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Zuldeka Ziubin (2009376453) Section A: Background Information (Please tick in the appropriate box).


Gender : Male




Less 20



above 31

BEL 422 (Report Presentation) Attire and Confidence Level


As a student, do you think that appearance is important to you? Yes No

Bachelor in Business Administration (Hons) Finance

Dear Respondents, We are students from part 5 of Bachelor in Business Administration (Hons) Finance conducting a study on Attire and Confidence Level All the respondents information will be kept confidentially and use for academic purposes only. The specific objectives are as follows:


What type(s) of attire do you like to wear? (You can choose more than one ) Executive Casual Traditional Sporty Hip Hop Other ______________

1. To identify attire(s) that can affect the level of confidence of the 2. To describe the relationship between type of attire(s) with the
level of confidence. individual.


In what situation(s) will you dress up to boost your confidence lev (You can choose more than one) Everyday class Dating Working Special Event ______________ Outing Presentation

Group Members; Ellida Karen Jimmy Totu (2010449332) Elsie Vivian Bt Mansin (2009181243) Izzul Fitry Bin Darussamin (2009177299)



How do you feel when you wear the attire(s) that you have chosen? Very comfort Comfort Neutral

Less comfort

Not comfort at all


When you wear that type(s) of attire, does it affect your confidence level? (If you answer is YES, please proceed to question 8) Yes No


What is your confidence level? Very confident Neutral Confident Less confident

Not confident at all

Section B: respondents opinions/ suggestions 9.

Based on your opinion, does type(s) of attire can be considered as one of important elements to boost your confidence level? State your reason. _______________________________________________________________________ _____________ _

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