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//=======================================// // VARIABLE KEY:SKU // //=======================================// // Suite1 = Dictionary, Money, Mapping // // Suite2 = Mapping, Dictionary // // Suite3 = Dictionary, Money // // // // Std1

= AW, Dictionary // // Std2 = NO AW, NO Dictionary // // Std3 = AW // &sku_type=Std1& // Sku tag visibility 0=off 1=on // &sku_vis=0&

//-- **********************Open Section******************* --// //###new version###// &intro_welcome=Welcome to& &intro_start=Get started now...& &intro_description=Explore Works.& &launch=<p align="left"><font size="16">Getting to know Works</font></p>& &launch_desc=Explore the Works Task Launcher.& //-- **********************Luanch Section******************* --// //======================// //Script text// //======================// //-- Section 1 Home----------------------------------------------// //###new version###// &scriptTxt_01=The Task Launcher home page is your starting point for Microsoft W orks.& &scriptTxt_02=With all your programs, contacts, and appointments in one place, i t's the fastest way to get started.& &scriptTxt_03=You can quickly view your appointments...& &scriptTxt_03a=You can quickly view your appointments...& &scriptTxt_04=...and your Address Book contacts.& &scriptTxt_05=The Quick Launch bar lets you quickly open a program.& &scriptTxt_06=To begin, just click a program name.& &scriptTxt_07=You can close the Quick Launch bar at any time.& //-- Section 1 Change Font Size-- // &fontsize_01=16& &fontsize_02=16& &fontsize_03=16& &fontsize_03a=16& &fontsize_04=16& &fontsize_05=16& &fontsize_06=16&

&fontsize_07=16& //-- Section 2 Calendar-------------------------------------------// //###new version###// &scriptTxt_08=The Calendar tab displays the information you've entered into your Calendar.& &scriptTxt_09=Click a date to display appointments for that day.& &scriptTxt_10=To change the month, just click an arrow.& &scriptTxt_11=You can view appointments by day...& &scriptTxt_11a=You can view appointments by day or by week.& &scriptTxt_12=Want to add, remove, or edit an appointment?& &scriptTxt_13=Just click Open Calendar.& //-- Section 2 Change Font Size-- // &fontsize_08=16& &fontsize_09=16& &fontsize_10=16& &fontsize_11=16& &fontsize_11a=16& &fontsize_12=16& &fontsize_13=16& //-- Section 3 Contacts--------------------------------------------------------------// //###new version###// &scriptTxt_14=The Contacts tab lets you quickly view phone numbers from the Addr ess Book.& &scriptTxt_15=You can sort your contacts by name...& &scriptTxt_16=You can sort your contacts by name or by phone number.& &scriptTxt_17=Want to send e-mail to a contact?& &scriptTxt_18=Just click...& &scriptTxt_19=Just click...Your e-mail program will start a new e-mail message, already addressed to your contact. It's that easy!& &scriptTxt_20=Want to add, remove, or edit contact information?& &scriptTxt_21=Just click Edit Contacts to open the Address Book.& //-- Section 3 Change Font Size-- // &fontsize_14=16& &fontsize_15=16& &fontsize_16=16& &fontsize_17=16& &fontsize_18=16& &fontsize_19=16& &fontsize_20=16& &fontsize_21=16& //-- Section 4 Templates-------------------------------------------------------// //###new version###// &scriptTxt_22=Microsoft Works includes dozens of tasks and templates to help you find information and create great-looking documents.& &scriptTxt_23=Browse tasks and templates by category...& &scriptTxt_24=...then select the task you want.& &scriptTxt_25=Preview available styles, choose the one that best suits your need s...&

&scriptTxt_26=...and you're ready to start.& &scriptTxt_27=Can't find the task you need?& &scriptTxt_27a=Return to the template page...& &scriptTxt_28=...and try searching.& &scriptTxt_29=Just type a word or phrase and click the arrow.& //NOTE: the flash file just had 29 and not 29 and 29a thus it is changed this to reflect that.// &scriptTxt_29a=...and then click the arrow.& &scriptTxt_30=The Task Launcher finds all the tasks and templates that match you r query. To get started, just click a task.& //-- Section 4 Change Font Size-- // &fontsize_22=16& &fontsize_23=16& &fontsize_24=16& &fontsize_25=16& &fontsize_26=16& &fontsize_27=16& &fontsize_27a=16& &fontsize_28=16& &fontsize_29=16& &fontsize_29a=16& &fontsize_30=16& //-- Section 5 Programs----------------------------------------------// //###new version###// &scriptTxt_31=The Programs page is perfect when you know the program you want to use.& &scriptTxt_32=Just click the program name...& &scriptTxt_32b=...and open a blank document...& &scriptTxt_33=...and open a blank document...or browse tasks and templates to fi nd one that's right for you.& //-- Section 5 Change Font Size-- // &fontsize_31=16& &fontsize_32=16& &fontsize_32b=16& &fontsize_33=16&

