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Cellular Engineering

Introduction Cellular Engineering Objectives

Costs Elements in Network Design

Design Constraints

Quality of Service

Radio Planning Methodology

Radio Network Planning Area

Air Interface (Um Link) Mount and Antenna

Mobile Station


Base Transceiver Station 3

Objectives of Cellular Engineering Adequate Coverage - 1. Contiguous Coverage with least coverage holes. 2. Adequate depth of Coverage( Indoor, Outdoor) meeting Marketing Plans. Capacity - Handling Maximum Possible Traffic in Busy Hour with low Blocking Probability

Quality of Service (QOS) - Service with least Call Drops,congestion and high Setup Success Rate,Voice Quality Levels

Network Growth Accommodation - Scope for Coverage and Capacity Expansion Maintaining the High Quality Levels

Cost Effective Design - Lowest Possible Costs for Expansion and Maintenance without affecting Quality Levels 4

Costs Elements in Network Design Cost for Quality Network Design To Design Optimal N/W :- Extensive Modeling and Numerous revision of design. Cost in Acquiring the site locations meeting the Design specifications ( Acquire as close to Designed sites) Extensive Drive tests before commissioning of site. Integration of field measurements in design. OTHERWISE --- Potential Cost due to Improper Design Revenue loss due to disconnection Revenue loss due to lost Airtime Loss of Competitive Edge Enhanced Service Revenue loss Redesigning Cost Modifications of Cell Parameters Equipment modification/Change Relocation/Addition of sites

Design Constraints The objective of Radio Network Planning is a Technical Realization of the Marketing Requirement, keeping in mind the following constraints







Design Constraints License Requirements (Technical Requirements based on License conditions) To cover(class 4) 60% of population within 12 months of Commercial launch Availability of service in 90% of the area for 90% of the time To achieve certain Grade of Service( System Reliability is included) Availability of Limited Bandwidth divide over all licensed operators

GSM Specifications (ETSI recommendations for Radio Transmit and Receive) Frequency Bands Mobile Station Transmit Power(Class) class 4 , 2 W , 1800 - 1 W. BTS Transmit Power Receiver Sensitivities of MS and BTS, -102 dBm, -104 Dbm. Carrier to Interference Ratio(C/I), C/I - better than 9 db. C/A - better than -9db. 7

Design Constraints Vendor Specifications BTS Transmit Power Receiver Sensitivity Cable Loss( Generally it is defined per 100 meters) Antenna Specifications, beam width etc. BTS Capacity, number of transceivers. Radio Aspects Radio wave propagation loss. Shadowing Multipath Fading Interference Power Link Budgets Budget Governed by Business Plan Identifying and Prioritization the areas based on max. return on investment 8

Quality of Service Specifications The Technical plan for Quality service is based on: Coverage Quality - Determined by Outdoor Coverage - Averaged coverage Probability of 95% across the cell area Indoor Coverage - Extra Coverage for Strategic locations In Car Coverage - Supplementary level of coverage for highways and remote areas Interference Margin - Besides the C/I values recommended by ETSI , extra Interference margin should be taken into account. Blocking Rate - Probability of an unsuccessful call attempt due to unavailability of radio resource (usually <2%) Grade of Service - Probability of a lost call, includes reliability of the system. Call Success Rate - Proportion of calls connected and held for 2 minutes within the defined coverage area(desired 98%) Dropped call rate - Probability of disconnection due to Handover failure, null areas, 9 interference or congestion(usually<5%)

Quality of Service Roll-out Plans - Plans considering availability of coverage within certain time limits based on prioritization Traffic Forecasts - Important Considerations Long term projections and trends developed by Marketing Existing Traffic distributions and typical densities in the Existing network Spectral efficiency - Based on Frequency Re-use Clustering Traffic trend design TRX allocation Business plan feedback


