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Before entering Kindergarten, a child should know the difference between:

Big and Little Long and Short

And be able to: Match Objects Based on Size IDEAS FOR TEACHING BIG AND LITTLE 1. Get a big ball (maybe an exercise ball or a large beach ball) and a small ball (marble or bouncy ball). Teach your child which is big and which is little. Sing the "big and little" song: (sing to the tune of twinkle twinkle little star) This is big and this is little This is big and this is little Big, little, big, little, big, little, big little, This is big and this is little This is big and this is little The repetition of this song will help your child grasp the concept. Test your child's listening skills by then asking, "Which ball is big?" "Which ball is little?" and praising him when he gives you the right answer, "Yes, this ball is big!" etc. 2. Gather a bunch of big and little items. Have your child sort them by size (big items in one pile, small items in another). 3. Use etc.). Here are some animal big and small coloring pages.

Big and Small (Enchanted Learning) (Alphabet-Soup) (Alphabet-Soup)

6. Make your own sorting game or make one from one of the links below:

Flag Size Sorting Mat ( (b&w) (color)

Egg Size Sorting Mats

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