//-- Section 6 Projects-----------------------------------// //###new version###// &scriptTxt_34a=Moving? Throwing a party?& &scriptTxt_34=Projects are the easiest way to organize your tasks and keep on tr ack.& &scriptTxt_35=Works Projects are a collection of tasks, ready for you to persona lize.& &scriptTxt_36=The To Do list is where you keep track of the tasks you need to ac complish.& &scriptTxt_37=You can even open important documents right from your To Do List.& &scriptTxt_38=Can't find the right project?& &scriptTxt_39c=Just click the Works Projects Tab and create your own.& &scriptTxt_39=Just click the Works Projects Tab and create your own.& &scriptTxt_40=Works automatically saves your project so you can quickly find it again.&

//-- Section 6 Change Font Size-- // &fontsize_34a=16& &fontsize_34=16& &fontsize_35=16& &fontsize_36=16& &fontsize_37=16& &fontsize_38=16& &fontsize_39c=16& &fontsize_39=16& &fontsize_40=16& //-- Section 7 History--------------------------------------// //###new version###// &scriptTxt_42=Use the History page to find documents fast.& &scriptTxt_43=All the documents and files you create using Works programs are li sted on the History page.& &scriptTxt_44=To open a document, just click its name.& &scriptTxt_45a=You can sort the History list by name...& &scriptTxt_45b=You can sort the History list by name, date...& &scriptTxt_45c=You can sort the History list by name, date, task...& &scriptTxt_45=You can sort the History list by name, date, task, or program.& //-- Section 7 Change Font Size-- // &fontsize_42=16& &fontsize_43=16& &fontsize_44=16& &fontsize_45a=16& &fontsize_45b=16& &fontsize_45c=16& &fontsize_45=16& //-- Section 8 Help------------------------------------------// //###new version###// &scriptTxt_46=Any time you need help with the Task Launcher, just click the Help menu.& //-- Section 8 Change Font Size-- // &fontsize_46=16& //-- Conclusion----------------------------------------------// //###new version###// &scriptTxt_51=Thank you for using Microsoft Works!& &scriptTxt_51a=Thank you& &scriptTxt_52=Check out the Works Web site for product support and information, free downloads, and more.& &scriptTxt_53=Works Web Site& //-- conclusion Change Font Size-- // &fontsize_51=48& &fontsize_51a=16& &fontsize_52=16& &fontsize_53=18&

//======================// //Navigation buttons// //======================// //###new version###// &navbuttons_replay=Replay Intro& &navbuttons_continue=Continue Tour& &navbuttons_skipintro=Skip Intro& &navbuttons_next=Next& &navbuttons_back=Back& &navbuttons_replaytour=Replay Tour& //======================// //Works Header text// //======================// //###new version###// &ttlbr_homepage=Home& &ttlbr_projects=Projects& &ttlbr_templates=Templates& &ttlbr_programs=Programs& &ttlbr_history=History& //te2t text for below:14 1820 24 28 32 36 40 44 (28 is MAX # of character s that fit onscreen)// &ttlbr_quicklaunch=Quick Launch& //======================// //Table of Content// //======================// // NOTE: This is not used but should be kept in case TOC is brought back.// &toc_head=Table of Contents& &toc_welcome=Welcome& &toc_whatsnew=What's New& &toc_launcher=Launcher& &toc_project=Projects& &header_introduction=Introduction& &header_tasklauncher=(1) Home& &header_calendar=(2) Home : & &header_contacts=(3) Home : & &header_templates=(4) Templates& &header_programs=(5) Programs& &header_projects=(6) Projects& &header_history=(7) History& &header_help=(8) Help& //======================// //Titles used in lower navigation bar// //======================// //###new version###// &title_01=Works Task Launcher: (Section 1) Home& &title_02=Works Task Launcher: (Section 2) Home : Calendar& &title_03=Works Task Launcher: (Section 3) Home : Contacts&

&title_04=Works &title_05=Works &title_06=Works &title_07=Works &title_08=Works

Task Task Task Task Task

Launcher: Launcher: Launcher: Launcher: Launcher:

(Section (Section (Section (Section (Section

4) 5) 6) 7) 8)