RF Planning Process
System Growth


Integrate with n/w, Commercial launch

Initial Planning
Is Site meeting Quality Norms

Traffic & Coverage Analysis Traffic Coverage Quality

Mkt req, + other constrains CW + Model Tunning Tool, Digital Maps


System/ Parameter Tuning/ Optimization Signal Propagation

Nominal Cell Plan Cell Plan Site Configurations Sites Prediction Frequency Plan

Surveys/ Site Sel Testing of site Drive test Implementation Process Design Coverage Maps, actual sites Documentation of details


Air Interface Frequency Allocation - GSM 900 System with Frequency Band 890 - 915 / 935 - 960 MHz for Up-link & Down-link. Channel Concept Carrier Separation - 200 kHz 124 Carriers in GSM 900 Band Every Carrier can be shared by 8 MS (Physical Channels) Types Of Channels Physical Channels Logical Channels Physical Channels Each Carrier can be shared by a number of MS called Physical channels On every Physical channel a number of Logical channels are mapped


Logical Channels Each logical channel used for specific purpose e.g.. Paging, call-setup or speech Eleven Logical Channels Two used for Traffic and Nine for Control Signaling Traffic Channels(TCH) Broadcast Channels(BCH) Common Control Channels(CCCH) Dedicated Control Channels(DCCH)


Radio Wave Propagation Waves

Magnetic Field Electric Field

Propagation properties are different across the frequency spectrum For GSM the UHF(Ultra High Frequency Band) is used 300 - 3000MHz

Propagation Direction

Waves Radio waves are one type of Electro-magnetic waves Typically Generated as Disturbances sent out by oscillating charges on a Transmitting Antenna A simple , travelling, plane wave the Electric field, the Magnetic field and the direction of Propagation, all are perpendicular to each other Waves can be described by simple Sinusoidal function Can be Characterized by the length of one cycle of Oscillation called the Wavelength or equivalently by its frequency f .f =c = wavelength in meters/cycle 14 f = Frequency in cycles/second(Hz) c = speed of light(3 * 10 e 8 meters/sec for all Electro-magnetic waves)

Free Space attenuation :- The Principle refers to the decay of the signal, travelling in Free Space as Fn( Distance) of receiver from transmitter.

Isotropic Radiation :- Isotropic antenna radiates the signal energy in all directions. The power of the signal diminishes as a function of distance r.
r Pt Receiving antenna

The Power is expressed in dBm which is P (dBm) = 10 log (Pin/0.001) , where Pin is in Watts. Loss and gain are expressed in db.


Factors affecting Radio wave Propagation Absorption Refraction Reflection Diffraction Scattering Assuming Emitted Power Pt Received Power Pr Transmitting Antenna Gain Gt Receiving Antenna Gain Gr Distance between both Antennas d

Antenna Mobile Station d

Transmission loss L = 10 log Pt / Pr = 10 log {(4d)/(Gt Gr )}

L = 20 log (4d/) - 10 log Gr - 10 log Gt Thus theoretically Path loss in Free space Lp = 20 log (4d/) => the received power decreases when distance between antenna increases and the transmission loss increases when the wavelength decreases. This gives the model of first approximation. However for cell planning it is very import to arrive at a model to predict the actual path loss for particular type of terrain. 16

Practical Attenuation In practical we design n/w with real attenuation in the environment, and path loss is much severe than the free space and it is proportional to 1/r n where n is the slope of the terrain/ propagation path loss slope. The propagation path loss is determined the actual terrain environment and can vary between 2 & 5 I.e on log scale theslope will be between -20 ( Free space) and -50 dB/decade( highly urban).
-20 Signal lev (dBm) -35

Log r (km) 1 10 100

The steeper path loss slope is caused by - Obstruction in the propagation path. - Reflections from the ground and from objects, multipath reflections Signal decay depends on - Distance from transmitter, frequency, Antenna Design, Terrain 17

Propagation Mechanisms Reflection Propagating wave impinges on an object which is large compared to wavelength E.g., the surface of the Earth, buildings, walls, etc. Diffraction Radio path between transmitter and receiver obstructed by surface with sharp irregular edges Waves bend around the obstacle, even when LOS does not exist Scattering Objects smaller than the wavelength of the propagating wave E.g., foliage, street signs, lamp posts


