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e-TDS RPU Setup - Readme

1. Pre-requisite
Before installing RPU.exe first click on RPUSetup.bat file located at the path selected for extraction of the files (if no path was specified at the time of extraction then it will be located at the default path C:\e-TDS RPU). A dialog box as shown in figure 1 will be displayed indicating registration of DLL is successful.

Figure 1 Click OK and next dialog box as shown in figure 2 registration of DLL is successful. will be displayed indicating

Figure 2 Click OK again and next dialog box as shown in figure 3 will be displayed indicating registration of DLL is successful.

Figure 3 Click OK once again. Now all the pre required DLLs have been successfully registered on your machine.

2. How to run the e-TDS RPU

To run e-TDS RPU click RPU.exe file. If RPUSetup.bat is not successfully installed on computer then on clicking RPU.exe errors as shown in figure 4, 5, 6 and 7 may be displayed.

Figure 4 Click OK again and next dialog box as shown in figure 5 will be displayed indicating registration of DLL failed.

Figure 5 Click OK again and next dialog box as shown in figure 6 will be displayed indicating registration of DLL failed.

Figure 6 A dialog box as shown in figure 74 will be displayed indicating registration of DLL failed.

Figure 7 In such case run RPUSetup.bat and try again or either log in as system administrator or contact to your system administrator. If RPUSetup.bat is successfully installed then the e-TDS RPU will be displayed (figure 8).

Figure 8 Before preparing electronic return through this RPU read instructions which have been provided as Help in RPU The comdlg32.ocx, RPUSetup.bat, SPR32X30.oca, SPR32X30.ocx, TABCTL32.OCX, scrrun.dll, RPU.exe, rpuhelp.html, style.css, e-TDS RPU Setup Readme.rtf files should be present in the same folder to run the RPU.

In case of any problem, please contact TIN Support Desk on 022-24994650 or mail to

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