Templates& Programs& Projects& History& Help&

//======================// //What's New Navs// //======================// // NOTE: Probably not used in the file.// &new_mText1=Works Calendar - better than ever& &new_mText2=Dictionary& &new_mText3=PowerPoint viewer& &new_mText4=Autosave - protection for your work& //======================// //Home welcome// //======================// //###new version###// &welcome01=Welcome& &welcome02=Need help? Just click the question& &welcome03=or take a <U>Quick Tour</U>.& //======================// //Home tabs// //======================// //###new version###// &tab_calendar=Calendar& &tab_contacts=Contacts& //======================// //Home buttons// //======================// //###new version###// //MAX Character total including spaces for this text field= 35// //test text: Print 10 15 20 25 30 35// &btn_print=Print& //MAX Character total including spaces for this text field = 42// &btn_open_calendar=Open Calendar& //======================// //Home content// //======================// //###new version###// &home_content_01=View your appointments by:& &home_content_02=Day& &calendar_dropday=Day& &calendar_dropweek=Week&

//======================// //Contacts Tab// //======================// //###new version###// //MAX Character total including spaces for this text field= 42// &contact_edit_btn=Edit Contacts& &contact_name=Name& &contact_home=Home& &contact_mobile=Mobile& &contact_business=Business& &contact_name1=Neketa Argrow& &contact_name2=Suzana De Abrea A. Canuto& &contact_name3=Garth Fort& &contact_name4=Arlene Huff& &contact_name5=Erik Ismert& &contact_name6=Robert Lyon& &contact_name7=Chris McGurk& &contact_name8=Jake Zukowski& &contact_home1=425-555-1212& &contact_home2=206-555-6584& &contact_home4=425-555-9845& &contact_home5=503-555-3218& &contact_home8=425-555-6973& &contact_mobile1=425-555-6824& &contact_mobile3=206-555-6985& &contact_mobile4=425-555-4380& &contact_mobile6=206-555-6842& &contact_mobile8=503-555-3284& &contact_business2=206-555-6514& &contact_business4=425-555-9842& &contact_business7=206-555-7452&

//======================// //Calendar Tab// //======================// &calendar_fridaytxt=Friday& &calendar_appoint1=9:00 AM - 11:00 AM& &calendar_appoint2=Dentist& &calendar_wednesdaytxt=Wednesday& &calendar_appoint3=7:00 PM - 10:00 PM& &calendar_appoint4=Dinner at the Simpsons& //###new version###// &calendar_date01=April, 2007& &calendar_date02=May, 2007& &calendar_date_today=Today: 4/19/2007&

//###new version###// &calendar_sunday=Sun& &calendar_monday=Mon& &calendar_tuesday=Tue& &calendar_wednesday=Wed& &calendar_thursday=Thu& &calendar_friday=Fri& &calendar_saturday=Sat& //###new version###// &calendar_day_01=1& &calendar_day_02=2& &calendar_day_03=3& &calendar_day_04=4& &calendar_day_05=5& &calendar_day_06=6& &calendar_day_07=7& &calendar_day_08=8& &calendar_day_09=9& &calendar_day_10=10& &calendar_day_11=11& &calendar_day_12=12& &calendar_day_13=13& &calendar_day_14=14& &calendar_day_15=15& &calendar_day_16=16& &calendar_day_17=17& &calendar_day_18=18& &calendar_day_19=19& &calendar_day_20=20& &calendar_day_21=21& &calendar_day_22=22& &calendar_day_23=23& &calendar_day_24=24& &calendar_day_25=25& &calendar_day_26=26& &calendar_day_27=27& &calendar_day_28=28& &calendar_day_29=29& &calendar_day_30=30& &calendar_day_31=31& //======================// //Quick Launch Down with 7 Programs// //======================// // NOTE: Not known if this is used or not. // &quicklaunch_word=Word& &quicklaunch_word_std=Works Word Processor& &quicklaunch_word2=Create documents& &quicklaunch_excel=Works Spreadsheet& &quicklaunch_excel2=Perform calculations& &quicklaunch_power=Works Database& &quicklaunch_power2=Organize information&