Radio Propagation Effect of Mobility Channel varies with user location and time Radio propagation is very complex Multipath scattering from nearby objects Shadowing from dominant objects Attenuation effects Results in rapid fluctuations of received power Mean Less variation the slower you move Fading :- Fading takes place due to multipath reflections, when reflected waves are in same phase ( constructive) signal addition but when out of phase ( Destructive) cancellation of signal resulting in Fade. Macroscopic( Log Normal) :- Long term fading because of terrain, buildings etc. Microscopic( Rayleigh) :- It is short term fading caused by Movment of MS, radio waves from many different reflection path received 19

Effect of Rayleigh fading

1/2 It has been found that , statistically , the distance between Rayleigh dips is about half a wavelength. In GSM we take example carrier freq. Of f = 900 MHz. & = c / f where speed of light ( 3 * 10 m/s) = 33 cm And the distance between the two rayleigh dips is half a wave length which is 16.5 cm. 20

Fade Margin The fade margin is normally equal to the maximum expected fade.


Multipath Propagation - Radio wave may reflect from a hill , building, truck, airplane, discontinuity in atmosphere. MULTIPATH FADING

2 1

consider two signals arriving by two different paths to MS. The first one is directly from BTS & second signal is reflected off a building.

The Phase of the second signal may be such that it is 180 degrees out of phase with the direct signal.
(1) (2) 22


Multipath propagation and reflection can cause positive or negative effects. Ducting due to tunnels, behind the hills. Constructive and destructive Interference. Rayleigh fading Delay Spread Due to multi path propagation effects the sharp pulse which is transmitted arrives in the receiver as a delayed, flattened bulge and last longer than original pulse. Doppler Shift :- Frequency of the signal shifts because of MS movement relative to BTS.


Countermeasures for propagation losses Equalization - 26 TSC transmitted with each timeslot burst are used to measure the channel characteristics.The predicted distortions in the received signal are subtracted from the received wave form then the original most likely signal is estimated.


Output Viterbi Algorithm

Channel Estimator

Fade Margin Diversity - Refers to any of several techniques for sampling the received signal more than once to improve the SNR at the receiver.


Different Diversity Schemes Time Diversity - Bit Interleaving Frequency Diversity - Frequency Hopping Antenna Diversity - Space & Polarization - In space diversity mostly two antennas are used at different positions may be Horizontal or Vertical. Diversity Methods After obtaining the necessary samples, these samples have to be processed to obtain a good result.There are various possibilities in combining.There are three ways of combining the two different signal samples: Selection Equal gain Combining Maximal Ratio Combining


SELECTION At a time, only one Ak is set to unity while others are zero.The signal that has the highest instantaneous SNR value is selected. Antenna A Logic

Antenna B




Both the signals are added together and both Ak are equal to 1.

Antenna A

Antenna B


RX 27

MAXIMAL RATIO COMBINING Here Ak is proportional to the signal power S and inversly proportional to the noise power N at input K. The signals coming from the two antennas are phase shifted in order to allign them in phase before combining them

Antenna A Co-phasing and Summing

Antenna B

Ak = Sk / Nk RX 28

COMPARISON The maximal Ratio Combiner is the best performance combiner.The equal gain combiner has 0.5 db degradation as compared with the maximal ratio combiner.The selective combiner has a 2db degradation as compared with the maximal ratio combiner

DIVERSITY GAIN The achievable diversity gain is also dependent on : Clutter Density Speed Vector of MS w.r.t. BTS BTS antenna height Difference between the two Signal Levels The diversity gain is nominally set to 3 db but can be higher in reality.


Antennas High Frequency Radio waves are generated by oscillating charges on a transmitting antenna. We can think of electric field as being disturbances sent out by dipole(long wire) source and the frequency of the oscillating electric field(Electro-magnetic wave) is same as the frequency of the source.

