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Quality Assurance

Quality Principle
Implement a quality first environment by ensuring the best product and service quality through: Reliable on-time performance Delivering the best value Achieving overall competitiveness

Employee Empowerment
Strict requirements

Examinations and certifications

External overseas and local training

Top-of-the-line technology Three Sigma Internal benchmark
Invest on machines Meet customer requirements

99.73% accuracy

98% target yield Usually yield 99%

Three Sigma
Three Sigma s 99.73% accuracy (2,700 dppm) vs Six Sigma s 99.9997% accuracy (3.4 dppm) Natural Variations: Inherent defects of machine Characteristics of materials used

Continuous Improvement
Biannual Internal Audits
Statistical Control Processes Find room for improvement

8D (Eight Disciplines) Problem Solving Process

FIFO Virtually no inventory Scheduling based on capacity Continuous process flow

SHORT TERM: Sustain competitive advantage of delivering quality products LONG TERM:
98% Target Yield Three Sigma Six Sigma Zero Defects

20,000 dppm 2,700 dppm 3.4 dppm 0 dppm

Through religiously maintaining their machines to reduce inherent defects of machines investing in new technology to increase efficiency investing in R&D to come up with preventive and corrective measures for their processes

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