&quicklaunch_picture=Picture It! Premium& &quicklaunch_picture2=Photos& &quicklaunch_encarta=Encarta Encyclopedia& &quicklaunch_encarta2=Encyclopedia& &quicklaunch_money=Money& &quicklaunch_money2=Finances& &quicklaunch_streets=Streets and Trips& &quicklaunch_streets2=Maps and directions& //======================// //PREVIOUS Works Spreadsheet Application// //======================// //======================// //Guest List// //======================// //======================// //NOTE: Instead of creating/naming new text fields // //am using the bits from the spreadsheet// //======================// //###current,working version###// &worddoc_header=Untitled Document - Microsoft Works Word Processor& &spreadsheet_header=Unsaved Spreadsheet - Microsoft Works Spreadsheet& &spreadsheet_menu1=File Edit View Insert Format Tools Help& &spreadsheet_menunohelp=File Edit View Insert Format Tools& &spreadsheet_menuhelp=Help& &spreadsheet_menu10=Arial& &spreadsheet_menu11=10& &spreadsheet_menu12=B& &spreadsheet_menu13=I& &spreadsheet_menu14=U& &spreadsheet_bottompane2=100%& &spreadsheet_bottompane4=Press ALT to choose commands, or F2 to edit.& &spreadsheet_bottompane5=NUM& &spreadsheet_bottompane6=Zoom& &guestlist_bp1=Page 1 of 1& &guestlist_bp2=CAPS& &guestlist_bp3=OVR& //###new version###// &spreadsheet_a=A& &spreadsheet_b=B& &spreadsheet_c=C& &spreadsheet_d=D& &spreadsheet_e=E& &spreadsheet_f=F& &spreadsheet_g=G& &spreadsheet_h=H& //###new version###//

&spreadsheet_1=1& &spreadsheet_2=2& &spreadsheet_3=3& &spreadsheet_4=4& &spreadsheet_5=5& &spreadsheet_6=6& &spreadsheet_7=7& &spreadsheet_8=8& &spreadsheet_9=9& &spreadsheet_10=10& &spreadsheet_11=11& &spreadsheet_12=12& &spreadsheet_13=13& &spreadsheet_14=14& &spreadsheet_15=14& &spreadsheet_16=16& &spreadsheet_17=17& &spreadsheet_18=18& //###new version###// &ss_emheader=Wedding& &ss_emsubheader1=Guestlist& //&ss_emsubheader2=Replace?&// //&ss_emsubheader3=Date&// &ss_emtask1=Name& &ss_emtask2=Address& &ss_emtask3=Bride& &ss_emtask4=Groom& &ss_emtask5=Number& //&ss_emtask6=Non-perishable food&// //&ss_emtask7=Can opener (manual)&// //&ss_emtask8=Tools, instructions for turning off utilities&// //&ss_emtask9=Personal medications, infant formula&// //======================// //Works Calendar Application// //======================// //NOTE: Not sure why this stuff isn't with the other Calendar application stuff. // //###new version###// &appcal_header=Microsoft Works Calendar& &appcal_menu1=File Edit View Help&

&appcal_april=April& &appcal_may=May& &appcal_june=June& &appcal_may2004=May 2007& &appcal_prevmonth=Previous Month& &appcal_nextmonth=Next Month& //NOTE: MAX length of these = 11 characters// &appcal_apt1=Dentist& &appcal_apt2=Dinner with&

&appcal_apt3=Haircut& //======================// //Address Book Application ***NOTE*** is NOW Contacts Popup!!!!// //======================// //###new version###// &cntctpop_topbar1=Administrator& &cntctpop_topbar2=Contacts& //This is used but variable name does not match text.// &adrsbk_hmphone=Search& //These will "self-align" on screen but you are limited to the screeshot width"/ / //If you go over the width the text will go past the screenshot image.// &cntctpop_bb1=Organize& &cntctpop_bb2=Views& &cntctpop_bb3=New Contact& &cntctpop_bb4=New Contact Group& &cntctpop_bb5=Import& &cntctpop_bb6=Export& //These are used but variable name does not match text.// &adrsbk_type=Favorite Links& &adrsbk_menu1=Administrator& &cntctpop_favlink1=Documents& &cntctpop_favlink2=Pictures& &cntctpop_favlink3=Music& &cntctpop_favlink4=More& &cntctpop_folder0=Folders& &cntctpop_folder1=Desktop& &cntctpop_folder2=Administrator& &cntctpop_folder3=Contacts& &cntctpop_folder4=Desktop& &cntctpop_folder5=Documents& &cntctpop_folder6=Downloads& &cntctpop_folder7=Favorites& &cntctpop_folder8=Links& &adrsbk_name=Name& &adrsbk_email=E-mail Address& &adrsbk_busphone=Business Ph...& &adrsbk_itemtotal=9 items& // Names and phone numbers from the "contacttxt" above - coordinate email addres s below to match // & & & &