Antennas are characterized by their electrical specifications Gain - Amount of Power radiated in a given direction(dB) Main Lobe - The beam containing the maximum radiation intensity Side Lobe - other beams containing radiation intensity less than the main lobe Back Lobe - beam approximately pointed 180 deg from the main lobe Half Power Points - at these points the antenna gain is 3dB lower than the main lobe, also known as -3dB points Beamwidth - Angle(degrees) confined between the Half Power points


Polarization - Quantity describing the orientation of the Electric Field or E-plane (GSM antennas can be Dual polarized) e.g. a vertical polarized antenna means its electric field is perpendicular to surface of earth Null - regions in the radiation pattern where radiation intensity is minimal compared to adjacent lobes F/B ratio - ratio between Power radiated in the main(front) direction to the power radiated in the reverse direction. 270
Side Lobe -3 dB 270


Back Lobe

Main Lobe

Half power Beamwidth 0 0


Null Region

-3 dB

90 Horizontal Radiation Pattern

90 Vertical Radiation Pattern 31

Antenna Diversity In general, two types of antenna diversity are used: Horizontal Antenna Diversity Vertical Antenna Diversity

Polarization Diversity It is achieved by using two antennas with their polarization planes perpendicular to each other. One antenna can be used as Rx antenna while the other can be used simultaneously as a Rx/Tx antenna. Configurations: The 0 / 90 configuration The 45 / 45 configuration


X X X Rx/Tx Rx Rx/Tx



Antenna Tilting To minimize interference the transmission range is reduced by tilting the antenna main lobe down, can be Mechanical - physically altering the angle, affects both horizontal and vertical radiation pattern Electrical - Phasing of the electrical currents in the dipole array, affects only vertical radiation Antenna Isolation Isolation between transmitter and receiver is required to avoid receiver desensitization

- Receiver in-band noise caused by the co- site transmitter ( spurious signals). The generation of spurious frequencies could be due to non-linear characteristics in a transmitter.If the spurious signal falls within the passband of a nearby receiver & the signal level is of sufficient amplitude,it can degrade the performance of receiver. - Gain reduction of Low-noise amplifier caused by a strong off channel signal. When an undesired signal from a nearby off-frequency transmitter is sufficiently close to a receivers operating frequency,that signal may get amplified & get through RF selectivity of the receiver. The practical value for the isolation is 30 db 33

Antenna Coupling Equipment Two classes of ACE are distinguished : Downlink ACE types Uplink ACE types

Downlink ACE Types: Diplexer TRDU The Transmitter Diplex unit makes it possible to join the transmit & receive signal into one antenna. The transmitter filter unit combines two transmit signals into one output signal.It is a narrow band combiner and is only suitable for GSM 900. The transmitter hybrid unit is a wide band combiner used for both GSM 900 ,1800.





Uplink ACE Types Splitter RXMC The receive multicoupler is used to split the received signal to separate receivers. The receive distributor besides attenuating the signal from the splitter,it also distributes the signal over the different RTs. Low noise amplifier boosts the received signal to compensate for splitter & feeder losses. The tower mounted amplifier also boosts the received signal to reduce the impact of feeder cables noise.It should be placed directly below the antenna. The tower mounted booster is used to boost both the trans & receive power.








Link Budget Scenario Antenna Gain = 11 dBi Path Loss

7/8 coaxial cable Loss per 50 meters = 2 dB ( Typical)

Mobile Antenna Gain - 0 dBi cable loss - 0 dB TX Power - 33 dBm RX Sensitivity = -102 dBm

ACE Duplexer Unit Loss = 1.0 dB ( Typical)

Transceiver Transmitter Power - ? Receiver Sensitivity = -104 dBm 36

Link Budget Uplink MS transmit Power( Class 4) Cable Loss Antenna Gain MS Body Loss Max Path Loss Penetration loss Fade Margin ( Antenna Gain BTS ACE Loss( Duplexer) Feeder Loss Diversity Gain BTS Receiver Sensitivity % cell Edge) 33dBm 0 dB Signal level (dbm)

33dBm 0 dBi 33dBm 2 dB 33dBm + 112 dB 31dBm 20 dB 81dBm 14 dB -101dBm 11 dB -115dBm 1 dB -104dBm 2 dB -105dBm 3 dB -107dBm -104 dBm -104dBm


