40K - Waaargh Da Orks - Rogue Trader

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BAD MOON MADBOY ‘STRIKINGLY ATTIRED "GOFF NOB SHOWING CLAN” BLOOD AXECLANORK EVIL SUNZ ORK WIELDING WEIRDBOY FROM BAD MOON "ICON ON BACK BANNER HAINSWORI ‘GOFF WAREOSS AND RETINUE DEM ONZAr ica aces The cry Waa-Ork is shouted on a thousand worlds as the Orks rampage through the universe on their holy war. Smoke-belching Ork Gargants stamp across Pier ted TAC Oa Seores totals eSeT TEL END UTeateMnesUI Mey meccrs eat role Coy Be Estes TN zl con BNC YATES MSU Cere MU Teten Kone IIT Boyz charge madly at the enemy, bolters Eval Stormboyz march in precise ranks, Madboyz gibber and prance, Painboyz administer their eomtin tattle tee atert Lim Great Battlewagons lurch over the ravaged landscapes, escorted by flotillas of whooping Orks revving bikes and buggies. Behind the front, Weirdboyz channel the psychic energies of the battle-crazed army into blasts of pure psychic power. Huge herds of Gretchin and Snotlings are he Morm ies ona culm OROn Ze ander miiTonny Aya erm Coe RO MB NLU Lo eee Tonnies Surely no other race in the universe loves war so much as the Orks.

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