& &

//======================// //tasks area// //======================// //###new version###// //// tasksselector //// &select_task1=Letters and Labels& &select_task2=Newsletters and Flyers& &select_task3=Research and Education& &select_task4=Home and Money& &select_task5=Cards and Crafts& &select_task6=Events and Planning& &select_task7=Vehicle Data& &select_task8=Travel& &select_task9=Sports and Fitness& &select_task10=Email and Internet& &select_task11=Help& //Below (12 and 15 and maybe 16) not used in Vista version. &select_task12=& &select_task13=Choose a Program& &select_task14=Search tasks and templates:& &select_task15=& &select_tast165=Search results.& &select_task_searchword=Party& &select_task_style=Choose a style& //// tasksiconview //// //&icon_title1=Address Cards&// &icon_title1a=Cover letters& //&icon_title2=Album Pages&// &icon_title2a=Faxes& //&icon_title3=Awards, Photo&// &icon_title3a=Individual envelopes& //&icon_title4=Calendar, Photo&// &icon_title4a=Letters& //&icon_title5=Collages&// &icon_title5a=Mail-merge documents& //&icon_title6=Crafts, Photo&// &icon_title6a=Resume (CV)& &icon_title7=Newsletters& &icon_title8=Flyers, Photo& &icon_title9=Greeting Cards, Photo& &icon_title15=Brochures& &icon_title16=Event flyers& &icon_title17=Flyers& //NOTE: below not used? // &icon_title18=Newsletters& &icon_title19=Invitations and Announcements& &icon_title20=Gift and Card Lists& &icon_title21=Invitations and Announcements& &icon_title22=Menus&

&taskdescription_newsletter=Choose from a variety of styles and layouts to creat e an attractive newsletter& //// taskstyles //// &styles_preview=Preview style& &styles_usethisstyle=Use this style& &styles_back=Back& &styles_entrytitle=Three-column, tall& &styles_guest=Party planner - activities&

//======================// //programs area// //======================// //###new version###// //programselector// &program1=Word& &program2=Works Spreadsheet& &program3=Works Database& &program3a=Works Calendar& &program4=PowerPoint Viewer& &program5=Encarta Encyclopedia& &program5a=Dictionary& &program6=Address Book& &program6a=Works Portfolio& &program7=Digital Image Standard 2006& &program7a=MSN& &program8=Internet Explorer& &program9=Outlook Express& &program10=Help& &program12=Works Word Processor& &program13=Choose a program.& &program14=Search tasks and templates:& //programiconview// &icontitle_program1=Blank spreadsheet& &icontitle_program2=Chores and errands lists& &icontitle_program3=Financial worksheets& &icontitle_program4=Fitness Tracking& &icontitle_program5=Fundraising& &icontitle_program6=Graphs and charts& &icontitle_program7=Flyers& &icontitle_program8=Newsletters& &icontitle_program9=Caregiver Instructions& //======================// //Outlook Express new mail application window// //======================// //###new version###// &eml_header=New Message&

&eml_menu1=File elp& &eml_send=Send& &eml_cut=Cut& &eml_copy=Copy& &eml_paste=Paste& &eml_undo=Undo& &eml_check=Check&







&eml_to=To:& &eml_cc=Cc:& &eml_subject=Subject:& &eml_font=Arial& &eml_fontsize=10& &eml_menu2=B& &eml_menu3=I& &eml_menu4=U& &eml_menu5=A& & //======================// //projects// //======================// //projecticonview// &icon_project1=Start a Blank Project& &icon_project2=Coach a sports team& &icon_project3=Do well in school& &icon_project4=Manage club and group activities& &icon_project5=Move into a New Home& &icon_project6=Organize a fantasy sports team& &icon_project7=Plan a party& &icon_project8=Plan a family reunion& &icon_project9=Organize the household& &icon_project10=Plan a vacation& &icon_project11=Prepare for the holidays& &icon_project12=Start a fundraiser& &icontext_organize=Clear away that household clutter and get the family organize d. Create inventories, plan weekly events, and control household chores.& //projecttabs// &project_tab1=Works Projects& &project_tab2=Saved Projects& &project_searchprojects=Search Projects& // NOTE: I think this can be deleted as I made a general version of this and I t hink this was specifict to this section.// &project_prtour=Need help? Take a <u>Quick Tour</u>. MORE TEXT FOr testing right here!& &project_tab3=Organize the household& &project_tab4=My Project& &project_butncopy=Copy a Project& &project_butndelete=Delete a Project&

