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e miljnonti exam :: literarna teorija

1ST PART :: POETRY PROSODY :: is the science of versification. Its a fairly broad term that coers wide world of poetic terms, also of metre and stanza forms v POETIC LANGUAGE/POETIC DICTION :: any form of expressionof grammar which consists of FIGURES OF SPEECH. Figures of speech are divided into other subcategories; metaphoric expressions, rhetorical devices and sound effects. FIGURES OF SPEECH/FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE :: poetic language concerns any form of expression r grammatical form which deviates from the most general o language WHEREABOUTS OF THE POETS ::is the poet possibly in the poem or does he reside outside the poem (is he a protagonist or not) When I have fears that I may cease to be (e.g.) an autobiographic poem. A poem in which the speaker of the poem is the poet himself. The poem is alive. You have to treat it as something eternal. THE IMPLIED READERSHIP OF THE POEM :: STATUS OF THE POEM IN RELATION TO SOCIETY :: what position does a certain poem holdni society. Poem having a certain position in a soci ty and in a e particular society; whether the poem is critical or supportive e.g. Steven Spender :P; Moving through the silent crowd critical of social, political, economic circumstances; left wing authorafter the WW2, political ideological manifesto Walt Whitman; Leaves of grass no criticism THE STATUS OF THE POEM IN LITERARY TRADITION :: every poem somehow follows the tradition and somehow breaks the tradition. Shakespeare, Sonnet 130 very strongly against the tradition of Elizabethan sonnets, he wanted to write a parody Edmund Spenser, Amoretti dead serious in his descriptions SONORITY SONOROUS :: which sounds ASSONANCE :: repetition of vowels after the last accented syllable CONSONANCE :: repetition of the same final consonant in the accented syllables and neighbouring words EUPHONY EUPHONIOUS :: sounds pleasantly, nice to the ear, gentle, sweet, soft. Is a such a combination of words which sound pleasantly smooth and musical to the ear (s, ,l normally produce this euphony). CACOPHONY CACOPHONOUS :: the opposite of euphony, An arrangement of words which create harsh sound and it doesnt sound that smooth, its often har to d pronounce. (r is used a lot for example the raven) ALLITERATION :: a sequence of repeated consonant sounds frosty fingers COLLOCATION :: nonstandard c.(busy heart) standard c. (weak heart) METAPHORS :: many phrases today dont anymore stand as metaphors blue blood, new blood/old blood: new personnel. JUXTAPOSITION :: to juxtapose a verb=to place side by side, sopostavitev/sopostavljanje PERSONIFICATION :: the verb is personified POLYSYNDENTON:: Figure of addition and emphasis which intentionally employs a series of conjunctions (and, or, bt, for, nor, so, yet) not normally found in u successive words, phrases, or clauses; the deliberate and excessive use of conjunctions in successive words or clauses . ANIMATION :: the verb is turned into an animant one ONOMATOPOEIA ONOMATOPOETIC :: imitating the sounds from nature. It comes from William Yeatss poem The Lake Isle of Immisfree ENJAMBMENT = RUN ON LINE :: semantic or grammatical extension in the following line INTER-DEPENDANCE :: every line depends on another line BLANK VERSE :: un rhymed iambic pentameter EPIGRAM :: poem consisting of only one couplet (very short)

IRONY:: indispensable textual element; what distinguishes a good writer from a bad one; if you want to avoid being pathetic, emphatic, sympathetic, you can use irony andkeep distance from the topic; is more objective the term refers to a contrast, discrepancy between appearance or reality can take a number of different forms DRAMATIC IRONY :: a state of affairs known to the reader,audience is the reverse what it is suppose to be (King Oidipus-Sofokles) SITUATIONAL IRONY :: a set of circumstances is reverseto what is expected appropriate VERBAL IRONY :: contrast between what is literally said and what is meant most common ; denotative meaning; dictionary explanation connotative meaning ; purpose of using a word, the usage

