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Pranab Mukherjee "The Constitution has given the right to prepare and pass bills to Parliament and Assembly.

But if someone tries to dictate from outside on the deadline, will it strengthen democracy or weaken it?.. "The civil society agitation against the government amounted to a sinister move of destroying the fine balance between the three organs of government enshrined in our Constitution. "This [Lokpal drafting] is not a circus." Manish Tewari "The greatest danger to the democracy is from the unelected dictator....If democracy faces its biggest peril, it is from the tyranny of the unelected and tyranny of the unelectable. "He (Anna) does not see the corruption of Yeddyurappa government in Karnataka when he visits Bangalore but never misses to make statements against others from there." "There has been "violence in language of those who have been claiming to be Gandhians and it appears that they have been reading the script of forces out to destabilise the country. Anna Hazare "Their (the government) allegations, including the so-called hidden support and political agenda designed by RSS and BJP, are sheer humiliation of sentiments of common Indians. They are trying to demoralise and confuse agitators fighting against corruption and this proves insensitivity of government." "No one can stop the emerging social and political change in India. Now people have realised that they have to become agents of change and must not rely only on leaders and political parties." Arvind Kejriwal "If you take the PM out of the purview of any investigation, that will be very unfortunate." "In the past you yourself offered to be brought under the purview of the Lokpal. Then why are your ministers opposing your inclusion in the Lokpal's ambit? Is there a disconnect? Taking the prime minister out of any probe would be a retrograde step." Prashant Bhushan

"Why is the PM scared on coming in the ambit of the bill if he is clean and honest. Democracy cannot be taken lightly thinking that people have elected you for the next five years."

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