//###old version###// //projecticonview// //&projecticonview_pri1=<p align="center"><b>Blank project</b></p>&// //&projecticonview_pri2=Coach a sports team&// //&projecticonview_pri3=<p align="center"><b>Do well in school</b></p>&// //&projecticonview_pri4=Manage club and group activities&// //&projecticonview_pri5=<p align="center"><b>Organize the household</b></p>&// //&projecticonview_pri6=Organize a fantasy sports team&// //&projecticonview_pri7=Organize the household&// //&projecticonview_pri8=Plan a family reunion&// //&projecticonview_pri9=<p align="center"><b>Plan a party</b></p>&// //&projecticonview_pri10=Plan a vacation&// //&projecticonview_pri11=Prepare for the holidays&// //&projecticonview_pri12=Start a fundraiser&// //projecttabs// //&projecttabs_prtab1=Works Projects&// //&projecttabs_prtab2=Saved Projects&// //&projecttabs_searchpr=<p align="right">Search Projects</p>&// //&projecttabs_prtour=Need help? Take a <u></u>.&// //&projecttabs_prtab3=Organize the household&// //&projecttabs_prtab4=<p align="center"><b>My Project</b></p>&// //&projecttabs_prbutncopy=<p align="center">Copy a Project</p>&// //&projecttabs_prbutndelete=<p align="center">Delete a Project</p>&// //todolist// // NOTE: not sure what if any of this is used.// &todolist_prduedate=Due date& &todolist_prname=Name:& &todolist_setduedate=Set due date& &todolist_prdelete=Delete& &todolist_todo=To Do& &todolist_assoc=Associated item& &todolist_prunsaved=New document from template& &todolist_note=Notes& &todolist_newtodo=<p align="center">New to do</p>& &todolist_prprint=<p align="center">Print</p>& &todolist_prdate=date& &todolist_propen=Open& &todolist_replace=Replace with:& &todolist_prtemplate=Works template& &todolist_prdocument=Document& &todolist_weblink=Web link& &todolist_prnone=none& &todolist_todo01=Prepare for an emergency& &todolist_todo02=Create inventory of music& &todolist_todo03=Create inventory of movies& &todolist_todo04=Create inventory of wine& &todolist_todo05=Create inventory of collectible items& &todolist_todo06=Create inventory of home assets&

&todolist_todo07=Track home improvemnet budget& &todolist_todo08=Perform home maintenance& &todolist_todo09=Plan weekly events& &todolist_todo10=Run weekly errands& &todolist_todo11=Clean the house& &todolist_todo12=Schedule daily household chores& &todolist_tododirections1=The To Do list is where you track the tasks you need t o complete for your project.& &todolist_tododirections2=You can associate an item such as a Works task, a docu ment, or a web link. You can also add a note to your To Do.& &todolist_tododirections3=To modify a To Do, or view its details, click on its n ame.& &todolist_tododirectionheader=Use the To Do list& //======================// //history area// //======================// //###new version###// //leftsidetxt// &history_directionsheader=Use the History list& // NOTE: Use the <B></B> and <U></U> and <BR> tags in the following two entries. // // Also, the 2nd entry "history_findfiles" is placed dynamically which allows yo u to put in as much test as you need in "history_directions".// &history_directions=<B>To open a document,</B> click its name.<BR><BR>To sort by name, date, task, or program, click a heading.<BR><BR><B>If you do not see the file</B> you are looking for in this History list, you can search your computer for files and folders by clicking the link below.& &history_findfiles=<U><B>Find files and folders</B></U>& //sortheader// &history_nameheader=Name& &history_dateheader=Date& &history_templateheader=Template& &history_programheader=Program& //MAX Character total including spaces for this text field= 44?// //161820 24 28 32 36 40 44// &history_clearhistorybtn=Clear History& &history_removebtn=Remove& //historyentry// //NOTE: MAX character length for history_name(x) variables = 35// &history_name1=<U>Party Guest List</U>& &history_date1=4/12/05& &history_template1=n/a& &history_program1=Works Spread...& &history_name2=<U>School Books</U>& &history_date2=4/12/05& &history_template2=School Plan...& &history_program2=Works Data...&

&history_name3=<U>Home Valuables Inventory</U>& &history_date3=4/11/05& &history_template3=Home Inven...& &history_program3=Works Data...& &history_name4=<U>My Project</U>& &history_date4=4/12/05& &history_template4=n/a& &history_program4=My Projects Or...& &history_name5=<U>Opening Day Flyer</U>& &history_date5=4/01/05& &history_template5=Flyers& &history_program5=My Projects Or...& &history_name6=<U>Plan a Vacation</U>& &history_date6=12/11/03& &history_template6=n/a& &history_program6=My Projects Or...& &history_name7=<U>Recipes</U>& &history_date7=3/7/05& &history_template7=Recipe Book& &history_program7=Works Data...& &history_name8=<U>Family Newsletter</U>& &history_date8=9/10/03& &history_template8=Newsletter& &history_program8=Works Spread...& &history_name9=<U>Sports Tracking: players</U>& &history_date9=2/11/05& &history_template9=Sports Track...& &history_program9=Works Spread...&

//======================// //help section// //======================// //helpmenu// //###new version###// &helpmenu1=Help& &helpmenu2=Quick Tours& &helpmenu3=Getting Started& &helpmenu4=Check for Updates& &helpmenu5=Customer Feedback...& &helpmenu6=About Microsoft Works& // NOTE: test text: 24 31 39 42// //Script Conclusion// //###new version###// &scripttext_tl51=Thank you for using Microsoft Works!& &scripttext_tl51a=Thank you&