EXAGGERATION/HYPERBOLE/OVERSTATEMENT :: reading between the lines, take the opposite meaning from what it is said; a special effect that has a humorous touch; primarily to amuse the reader UNDERSTATEMENT/FITOTES/MEIOSIS :: the opposite of hyperbole, undervalues, underestimates, tells too little INTERTEXTUALITY :: intertextual link to other sources complex inter-relationship between a text and other texts (theyre in a complicated relationship :P) taken as ; basic of the creation or interpretation of a text BATHOS :: sudden, unexpected change AMBIGIUITY :: use of the word that carries 2 or more different meanings can be found also in everyday situations although not always welcomed, in poetry is , welcomed food for thought, it achieves also an ironic effect; ambiguity is achieved with homonym (a pun, wordplay) WORDPLAY :: - homophony relies on phonetic phonological properties; when you listen to atext HOMONYM :: same spelling or pronunciation, different meaning A PARADOX :: ambiguity that plays with ideas; statement that is true in some sense but at first appears absurd contradictive; operates on a larger scale: on the and textual scale e.g. the second coming sb walks somewhere to be born OXIMORON :: when expressed in 2 words (living dead a little giant) , METONIMY SIMILE :: AS or LIKE .. The feature that bonds tenorand vehicle together is TERTIUM COMPARATIONIS

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2ND PART :: FICTION a product of t ir i agi ation (narrati in verse or prose) fiction also encompasses plays special type of fiction (narrative poems, fol tales, allegories, romance, satires) fiction: about t e way of treating t e subject matter and t e way it relates to reality E :: LIFELIKENESS :: how realistic it is; how closely it imitates reality VER M Subgenre: fiction faction novel/ journalistic novel NOVEL :: 1st in 17th cent in Spain(Don Qui ote, 16 5 -1615)(innovative, revolutionary, puts an end to chivalric romance by parodying the lady) , then emerged in the 18 th century especially in England The centre is set around the hero he has to fulfil a lot of tasks changed when modern novel brought individualism; the manner of expression is broader. Predecessors: Aeneid (Vergil, 13 -19 BC); Odyssey & Iliad (Homer, 7 th cent. BC), Divine Comedy (Dante, 1307 -1321-medieval period), E.g :: Joseph Andrews (Henry Fielding, 1742 a comic romance, also a comic epic in prose, basically a novel), Robinson Crusoe(Daniel Defoe, 1718), Pamela & Clarissa (Samuel Richardson, 1740/41 & 1748/49) Modern epics: Faerie Queene (Edmund Spenser, 1590 -1596), Paradise lost (John Milton, 1667) wordview (Weltanschaung) a unified universal wordview was presented with which everybody agree MODERN NOVEL: wordview changed when modern novels were brought, individualism, individualistic perspective of the world; prov ided space for the reader to agree or disagree; the manner of expression is broader than before Written in verse It distinguishes from other works in : length, structure, characteri ation of heroes Early romance was the beginning of a modern novel Marks the beginning of a new literary gen re that replaced the epic ROMANCE: the scope is usually broad, it stresses to a single problem; the protagonist is depicted in detail and care; it has linear structure PICARE QUE NOVEL :: conflict with social norms . Relates the experience of a vagrant the protagonist is in conflict with social norms of the society. Structure :: episodic narrative(normally in chronological order), social injustices in a satirical way. Defoe -Moll Flanders,1722 & Fielding -Tom Jones,1749 BILDUNGS ROMAN :: describes development of protagonist from childhood to maturity . Came from germany. A novel of education. George Eliot -Mill On the Floss, 1860 & Joyce -A portrait of an artist as a young man,1916 EPISTOLARY NOVEL :: a novel in letters; uses l etters as a means of 1 st person narrator. Samuel Richardson-Pamela,1740/41 HISTORICAL NOVEL :: actions that take place in realistic historical situations. Jim Walter Scott -Waverly novels,1814 NEW JOURNALISM :: reworks real events in a new way , partly related to a historical novel , recently new, uses genre to rework real events in a new way. Truman Capote-In cold blood,1966. SATIRICAL NOVEL :: Jonathan Swift-Gullivers travels,1726 UTOPIAN NOVEL/DYSUTOPIAN NOVEL/SCIENCE FICTION NOVEL :: creates alternative worlds to critici e socio -political circumstances . George Orwell-1984,1949 GOTHIC NOVEL :: macabre scenery, Bram Hoker-Dracula,1897 DETECTIVE NOVEL :: Agatha Christie-Murder on the Oriento Express,1934 SHORT STOR :: concise form of prose/fiction , emerged as individual works(end of 18 th cent). Addresses the educated middle class, published in magazines, journals, newspapers. One centre action, often begins in media res, flashbacks. novel Long, a lot of characters, a number of perspectives, more locations, different settings, characters are described in detail, One location, usually one perspective. Has roots with the novel -a lot of things in common. Story, myth, fairytale. Ancient satire, romance. Decameron, Arabian nights, Canterbury tales.