Link Budget Downlink BTS transmit Power Feeder Loss ACE Loss(Combiner , Duplexer) Antenna Gain BTS Max Path Loss Penetration loss Fade Margin ( Body Loss Antenna gain MS Cable Loss Diversity Gain MS Receiver Sensitivity (Class 4) % cell Edge) Signal level (dbm) dBm 38 dBm 2 dB 38dBm 1 dB 36dBm 11 dB 112 dB 20 dB 14 dB 2 dB 35dBm 46dBm - 66 dBm - 86dBm -100dBm

0 dBi -102dBm 0 dB -102dBm 0 dB -102dBm -102 dBm -102dBm


Coverage Extension Reasons Customer demand to have coverage in a specific area. Existence of coverage holes. High losses when Waves Penetrates building Building Construction within target area. Methods Lower the threshold level of a received signal. Decrease the front end noise figure F Increase transmitted power. Increase BTS antenna height( Doubling the the height may give + 6 dB Gain) Equipment Mast head Amplifier Diversity receiver Micro cells / pico cells ( to fill the holes.) High gain directional antenna 39

Micro Cells Micro cell cover areas that are small compared to macro cells . Micro cells increase capacity and coverage and are located in hot spots and dead spots. Other Coverage Enhancers Repeater Passive Antenna Active Antenna Leaky Coax ( radiating Cable).


Traffic Theory and Channel Dimensioning Capacity of a cellular system(Traffic a single cell can carry) depends on: No. of Channels available for voice/data Grade of Service - the acceptable probability of a system to be congested Traffic Theory attempts to obtain useful estimates on number of channels required in a cell depending on Selected system Assumed/Real behavior of subscribers

Traffic - refers to usage of channels usually expressed as: Holding time per time unit number of call hours per hour A ( Er) = number of call per hour * measured in hours( Avg Call maintained ).


for one or several channels, measured in Erlangs(E){Erlang - a Danish traffic theorist} Based on certain assumptions on Subscriber behavior Erlang developed Erlangs B-Table. Assumptions No queues Number of subscribers > Number of channels available No dedicated Channels Traffic following Poisson Distribution Blocked calls abandon the call attempt immediately This is referred to as Loss System. The BTable relates Number of Traffic Channels The GoS Traffic offered 42

Erlangs B - Table

n 1 . 14

0.007 0.008 0.009 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.0071 0.0081 0.0091 0.0101 0.0204 0.0309 0.0526 0.1111 0.25 0.6667 . . . . . . . . . . 6.9811 7.1154 7.2382 7.3517 8.2003 8.8035 9.7295 11.473 14.413 21.243

n 1 . 14

E.g. Assuming one cell has two carriers => NO.of Traffic Channels = 2 * 8 -2 = 4 Acceptable GoS = 2% The Traffic That can be offered is = 8.2003 E Interesting part is : If we assume a typical call lasts for around 60 sec per hour Traffic generated by each call = 60/3600 = 17 mE Thus Number of subscriber one cell can support = 8.2/.017 = 43

492 subscribers

Traffic Dimensioning Dimensioning the network now implies using demographic data to determine the size of the cells. Once cell size is decided then need is to estimate the no. of carriers required in each cell, keeping in mind the traffic is not constant Day an d Night Variation Different day variation Mobility during the course of the day Other Factors Also important is the dimensioning of no.Of signaling channels(SDCCH). To calculate the need for SDCCHs The no. of attempts for every procedure that uses the SDCCH The time that each procedure holds the SDCCH must be taken into account Procedures are: Location update Periodic registration IMSI attach/detach Call setup SMS 44

Channel Utilization Assuming a subscriber Traffic of 23 E with GoS during Busy Hour not exceeding 2% NO. of channels required for one cell = 32 (From Erlangs B=Table) With 32 Channels, channel utilization = Traffic Served/No.of Channels = 23/32 =72 % Now Assuming 5 sites(cells) are designed to cover the same area(same Traffic) with acceptable GoS 2%

