Dopa Mine

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Fiona Hynds

Cover Work-12th May 2011Dopmaine, Human Behaviour and DNA Dopamine

-acts a neurotransmitter and hormone -precursor molec. in production of adrenaline and noradrenaline. -low levels are associated with Parkinsons Disease and the treatment involves administration of dopamine precursor L-dopa. However raised levels of dopamine from the treatment have been linked to mental disorders e.g. Schizophrenia. Patients treated with L-dopa undergo some behavioural changed e.g. gambling

-It increases general arousal and decreases inhibition increase in creativity in conjunction with cerebral activity. -activity affected to due to range/variation of dopamine receptors. -5 different receptorsDRD1>>DRD5, which is CODED FOR by a SEPARTE GENE. -Binding dopamine with its receptor is involved in a no. of processes include: 1. Control of motivation 2. Learning It is linked to REGULATORY EFFECTS on other neurotransmitter release. Antipsychotic drugs will block the dopamine receptors.

DRD4 receptor gene

Definition: one of five genes that code for the dopamine receptor molecules. It causes different effects as it leads to different cellular responses
-over 50 variants of DRD4 and they differ in sequence known as VARIABLE NUMBER TANDEM REPEAT, shown by a short section of nucleotides. -It is thought that inheriting particular variants of the DRD4 gene affects levels/action of dopamine on the brain.

Fiona Hynds Case Study: ADHD (attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder) Drugs (e.g.) methylphenidate (Ritalin) used to treat ADHD affect dopamine levels. In studies a particular dopamine receptor variant is shown to be more frequent in individuals suffering from this condition. Addictive and Risk behaviours Studies have suggested that particular variants of DRD4 rec. gene are implicated to increase likelihood of addictive behaviour e.g. gambling, smoking, and drugs. A study carried out that administered L-dopa to one group and haloperidol to another (drug which blocks dopamine) showed a difference in arousal and in risk taking.

Behavioural Conditions
OCD is thought to result in deficiency in levels of neurotransmitter serotonin. Identical Twins Twins Early Development Study (TEDS) is a longitudinal study studying identical and non-identical twins. The study identified differing levels of expression of some genes in saliva of identical twins.

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