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Contribution of Indian Mathematicians in the field of Mathematics

The Hugh's which Mathematics is occupying today and the progress which it has made through the ages is all due to the dedicated and Sustained of work if its great students A large number of them have immortalized themselves by their memorable contribution to their subject. Man kind will remember them forever with gratitude their lives and deeds will Contribute to inspire the students and scholars these were the geniuses whose work will benefit the human race throughout its existence, out of these shining stars of the world of mathematics we select the following few to get glimpse of their greatness


History: Aryabhata was born on 21st March AD 476 he is believed to have lived in Kusumpura neau the modern city of patna in Bihar He was both an astronomer and a Mathematician.

Contribution in the field of Arithmetic

He Referred to the extraction of Square roots & Cube roots He gave Meted to find Sum to Terms of an AP He tried to give a rule for summing an arthematic Series of the Pth Term He tried to solve intermediate linear equations by method of continued fractions

In the field of Algebra

He is well Acquinted with Quadratic Equations He made attempt at a general solution of the linear intermediate equation by the method of cont inued fraction

In the field of Geometry

He gave some geometrical results which are indeed needed in the calculation of eclipses He was first person to give the area of a general triangle x base x altitude He gave the formula for the volume of the sphere

In the field of Trigonometry

There are also some elements of trigonometry in the work apart from definition of sine function there are also rules for finding it and a table of sines

In the field of Astronomy Aryabhata was one of the first ancient astronomer who suggested that it is not the celestial sphere but the earth that turns on its axis

Brahmagupta was born in 598 CE in bhinmal city in the state of Rajasthan of northwest india. In Ancient times billamala was the seat of power of Gujars . His father was Jisnugupta

Works of Brahmagupta
Brahmagupta well know for his accurate results self respect and remarkable boldness, was an excellent Indian astronomer and mathematician His work Brahma Sphuta Siddhanta and a Karana text called Khandakhadyaka are well know He has Composed a monograph called Dhyanagraha which Consist of 72 Verses giving sure result in mathematics but this independent work has yet not been traced Brahmagupta himself states that he composed the work Brahma Sphuta Siddhanta in AD628 When king Vyaghramukha of the Capa dynasity was ruling He discusses planetary motions the moons cusps and shadows eclipses times and distance etc., he called the 18th chapter kuttaka which is essentially devised to the solution of indeterminate equations He also find discussions on areas and volumes of geometrical figures He was interested in the determination of rational right angled triangles whose sides are rational numbers and similarly of rational cyclic quadrilateral He also gave a formula for the diagonals of a cyclic quadric lateral in terms of sides of triangle Brahmagupta Wrote another book named Khandakhadyaka in AD665 when he was 67 years old it is an expository book on astronomy A new branch of mathematics interpolation theory was just initiated by Brahmagupta but the subject was not developed further Brahmagupta exerted great influence on the later mathematicians . George sarton called Brahmagupta one of the greatest scientists of his race and the greatest of his time. Bhaskara who was greatly influenced by the of Brahamagupta conferred on him the title Ganaka Chakra Chudamani which Brahamagupta Richly deserves


Ramanujan was born on 22 December 1887 in the city Erode, Tamil Nadu, India, at the Residence of his matenal grandparents. His father K. Srinivasa Ijyngau worked as a clerk in a sari shop and hailed from the district of thanjavur . His mother Komal. Ammal was housewife and also sang at a Local temple they lived in sarangapani street in a traditional home in the town of kumbakonam . He Passed his primary examinations in English, Tamil, Geography and arithmetic, with his Scores he finished first in the district that year. Ramanujan entered Town Higher Secondry School where he Encountered fromal Mathematics for the first time

Ramanujans contribution to mathematics was in the field of numbers In the simplest arrangements of digits, he found wonderful properties, consequences symmetries and relationships that had the notices of ever the at least of mathematicians upot that time He Studied the highly composite number also which are recognized as the opposite of prime numbers The partition of whole numbers is another similar problem which engaged the attention of Ramanujana He also investigated about divergent series He was one of the greatest masters in the field of higher geometric series and continued fractions. He produced quite a number of results in the field of definite integrals and elliptic functions His contribution in geometry are commendable the famous Pythagoras theorem is seen in the following from in his work Attention to Trigonometry and his introduction of sines and versed sines was a notable improvement upon the clumsy half chords of Ptolemy He was also the master of astronomy Diagonal motion of the heavens is due to the rotation of the earth about an axis Regarding Ramanujan prof Hardy says here aman who could work out modular equations, work out theorem of complex multiplication, to orders unheard if who had found mastery of continued fractions on the formal side any rate beyond that of any mathematic an in the world who had found for himself the functional equation of the zeta function, and the dominant terms many of the most famous problems in the analytic theory

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