Cell A B C D Total

Traffic(%) 40 25 20 15 100

Traffic(E) 9.2 5.75 4.6 3.45 23

No.of Channels 16 11 10 8 45

Channel utilization(%) 58 52 46 43

Thus is is observed Splitting into smaller cells, No.of Traffic Channels required increases Channel Utilization reduces Capacity and Interference problems prevent the use of most effective Channel Utilization scheme and a compromise is made between Cost(Efficiency) Quality 45

INTERFERENCE Interference is the reception of unwanted radio signals that influence the receive/transmit path between a Receiver and a transmitter. Types of Interference: Co-channel Interference (occurs when the interfering channel is on the same frequency channel) Adjacent channel Interference (occurs when the interfering signal is on an adjacent frequency channel) Carrier to Interference Ratio How much a signal (C) is interfered by an other signal (I) is given by the carrier to interference ratio (C/I) db. Interference Protection: To reduce the interference between two frequencies there should be a minimum margin between those frequencies.ETSI recommendations: Relation Co-channel Adjacent Channel 2nd Adjacent Channel 3rd Adjacent Channel 1st Frequency Spacing 0khz 200khz 400khz 600khz

Minimum C/I 9db -9db -41db -49db


Minimum Spacing in khz In the cell Between 2 co-sites Between 2 neighboring cells Fighting the Interference The C/I ratio can be increased in a number of different ways: Intelligent frequency management Frequency Hopping Antenna pattern design Accurate tilting Reduction of Antenna Height Power Reduction 600 400 200


FREQUENCY REUSE As the spectrum allocated for a cellular network is limited, there is a limit to the no of frequencies or channels that can be used.Channel reuse is implemented by using the same channels within cells Located at different positions in a cellular network service area. Cluster Size/ Reuse Factor (K) The no of cells that are using the same frequencies is called Cluster size, or reuse factor K. Valid values of K can be found using equation (where i & j are integers): K = i + j + ij Calculating the Frequency Reuse Distance The frequency reuse distance (D) can be derived from the K-value : D/R=


FREQUENCY HOPPING In frequency hopping systems, each call hops between a defined set of frequencies. GSM networks use slow frequency hopping.A hop occurs before each time slot is transmitted (every 4.615 millisecond, or 217 hops per second). Frequency hopping mitigates two problems with transmission quality over the air interface: Multipath fading Interference Different types of FH Base Band FH Synthesizer hopping


Base Band FH In Base band FH a call hops between different TRX of the same sector


f3 f1

In the above fig , a customer will be TRX 1 (f1) for 1 TDMA frame and in the next frame he will be in TRX2 (f2) and next in TRX3 (f3)


Synthesiser FH

In this, the output freq of the TRX changes and the calls will continue on the same Timeslot


The advt of Synthesiser over Base band is that we need only as many TRX as the Capacity , but in the case of Baseband Hopping we need 4 TRX in 1 sector eventhoughThe capacity of that sector is very less


FH is described by . 1) 2) HSN ( Hopping sequence number ) MAIO ( Mobile allocation index offset )

*HSN is an algorithm on which the frequencies should be selected with in the predefined group for hopping frequencies There are 64 algorithm ( HSN ) ie 0-63 *MAIO is the starting frequency of this algorithm. The value of MAIO can be 0 to N-1 , where N= number of allocated frequencies


Coverage and Frequency Planning

Since the GSM Radio frequency spectrum is limited, the most challenging task for an RF engineer is to use the Radio Frequency as efficiently as possible or how the allocated set of frequencies can be distributed to serve the required area with least interference. Interference - is the reception of unwanted signal that affect the air interface between the receiver and the transmitter. Types of interference Co-channel Interference - occurs when same frequencies from different areas appear in the same area. Adjacent channel interference - occurs when there is inappropriate gap between the adjacent frequencies serving the same area The minimum Frequency spacing according to the theoretical GSM standards are: Between two sectors of same site(cell) Between two Neighboring sectors Within a sector of a site(cell) 400 kHz 200 kHz 600 kHz 53

The frequency plan is living plan or in other words a constantly changing activity based on Network Growth Traffic Growth Interference Detection

Frequency Planning is carried out following different approaches involving Clustering, Frequency Hopping depending on the coverage and capacity requirement. Clustering - The limited spectrum allocated limits the number of frequencies to be used e.g. 4.2 MHz bandwidth provides only 21 carriers for serving the large number of subscribers thus forcing to reuse of same frequencies in different positions of the network area. A unique kind of distribution id designed with the available set of frequencies to be replicated over the whole area this is called clustering.

