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Pressured by global warming concerns and limited fossil fuel resources, many countries now offer solar subsidies

to increase their countrys energy independence, and meet carbon reduction commitments. Can you profit? Here are some of the current state support mechanisms available in the worlds leading solar countries. GERMANY Feed-in Tariff: The Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG) guarantees a stable price for green electricity over 20 years. This has already encouraged many homeowners and businesses to install photovoltaic (PV) panels and feed their solar electricity back into the national grid. Tariff rates depend on the type, size, and age of the installation. With sinking PV costs, the government has gradually started to cut back subsidies. In July 2010, guaranteed feed-in tariffs ranged from 24 euro cents per KWh for ground mounted systems to 33 cents for rooftop solar photovoltaics. From September 2010, however, rates will be cut further by 11 to 16 percent depending on installation type with ground mounted arrays hit hardest. The sooner you act and install a photovoltaic panel, the higher your guaranteed returns will be over the next 20 years. Tax Credits: Large scale commercial systems are exempt from VAT. They can also be depreciated over a 20 year period.

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