New Media

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New media

New media technologies- characteristics, information super highway, conversions structure and functions social and cultural consequences, fragmentation and digitalization, social control and democracy, privatization and competition, new media access and control, digital diving, e- governance, process social and legal frameworks, policy initiatives Information and knowledge society- definitions, characteristics of information society, various theories, daniell bell, machicep, Herbert schilleer, jargon habermas, manual catells, Alvin Toffler, frank Webster, evolution of new media audience, mass specialized literature audience, new media uses ad gratifications, influential factor Social and cultural effects of new media, information overload, rich and poor, knowledge gap, cultural alienation, new media empowerment and right to information New media theory, perceptive, technological determinism, functionalism, post modernism, characteristics of new media- uses adoption , socio technical paradigm, information commoditization and consumption , new media issues, invasion of privacy cyber crime , IT policies , pronography

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