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Classification/ Indication

Dose, Mechanisms of Contraindicatio route and action n frequency 30 cc TID x Promote the Contraindicated y 5 days gastric mucosal in patients with defense renal disease. y mechanisms. y

Side effects

Nursing Responsibilities

Generic name: y Aluminum hydroxide Magnesiu m hydroxide Brand name: y Maalox ( Obsolete)

Classification: Antacid Indication: Treatment of esophagitis, gastric hyperacidity, peptic ulcer and gastritis.

y y y y y

abdominal discomfort abdominal pain upper bowel sounds abnormal dysgeusia dyspepsia dysphagia emotional distress feeling hot.

Monitor for side effects Nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea With calciumcontaining products: constipation, acid rebound Monitor for therapeutic response Notify heath care provider if symptoms are not relieved


Classification/ Indication

Dose, route and frequency

Mechanisms of action


Side effects

Nursing Responsibilities

Generic name: y Cefuroxime axetil Brand name: y Zinnat

Classification: Cephalosporin antibiotic; 2nd generation Inication: Treatment of the infection due to suspectible organism.

500 g P.O. BID x 7 Bactericidal days against suspectible bacteria

Hyepersensitivity GI: to cephalosporins y y

Nausea Vomitin  g  Diarrhea   

assess for infection v/s sputum stool WBC count obtain a careful Hx before initiating therapy to determmine previous use of & reactions to penicillins or cephalosporins.


Classification/ Indication

Dose, route and frequency

Mechanisms of action


Side effects

Nursing Responsibilities

Generic name: Salmeterol xinafoate Brand name: Seretide

Classification: Adrenegics Indication: Treatment of obstructive airway diseases.

250/50 BID x 1 week

Salmeterol protects against symptoms, fluticasone propionate improves lung function and prevents exacerbations of the condition.

History of hypersensitivity to any of the ingredients of Seretide.


hoarseness  throat irritation oral thrush racing heart shaky feeling headache

Monitor for presence of rash which signals to hypersensiti vity reaction.



Scientific Explanation





Subjective: Nagsusuka ako as verbalized by the client. Objevtive: >V/S BP: 90/70 PR: 96 RR: 20 Temp: 36.9 >pale conjunctiva >hyperactivity of bowel sounds >cold skin to touch

Deficient fluid volume r/t vomiting.

Vomiting is a violent act in which the stomach has to overcome the pressures that are normally in place to keep food and secretions within the stomach. The stomach almost turns itself inside out - forcing itself into the lower portion of the esophagus (the tube that connects the mouth to the stomach) during a vomiting episode.

Short term: y After 30 mins of nursing intervention the client will be able to:  Verbalize measures to y prevent or avoid vomiting. Long term: After 8 hours of nursing intervention the client will not experience vomiting.

Monitor for y the existence of factors causing defi cient fluid volume. Encourage client to avoid foods that will y cause or exacerbate abdominal cramping. Monitor total fluid intake and output every 8 hours and every hour for the unstable client.

Decrease  the occurrence and severity of complicatio ns fromdeficie nt fluid volume. To prevent abdominal  cramping/ir ritation.

After 30 mins of nursing intervention the client verbalized measures to prevent or avoid vomiting. Goal met. After 8 hours of nursing intervention the client dose not experience vomiting. Goal met.

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