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EDITORIAL The illiterate of the future will be not those who can not read but those who

are unable to learn - Alvin Toffler It gives me immense pleasure to be able to bring forward our school magazine with the help and co-operation of all teachers, staff and students on the initial phase of this session. Basically the students have put in lot of efforts to bring out this magazine which is clearly reflected in its contents. The students especially have shown great enthusiasm trying their hands at composing or writing something worthwhile. It is golden opportunity for our budding writers to expose their innate talents. We hope readers and guardians would appreciate this effort which shall be an inspiration and encouragement to out students. This is only the beginning of our joint effort as we know a journey of thousand miles starts from a single step. And we have a lot to do in coming days a head. Our school, under the genuinely concerned school management, hard working teachers, co-operative guardians and well wishers, seek to impart all round development of our students striking balance between academic performance and extra curricular activities. GS always has its aim that our young students leave this institution as a harmonious personality. Our effort has been to educate our children how to discipline their feelings and inculcating in them uprightness and reasoning by curbing the evil tendencies. Finally, we feel proud that our efforts have not been wasted. They have borne fruits and its first step among a lot is clearly reflected in its contents. Before stopping my words, I promise the other efforts of us will be full of novelty, multiplicity and creativity. May the burning light of sun illuminate our way in our earnest desire to strive and succeed. Happy reading! D.K. Yadav.

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