Short story Shorter, 1 main event, often begin in media res, 1 perspective, 1 lo cation, suggestive characters Impression of unity(can be read in 1 sitting, without interruption) Length; plot is highly selective ..short


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PLOT - what happens. Is the deliberately arranged sequence of interrelated events which makes up its basic narrative structure. Most plots have an identificible beginning, middle and plot . Some kind of existing state of equilibrium or balance must be broken. Mos t plots originate in some kind of conflict; either internal or external.. plot is open to infinite variety; the author does not need to conform to patterns(the only pattern is his own). The only requ irements: plot interesting INTERNAL CONFLICT :: within protagonist, the issue in the protagonists self conflict ; 2 or more elements are opposed in the protagonist himself EXTERNAL CONFLICT :: protagonist is placed against other forces 1)exposition 2)complication 3)crisis 4)falling action 5)resolution/conclus ion this plot structure is repeated in many chapters Exposition; the beginning section in which the author provides the necessary background information Complication; the rising action, develops and intensifies the conflict Crisis; climax, the moment of breaking, the turning point, the moment in which the plot reaches the greatest point of emotional intensity Falling action; the tension subsides, the plot moves towards the conclusion Resolution; recalls the outcome of the conflict and establishes balance Highly plotted works; contain distinct stages and generally follow the structure (detective works) The crisis does not need to be at the middle External conflict .. form of opposition: - 2humans; protagonist verses human adversary = antagonist -human and nature -human and society NARRATOLOGY :: science that explains narrative situations confides all kinds of fields(linguistic, pragmatic) CONFLICT :: basic opposition or tension that moves the story forward , arouses the expe ctations in the reader DOUBLE CONFLICTS :: both at the same time EPIPHANY :: sudden recognition of the state of affairs, sudden revelation CHARACTERS who acts .. CHARACTERIZATION :: The relationship between plot and character is vital Fiction provides with immediate access to the characters and their lives and whenever the author withholds some info he provides some other cr ucial information We are concerned with being able to establish: personality, techniques, whether the characters are credible and convincing other elements come here and form a unity :plot, setting, narration CHARACTER:: any individual in a literary work; portrayal of a character in a certain degree, significant character change PROTAGONIST = central/ main character; + and traits ANTAGONIST = person who strongly opposes sb/sth; more difficult to identify, it is not a human being (hero or villain) (?) ROUND CHARACTER = a lot of qualities, multidimensional characteristics, considerable intellectual and emotional capacities, c an grow and change. FLAT CHARACTER = a single characteristic idea or limited number of them, one -dimensional, dont grow and change, appears again and again, common in stock character DYNAMIC PROTAGONIST = in most novels, the events slowly portray the change SETTING : where and when do the events take place. Functions as a background for an action ; as antagonist (partially in Eveline) ; as a means of revealing characters(how character reacts, speaks about his or her state); as a means of reinforcing them; as a means of creating appropriate atmosphere NARRATIVE PERSPECTIVE :: who sees what TELLING :: direct commentary by the author Characterization through the use of names and appearance SHOWING :: characters evolve through dialogue what he say, action what h e does, tone of speaking, egoist/gossip, circumstances: day/night reveals more HERO/HEROINE :: person who is admired by many people for doing something good or/and brave. Person you admire because of part icular quality or skills. ANTIHERO :: main character in the story, but one who does not have the qualities of a typical hero and is either more like an ordinary person or is m orally bad.


more than 1 event Uses number of perspectives, points of view

Usually focuses on one central action It has to be accelerated with different techni ues The action after starts clos e to the climax(crisis); often begins in Ins medias res in the middle of things) The plot is reconstructed with flashbacks retrospective Mush has happened before the beginning and this is revealed Characters depicted with less detail Has to be more sug gestive more leading, directed towards the ultimate goal, more compact Choice of the narrative perspective due to the shortage of space, normally 1 perspective

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