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Flyover is a road which is built on pillars over another road. Big and busiest cities need flyover to avoid traffic jam. Mohakhali flyover is the first and one of the main flyovers in Bangladesh. It is situated at Mohakhali of Dhaka. Novemver, 2004 Mohakhali flyover was built. It is 1.8 kilometers long and 14.63 meters wide. It also has sidewalks of .6 meter wide. It is built on 51 pillars. At a time four cars can ply on this flyover. Its center is 7 meters high from the ground. A Chinese company has constructed it. About 136 cores taka has spent to build the flyover. During office and schools hours there is a long queue of buses, cars and other vehicles causing a serious traffic jam. Now people can go through the flyover and save their valuable time. As a result we can say a flyover can prevent or reduce traffic jam to a great extent. So it is useful to our big and busiest city.

I have a nice pet and it is a bird. The bird is parrot. My father has brought it from a bird shop and has given me in my birthday. I called her Mimi. It has green feathers and a red beak. It looks beautiful. I put it into the cage when I go to school. But Mimi does not like cage. She likes to be near me. When I come back it makes a lot of noise to get free. I open the door of the cage. She gets out and flies from here to there in our house. Every morning she takes a bath and jumps into the tub. Her wings get wet. Then she hops onto the bar of the cage. My mother puts her food in the cage. She is learning to talk. She can call me by name. I always take a very nice care of Mimi. I am very fond of my pet.

My parents are dearest to me in the world. I have been grown up under their affection and care. They are educated. My father is a service holder. After his duty, he looks after the whole family. Everybody he wakes up in the early morning and goes to the nearest bazaar. He takes me to the school on his way to office. My mother is a house wife. She works at home. She also takes care of our health and studies. She spends her free time with us. So from morning to night my parents work hard for our happiness. When I make a good result in the examination, their joys know no bounds. If I am sick, they became very unhappy and anxious about my health. They try to care me. My parents are my best friends and well wishers. I have learnt a lot from them. So my parents are the best. I love my parents very much.

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