The number of frequencies that can be used within a cluster depends on Available Frequencies Interference relations between frequencies Amount of Traffic in the area

3/9 Cluster

4/12 Cluster


Area of Regular Hexagon

Area of Equilateral Triangle(Each Side = R) = (1/4) R 3 Thus for a Regular Hexagon( Six equilateral triangles) Area = (3/2) R 3 = 2.6 R

r = 2R


Types of Sites Omni Directional : The omni site radiates in all the directions. The ideal coverage shape of omni is circular.

Sectored : Site is divided in to sectors. Each sector has directive antenna, which has high level of directivity. They also handles much more traffic than Omni cell and coverage wise they cover double the area. The typical examples of sectored site are 3 sector and 6 sector sites. As number of frequencies are radiated in a particular direction the interference is much low as compared to omni. 57

Omni Directional



DRIVE TEST Purpose - Initial network coverage verification and benchmarking - Coverage Verification before and after changes - Locating and measuring interference - Locate coverage holes - Logging excessive handovers due to poor network design - Preventive maintenance - Simultaneous measurements of the other networks Tools - Test Mobile Phone - Lap Top having Drive Test Tool ( e.g. Neptune, Tems etc) - UPS - GPS - Vehicle


Data Collection - CELL ID including BSIC, LAC, and time slot - RXLEVEL for the serving and the neighbour cells - RXQUALITY for the serving cell - BCCH, BSIC for the serving and the neighbour cells - TIMING ADVANCE - TRANSMIT POWER - LAYER 3 MESSAGES - GPS POSITION DATA Drive Test Route Planning - Primary route(street level) Includes all major roads,highways etc - Secondary route(street level) Includes all other small streets, subdivisions and compounds. - Miscellaneous routes (in-building and special locations) Includes golf courses, beach resorts, shopping malls, department stores, convention centers, hotels and resorts Drive Test can be divided in two categories , With long calls and short calls. 60

Common Problems Cell Dragging - Calls may drag a cell beyond the desired handover boundary. This might result dropped calls or bad Rxquality. Corrective Measures Create an appropriate neighbour cell list Change HO parameters such as thresholds, margin, cell baring, etc Check serving cells cell identifier in the neighbour cells neighbour list Check neighbour cells BCCH, BSIC, LAC, Cell ID, etc Dropped Calls - Caused by either RF environments or incorrect system parameters Corrective Measures Check if an appropriate neighbour cell list is defined Check HO parameters e.g margins. Existing or new coverage holes Interference, Co-channels, Adjacent channels or External interference Serving cells might go down Abnormalities such as call setup failure 61

Frequent Handovers( Toggling) - Serving keep changing and as a result of bad audio quality Corrective Measures Check if an appropriate neighbor cell list is defined Check HO parameters Interference, Co-channels, Adjacent channels or External interference Lack of dominant server Poor coverage Not optimal antenna configuration Hardware Problem e.g more feeder loss, more diplexer loss, less RT power etc. System Busy - System busy on several call attempts and site appears consistently on the traffic report Corrective Measures Short Term Add additional RTs Upgrade the BTS Configuration. Increase SDCCH if there is SDCCH congestion. Long Term Build a new cell site to off-load traffic 62

Handover Boundary - Handovers do not occur at the desired HO boundary, the result is an imbalance in traffic distribution across the system Corrective Measures Check if an appropriate neighbour cell list is defined Check HO parameters Inappropriate antenna configurations of the serving and neighbour cells Interference, Co-channels, Adjacent channels or External interference No TCH available (neighbour cells congestion)



