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It is a two-byte working storage item. The first byte denotes the general category whereas second byte denotes the particular type of error message under that category.

0 0 2 4

Successful OPEN/READ/WRITE Operation Successful completion Duplicate key was detected which is allowed as per definition of AIX. Length of record just READ didnt conform to the fixed length attributes for the file. Referenced Optional file is not present during OPEN. If open mode is I-O or EXTEND, then file will be created. Open or Close statement is executed with a phrase that implies a tape file (ex NO REWIND) whereas the file is not in TAPE. When AT END condition fails 0 Sequential READ is attempted on 1.after the end of file is reached 2.optional file that is not present. 4 Sequential READ was attempted for a relative file and RRN is larger than the maximum that can be stored in the relative key data item. When INDEX Key fails 1 2 3 4 Sequence error exists for sequentially accessed index file. Attempt was made to write a record that would create a duplicate key. Record not found.(for keyed random access) Space not found for WRITE Permanent Open error 5 7 8 Opening a non-optional file that was not present. Open mode is not permitted. Open issued for a file that was closed previously with lock

9 4 1 2 3 4 7 8 9 9 1 2 3 6 7

File attribute mismatch-Open failed. Logic error in opening/closing/deleting OPEN a opened file. CLOSE attempted for not opened file. IO statement before the current REWRITE/DELETE is not successful. REWRITE attempt with invalid length READ file which is not opened in INPUT or I-O mode WRITE file which is not opened in I-O OUPUT or EXTEND mode DELETE or REWRITE file which is not opened in I-O mode. Implementation defined VSAM password error Logic error VSAM resource unavailable No DD statement specified for VSAM file. File integrity verified for VSAM file.

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