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Physics 111 Summer 2011 Lecture Schedule

Lecture Dates





6/14,6/15,6/16, 6/20,6/21,6/22,6/23

Lecture and Reading Topic Class introduction; Chapter 1: Why take physics?; brief math review; dimensions; units; and graphs. Chapter 2: Position, displacement; velocity; speed; acceleration; motion in 1D; free fall. Chapter 3: Vector addition; motion in a plane; projectiles; and relative velocity. Exam #1 (Chapters 1-3) Chapter 4: Intro to forces (contact and long range); Newton's laws of motion; equilibrium; and application of Newton's second law. Circular motion; banked curve, orbits; non-uniform circular motion; and artificial gravity. Chapter 5: Work; kinetic energy; work by variable forces; potential energy; conservation of energy; and power. Exam #2 (Chapters 4-5) Chapter 6: Momentum, impulse; conservation of momentum; center of mass; and collisions. Chapter7,8: Rotational KE; torque; equilibrium; Newton's Second Law (Rotational Form); rolling objects; and angular momentum. Chapter 9: Pressure; Pascal's Principle; Archimedes' Principle; Bernoulli equation; continuity equation. Exam #3 (Chapters 6-9) Chapter 13: Hooke's Law; deformations; simple harmonic motion; and the simple pendulum, Waves; superposition; reflection; interference; and standing waves on strings. Chapter 14: Sound waves; intensity of sound; and standing sound waves.



6/30 Exam #4 (Chapters 13-14) 7/1 at 11.40 am 12.15 pm Final Exam (Comprehensive)

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