,500 in avoided special education costs during the school years for the segment of Pennsylvania 12 children, ages 2 to 9 alone. If private insurance companies were required to provide more comprehensive insurance for those with ASD, Pennsylvanias Medical Assistance program would save $15.3 million in the first year 13 alone.

Vermont - In December 2009, the Vermont Department of Education reported that there were 108 children affected by ASD in the special education program. If those 108 children received early intensive behavioral intervention under new autism insurance laws, the state would save over $20 14 million. o The cost of special education for a child with ASD in Vermont is $48,000 per year 15 compared to $14,700 for a non-special education child

Arizona Autism Insurance Coverage, Social and Fiscal Impacts of SB1263, Stevens Law. February 6, 2008. 2 Arkansas Legislative Task Force On Autism, August 29, 2008. %20Report%20of%20the%20Arkansas%20Legislative%20Task%20Force%20on%20Autism%20as%20created%20by%20Act%201 016%20of%202007.pdf 3 Commission on Mandated Health Insurance Benefits; Review of SB09-244 Concerning Health Insurance Benefits for the Treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorders. March 20, 2009. 4 Office of Fiscal Analysis,
5 6

MaineCare is a health insurance program run by the Department of Health and Human Services.

An Act to Reform insurance Coverage to Include Diagnosis for Autism Spectrum Disorders: Fiscal Note, 124th Maine Legislature, 7 Review and Evaluation of Proposed Legislation Entitled: An Act Relative to Insurance Coverage for Autism House Bill 3809. Provided for The Joint Committee on Financial Services, March 2010. 8 David E. Meador, testimony to Michigan House of Representatives. 2009. 9 David E. Meador, testimony to Michigan House of Representatives. 2009. 10 Autism Advocacy & Law Center, LLC. The Autism Healthcare Protection Act. 11 Assembly speaker Joseph J. Roberts, printed in Remove cost worry from autism therapy, Glouchester County Voices, May 24, 2009. 12 Rate Impact Analysis HB 1150 of 2007, presented by James N. Bouder, MPA, April 1, 2008. 13 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Insurance Department. Cited in Rate Impact Analysis HB 1150 of 2007, presented by James N. Bouder, MPA, April 1, 2008. 14 An act relating to insurance coverage for autism diagnosis and treatment, S. 262, 15 Session Closes; budget deficit cut by $128 million. Report from Montpelier, May 19, 2010.

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