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PIKE AND MUSKET Volley and Bayonet adaptations for the English Civil War

SCALE The ground scale used is a modified version of the scales from the Volley, Bayonet and Glory books. Ive called it Regiment Scale, which is as follows: The modified ground scale is 1 inch = 50 yards. The time scale becomes 1 turn = 30 minutes of real time. Roster scale becomes 1 strength point = 250 men (round to nearest) or 1 gun.

For some of the smaller battles I also use the Wing and Battalion Scales from the same book. If using these, remember to adjust all ranges accordingly. In the majority of cases, this means that the majority of infantry regiments are represented by 1 Pike and 2 Shot stands (see below). MORALE Units have Morale of either 3 or 4, depending on whether they are raw or trained, or on their state of mind prior to battle (for example, the Parliamentary Cavalry at Edgehill following the defeat at Powick Bridge). Some highly experienced/motivated units have morale of 5 (such as the Kings Lifeguard). POORLY DRILLED TROOPS Some units (both horse and foot) are poorly drilled (see main VnB rules). TROOP TYPES: COMMANDERS Army/Wing Commanders Base: 2 x 2 These are used as Army/Corps Commanders (see main VnB rules). Brigade Commanders Base: 1.5 x 1.5 These are used as Division Commanders (see main VnB rules). TROOP TYPES: FOOT Clubmen/Militia/Pioneers Base: 3 x 1.5 Clubmen dont fight with clubs, they are so called because they were members of a club!!! Pioneers were usually used to defend the baggage train or to prepare defences. These troops operate as militia in the main VnB rules (i.e. they receive no free facing change and are permanently disordered). They do not, however, have any fire factors. They have a maximum strength of 4. Musketeers Base: 3 x 1.5 Musketeers are treated as a standard linear infantry stand, with the same number of fire and melee dice (see main VnB rules). They are armed with either muskets, or, on rare occasions, firelocks. Because of the greater frontage required for each musketeers (around 4 6 feet per musketeer), these units have a maximum strength of 2. Because of the limited ammo carried by musketeers in the ECW (12 charges the 12 apostles - was the norm), if 2 1s are thrown when firing (whether throwing 2 dice for firing when moving, or if using 4 dice for stationary fire), throw an additional dice. If this dice is also a 1, the unit is out of ammunition and loses its fire factors for the remainder of the game.

Firepower troops can deploy as follows: The usual way to deploy musketeers is as part of a regiment of pikemen/musketeers. These would deploy using the Dutch style which was a unit of pike with 2 sleeves of shot as follows:




Any number of such regiments can form a brigade for command purposes. Regiments can also deploy using the complicated Swedish format, as the royalists did at Edgehill. When using this deployment, rather than keeping units in their individual regiments, several regiments were brigaded together into 4 Pike units and 4 units of Musketeers. These were deployed on the battlefield in a complicated diamond formation as follows: Pike Shot Shot Pike Shot Pike Firepower units can also be used as commanded shot, these were usually mixed with cavalry units to provide support. Pike Shot

By using different types of bases for pike and shot units, this allows them to be used in the historical manner (with pikemen see below) protecting the shot units when in danger of being charged, or indeed by being deployed in different ways. Weapon Ranges are (note that firelock musket range is longer than in the main VnB rules because of the reduced ground scale): Type Matchlock Musket Firelock Musket Pike Base: 3 x 1.5 Though the base size for this unit is the same as a linear unit, for all intents and purposes, it operates as a 3x3 stand does in the main VnB game. In addition, the unit is treated as a shock troop (hit on a 5 or 6), in all combat situations, whether attacking, defending, moving or stationary. The unit has no fire dice. See Musketeers for the deployment options, though obviously the commanded shot option cannot be used. Pike units have a maximum strength of 4. Skirmishers (Forlorn Hope) Base: 1.5 x 1.5 Forlorn Hope are initially deployed in advance of the main body of men. They operate as infantry skirmishers (see main VnB rules). They can be armed with muskets or firelocks. TROOP TYPES: CAVALRY Dragoons Base: 3 x 3 Dragoons operate as Firearm Cavalry (see VnB rules) when mounted. They may dismount (see main VnB rules) into one 1.5 x 1.5 infantry skirmisher (see forlorn hope troop type above) for each strength point they have and one 1.5 x 1.5 horse holder, which cannot move or fight, and is removed if contacted (meaning the dragoons cannot remount). They have a maximum strength of 2. Gallopers Base: 3 x 3 Gallopers operate as cavalry (from the Volley, Bayonet and Glory book). Gallopers have no ranged fire, instead relying on close combat and the impetus of the charge. For this reason, they are treated as shock troops when charging. Close Long 2 3

Gallopers are impetuous and will always conduct a breakthrough if they can. Some Gallopers are Exuberant and will automatically charge any eligible unit, or advance towards any enemy if they can move themselves into charge range that turn, whether their commander wants them to or not (this simulates the lack of control some Royalist Cavalry units exercised, particularly at Edgehill). Gallopers can wear length armour (Cuirassiers). This has the effect of giving an additional cavalry saving throw for each hit suffered in Melee (not ranged fire). They have a maximum Unit Strength of 2.

Trotters Base: 3 x 3 Gallopers operate as cavalry (from the Volley, Bayonet and Glory book). Trotters discharge their pistols before they charge home to simulate this, trotters have 1 fire dice which is resolved prior to any Melee combat whether charging, or being charged. Trotters can wear length armour (Cuirassiers). This has the effect of giving an additional cavalry saving throw for each hit suffered in Melee (not ranged fire). They have a maximum Unit Strength of 2. Caracole Base 3 x 3 These troops are used as Firearm Troops (see main VnB rules). They have a maximum Unit Strength of 2. Lancers Base 3 x 1.5 Again, use as Linear Cavalry from the VBnG book. Lancers have no ranged fire, instead relying on close combat and the impetous of the charge. They are treated as shock troops when charging. They have a maximum Unit Strength of 2. TROOP TYPES: ARTILLERY Because they were difficult to manoeuvre, artillery do not get a free unlimber or facing change. Once unlimbered, if any enemy comes within its long range, it may not be limbered again for the remainder of the game. Combat factors are below: Type Heavy Guns Medium Guns Light Guns Ultra Light Guns Close To Hit 12 10 8 6 4-6 4-6 4-6 4-6 Long To Hit 24 20 16 12 6 6 6 6

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