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PREFACE MBA is a stepping-stone to the management carrier and to develop good manager it is necessary that the theoretical must

be supplemented with exposure to the real environment. Theoretical knowledge just provides the base and its not sufficient to produce a good Manager thats why practical knowledge is needed. Therefore the research product is an essential requirement for the student of MBA. This research project not only helps the student to utilize his skills properly learn fieldrealities but also provides a chance to the organization to find out talent among thebudding managers in the very beginning. In accordance with the requirement of MBA course I have summer training project onthe topic Comparitive Analysis of Mutual funds and Ulips. The main objective of theresearch project was to study the two instruments and make a detailed comparison ofthe two. For conducting the research project sample size of 50 customers of SBIMFand SBOP was selected. The information regarding the project research was collectedthrough the questionnaire formed by me which was filled by the customers there.

INDUSTRY PROFILE The mutual fund industry is a lot like the film star of the finance business. Though it is perhaps the smallest segment of the industry, it is also the most glamorous in that it is a young industry where there are changes in the rules of the game every day, and there are constant shifts and upheavals. The mutual fund is structured around a fairly simple concept, the mitigation of risk through the spreading of investments across multiple entities, which is achieved by the pooling of a number of small investments into a large bucket.

Yet it has been the subject of perhaps the most elaborate and prolonged regulatory effort in the history of the country.

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