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Current Core Team Members: Chen Yingao, Shi Xiangying, Nala Rongtai, Jared Schy, Kevin Osborne, Ruanxi,

Summer Zhao

Ground Rules: Definition: Ground rules are statements of values and guidelines, which a group establishes consciously to help individual members to decide how to act. To be effective, ground rules must be clear, consistent, agreed-to, and followed. Where articulated ground rules are missing, natural behavior patterns often emerge spontaneously. These are referred to as norms.

Team Meetings Technology: We will always use Skype

Facilitator: There is one designed team facilitator for each month. Month of June is Kevin Osborne. Kevin is sharing facilitation with Summer Zhao The person will create and distribute an agenda by email 3 days prior to the scheduled meeting Meeting agenda will be posted into the Skype chat. Each agenda item will be time sensitive If the meeting appears it will require

Time Keeper: Based on the set times listed on the agenda, this person will track time through the entire meeting and give the facilitator a heads up when approach time for each item

Note Taker: Will be assigned at the start at each meeting by the facilitator All audio discussions should be typed into the Skype chat, using first name to indicate the person speaking

Minutes and TASKS will be sent out within 24 hours after the meeting

All Team Members: Regular meeting will be held once a week on Sundays 10 PM (China Time) and 9 PM (U.S CST USA Time) Additional meetings can be scheduled to discus critical issues or tabled items upon discussion and agreements with the team facilitator All team members are expected to attend team meetings unless they give 2 days advanced notice. If there is an emergency, it is accepted. Team members are responsible for contact the team facilitator with any agenda items 12 hours prior to the meeting Meetings will start promptly on time. Team members are expected to be on Skype 5 minutes before the meeting. If a member arrives late, it is there own responsibility to catch-up We will always be on or near a computer when possible for meetings

Etiquette: If there is no sound, we will always use ??? to signify to the group that we have a question. The facilitator will then keep track of who has typed "???" and let the discussion move in the order of who asked the questions. If there is no sound, we will never interrupt each just by typing whatever questions or thoughts are on our mind. If we have a comment, we will say, I have a comment and or ??? for I have a question. The facilitator then can choose who types first. Members will always indicate agree with ++ Members will always indicate disagree with Members will always indicate agree with comment with ++ & Members will always indicate disagree with reason with -- & All TASKs will have a clear deliverable and due date Communication All Team Members: Responsibilities will only be assigned if the person accepts the

responsibility. If a person is not present at the meeting, the facilitator must review the assignment or action item with the person before the responsibility is designated Team members will always ask for help to complete our tasks when needed, in advance of the due date. We will create a consistent code system for emails that signify their importance and what is to be done with them. We will always use alternate forms of communication if one is not working. We will never intentionally exclude someone if they cannot use certain technologies. We will help each other with English and Chinese translations both in meetings; and we can help one another lean these languages outside the meeting

Advisors: (Holly Chang, Xiangyu Zhao, Zhan Yufeng, Guichun, Caroline Henderson) They will always be able to see all internal communication We always welcome the comments on any of our activities We will always seek their advice when looking for expertise in the field. We will always take their comments into full consideration Decision Making We will always take time to make sure concerns are heard before asking people to make a vote. We will always consider who needs to be consulted and informed when making our decisions We will always include all core members in the decision making process unless extenuating circumstances arise We will never make important decisions without adequate time, information, or consideration. "We will collaborate and use consensus, 2/3 of core team, for key decisions. What is a key decision? I'd prefer we make some provisions like "if all members are not present for important decisions (and then we define them)

Creating a Safe Space We will always start each call with a quick check-in about where everyone is at/how they are doing We will always assume best intentions and seek understanding We will not have every single one of our calls facilitated and allow our calls to be a place to foster reflection and discussion amongst ourselves, not only a place to decide action steps. We will never make assumptions about others beliefs, intentions, and desires (other than assuming best intentions) We will always be understanding of each other's different work patterns, life schedules, and stress levels and recognize that we will not always be able to accomplish all that we seek to accomplish in a given week Tasks We will define tasks as clearly as possible when creating them with deliverables and due date We will never leave a task undone without notifying the team in advance of when it is due that we will be unable to complete it We will always be honest and open about what we are unable to take on We will always be willing to challenge ourselves to accomplish amazing things We will always recognize that we will have to support each other more or less at different periods and be willing and ready to do so. We will never wait until the next call to check in with someone who is responsible for a task that your task(s) depend on We will never leave a task incomplete without asking for help from the group before the due date Norms We will always revisit these norms once every (x times) Language We will come to a common agreement and understanding about how our different languages will be used in the context of meetings, notes, and

translating documents from one language to the other. We will always recognize that each of us is trying to learn the others' language and help each other do so by: o Providing lists of commonly used terms with definitions in each others languages o Having parts of meetings in each other's language even though it may make things go more slowly o Speak clearly and slowly and sometimes simplify what we are saying to make it easier for each other to understand o Potentially set up times outside of calls to practice our languages with each other Developing Leadership We will strive to rotate facilitators on a month basis and provide support via written "how to documents" and coaching sessions to teach each other skills we all need (such as facilitation).

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