&scripttext_tl52=For tips and tricks on getting the most out of Works, as well a s free templates and downloads, why not visit Works on the Web?& &scripttxt_53=Works Web site&

//======================// //Introduction text// //======================// // NOTE: I don't know if this is used.// //introductiontext// &introductiontext_projtourtitle2=Welcome to the& &introductiontext_projtourtitle=Projects Quick Tour& &introductiontext_usequicktour1=To use this Quick Tour& &introductiontext_usequicktour2=Click the buttons to move forward and back, or c lick in this window and then use the Forward and Back arrow keys on your keyboar d.& //======================// //Navigation buttons// //======================// // NOTE: I don't know if this is used.// //navigationbuttons// &navigationbuttons_replay=Replay intro& &navigationbuttons_next=<p align="center">Next</p>& &navigationbuttons_back=<p align="center">Back</p>& &navigationbuttons_back2=<p align="left">Back</p>& &navigationbuttons_replaytour=Replay tour&

//======================// //Works Header text// //======================// // NOTE: I don't know if this is used.// //globalnav// &globalnav_homepage=<p align="center">Home</font>& &globalnav_projects=<p align="center">Projects</font>& &globalnav_templates=<p align="center">Templates</font>& &globalnav_programs=<p align="center">Programs</font>& &globalnav_history=<p align="center">History</font>&

//======================// //projects// //======================// // NOTE: I don't know if this is used.//

//projecticonview// &projecticonview_pri1=<p align="center"><b>Blank project</b></p>& &projecticonview_pri2=Coach a sports team& &projecticonview_pri3=<p align="center"><b>Do well in school</b></p>& &projecticonview_pri4=Manage club and group activities& &projecticonview_pri5=<p align="center"><b>Organize the household</b></p>& &projecticonview_pri6=Organize a fantasy sports team& &projecticonview_pri7=<p align="center"><b>Organize the household</b></p>& &projecticonview_pri8=Plan a family reunion& &projecticonview_pri9=<p align="center"><b>Plan a party</b></p>& &projecticonview_pri10=Plan a vacation& &projecticonview_pri11=Prepare for the holidays& &projecticonview_pri12=Start a fundraiser& &projecticonview_planpartydescript=Entertaining is a snap when you're organized. Create guest lists, design one-of-a-kind invitaions, and provide great maps and driving directions.& //// projecttabs titles //// //###new version###// &projecttab_needhelp=Need help? Take the <u>Quick Tour.</u>& &projecttab_1=Works Projects& &projecttab_2=Saved Projects& &projecttab_search=& &projecttab_3=Plan a Party& &projecttab_4=My Project& //NOTE: test numbers for below1820 24 28 32 36 40 44// &projecttab_copybtn=Copy a Project& &projecttab_deletebtn=Delete a Project&

//// todolist - plan a party //// //###new version###// &todo_columntitle2=Due Date& // NOTE: for entry below, leave one space at beginning and end of text. It creat es whitespace that blocks the UI line.// &todo_duedate= Due date & &todo_name=Name:& &todo_setduedate=Set due date& //sets fontsize for todo_setduedate// &fontsize_setduedate=12& &todo_delete=Delete& &todo_removeassociation=Remove association& &todo_columntitle1=To Do& // NOTE: for entry below, leave one space at beginning and end of text. It creat es whitespace that blocks the UI line.// &todo_associateditem= Associated item & &todo_newdoc=New document from template& // NOTE: for entry below, leave one space at beginning and end of text. It creat es whitespace that blocks the UI line.//

&todo_notes= Notes & //test text for below:New To Do 13 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44// &todo_btnnewtodo=New To Do& &todo_date=<date>& &todo_noassoc1=No association& &todo_noassoc2=Use the links below to add an association& &todo_associate=Associate:& &todo_open=Open& &todo_open_underlined=<U>Open</U>& &todo_replace=Replace with:& &todo_workstemplate=Works template& &todo_document=Document& &todo_weblink=Web link& &todo_none=<none>& &todo_item1=Create guest list& &todo_item2=List food and drink needed& &todo_item3=Track party budget& &todo_item4=Track party preparations& &todo_item5=Find directions online& &todo_item6=Design invitations& &todo_item7=Design thank you cards& &todo_item8=Make place cards& &todo_item9=Find driving directions& &todo_item10=Buy balloons& // NOTE: I added #11. It is/was in the other section above as well. &todo_item11=Clean the house& // NOTE: Use the <BR> tag to create breaks// &todo_directions=The To Do list is where you track the tasks you need to complet e for your project.<BR><BR>You can associate an item such as a Works template or task, a document, or a web link, with each To Do. You can also add a note to y our To Do.<BR><BR>To modify a To Do, or to view its details, click its name.& &todo_directionsheader=Use the To Do list& //======================// //Word Application// //======================// // NOTE: This section may not be used.// //word// &word_header=Document 1 - Microsoft Word& &word_menu1=File Help& Edit View Insert Format Tools Table Window