Signal Quality 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Range (in BER) BER < 0.2 0.2 < BER < 0.4 0.4 < BER < 0.8 0.8 < BER < 1.6 1.6 < BER < 3.2 3.2 < BER < 6.4 6.4 < BER < 12.8 BER > 12.8 64

Short call Parameters A sequence is fed in to the tool e.g 100 calls with a holding time of 60 secs which repeats Automatically. The parameters which are monitored are Call set up success rate. Call setup time. Access Delay( Time between channel request and call alert) Call success rate. Call drop rate Handover success Handover failure


Narrow Band or Carrier Wave (CW) Measurements The figure below shows a geographical representation of CW measurement equipment Radio Path Time CW TX RX Sign al Level BTS Location GPS Data Storage

COMPUTER Average Variance Location time speed

MS 66


Survey Transmitter Parameters PARAMETER Transmitter Output Power Transmitter Feeder Cable loss Transmitter feeder cable length Transmitter omni-directional antenna gain Effective Isotropic Radiated Power VALUE 43 dbm 2 dbm 10 m 7 dbi 48 dbm

For analysis the out-of-band frequency is chosen


While doing CW the following things to be kept in mind 1 - Choose test sites such that each site coverage area has nearly all the clutters. 2 - The route of each site should have all the clutters( numbers of bins for all the clutters must be same) 3 - The height of site = average clutter height + 3 meters. 4 - Use differential GPS. 5- Take panoramic photos of CW survey sites and near by area. 6 - It is recommended that route length should be at least 80 kms. 7 Take around 15 files , 13 for tuning the model and 2 for validating it. The CW ( based on Signia Tool ) have got two ASCII text files data file has decimal lat long and received power strengths Header ( .hd) has got all the information e. g site id, site name, lat long of test site, frequency , height of antenna etc.


Okumura-Hata Model L = a + a log f - a log h - a hm + { a - a log h} log d - Le a, a, a, a, a are adjustable parameters f h frequency(MHz) Base Antenna Height

hm Mobile Station height d Le a Distance between both antennas Correction factor Mobile antenna height correction factor


Standard Macro Cell Model ( Used By Asset.) Standard Macro Cell model is based on Okumara Hata Model. The addition is inclusion of clutter And height. Model is valid for freqencies between 150 MHz and 2 GHz.

Prx = Ptx Ploss Ploss = k1 + k2log(d) + k3 ( Hms) + k4 log( Hms) + k5 log( Heff)+ k6 log( Heff) log(d) + k7 diff+ C_ Loss. d = distance betn base station and mobile stations ( kms) Hms = Height of mobile station from ground. Heff = efefctive base station antenna height. diff = Diffraction loss. k1 & k2 = intercept and slope. k3 = mobile antenna height factor. k4 = okumara hata multiplying factor for Hms k5 = effective antenna height gain. k6 = okumara hata type mutiplying factor for log(Heff) log(d). k7 = Diffraction. C_ loss = Clutter loss.( height and separation is also included). 70

Model Tuning While calibrating the model we need to compare it with propagation data, so CW measurement help you produce an accurate prediction model that functions correctly. Filter the data Analysis of data , S.D, Mean Error. Tune the values of K1 K7 to get S.D < 8 and mean error tending to ZERO. Fine tune the values of clutter offset to get the final value of S.D and mean error to zero. The S.D < 8 very good. S.D < 10 acceptable.



TOOLs Used Planning Tool - Asset from Aircom International UK. Frequency Planning ILSA from Aircom Drive test Tool Tems from Erricssion and Neptune from Aircom. Analysis FICS for Tems and Probe for Neptune. PMS Matrica.


SURVEYS Types of surveys Site Selection Surveys - is conducted before installing a site to consider following aspects Location meeting the search-ring requirements Space for antennas Antenna Separations Obstacles Nearby Space for Radio Equipment Power supply / Back-up Transmission link Coverage area study Contract with the owner Drive Test Surveys - conducted regularly To ensure the health and proper functioning of the Network and its elements To detect Interference areas To meet the Subscribers need To provide better coverage To solve Quality problems 74

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