&word_percent=100%& &word_spellcheck=ABC& &word_menu2=Type question for help&

&word_number1=1& &word_number2=2& &word_number3=3& &word_number4=4& &word_number5=5& &word_bottompane1=Page 1 Sec 1 1/1& &word_bottompane2=At 1" Ln 1 Col 1& &word_bottompane3=REC& &word_bottompane4=TRK& &word_bottompane5=EXT& &word_bottompane6=OVR& &word_bottompane7=English (U.S.>)& &word_doc1=Guest List& &word_doc2=Guest& &word_doc3=Phone Number& &word_guest1=Jake Zukowski& &word_phone1=555-7839&

//======================// //Pop Up Calendar// //======================// // NOTE: This section may not be used.// //popupcalendar// &popupcalendar_date=April, 2007& &popupcalendar_today=Today: 4/23/2007& &popupcalendar_today2=4/23/05& &popupcalendar_sun=Sun& &popupcalendar_mon=Mon& &popupcalendar_tue=Tue& &popupcalendar_wed=Wed& &popupcalendar_thu=Thu& &popupcalendar_fri=Fri& &popupcalendar_sat=Sat& &popupcalendar_day1=1& &popupcalendar_day2=2& &popupcalendar_day3=3& &popupcalendar_day4=4& &popupcalendar_day5=5& &popupcalendar_day6=6& &popupcalendar_day7=7& &popupcalendar_day8=8& &popupcalendar_day9=9& &popupcalendar_day10=10& &popupcalendar_day11=11& &popupcalendar_day12=12& &popupcalendar_day13=13&

&popupcalendar_day14=14& &popupcalendar_day15=15& &popupcalendar_day16=16& &popupcalendar_day17=17& &popupcalendar_day18=18& &popupcalendar_day19=19& &popupcalendar_day20=20& &popupcalendar_day21=21& &popupcalendar_day22=22& &popupcalendar_day23=23& &popupcalendar_day24=24& &popupcalendar_day25=25& &popupcalendar_day26=26& &popupcalendar_day27=27& &popupcalendar_day28=28& &popupcalendar_day29=29& &popupcalendar_day30=30& &popupcalendar_day31=31& //============================// //CalApp in What's New section// //============================// //###new version###// //===Base text===// &appcal_menu=File Edit View Help& &appcal_menu2=File Edit View Help& &appcal_menu_o=File Edit View Help& &appcal_new=New& &appcal_today=Today& &appcal_day=Day& &appcal_weekmenu=Week& &appcal_monthico=Month& &appcal_find=Find& &appcal_keyword=Type a search keyword& &appcal_date=Today: 4/19/2007& &appcal_tasks=Calendar Tasks& &appcal_addnew=Add New Calendar& &appcal_manage=Manage Calendars& &appcal_viewtog=View Together& &appcal_month=May 2007& &appcal_sundayltr=S& &appcal_mondayltr=M& &appcal_tuesdayltr=T& &appcal_wednesdayltr=W& &appcal_thursdayltr=T& &appcal_fridayltr=F& &appcal_saturdayltr=S& &appcal_1=1& &appcal_2=2& &appcal_3=3& &appcal_4=4& &appcal_5=5& &appcal_6=6&

&appcal_7=7& &appcal_8=8& &appcal_9=9& &appcal_10=10& &appcal_11=11& &appcal_12=12& &appcal_13=13& &appcal_14=14& &appcal_15=15& &appcal_16=16& &appcal_17=17& &appcal_18=18& &appcal_19=19& &appcal_20=20& &appcal_21=21& &appcal_22=22& &appcal_23=23& &appcal_24=24& &appcal_25=25& &appcal_26=26& &appcal_27=27& &appcal_28=28& &appcal_29=29& &appcal_30=30& &appcal_31=31& &appcal_32=1& &appcal_33=2& &appcal_34=3& &appcal_35=4& &appcal_36=5& &appcal_37=6& &appcal_38=7& &appcal_39=8& &appcal_40=9& &appcal_41=10& &appcal_42=11& &appcal_apr=Apr& &appcal_may=May& &appcal_jun=Jun& &appcal_title=My Calendar& &appcal_sunday=Sunday& &appcal_monday=Monday& &appcal_tuesday=Tuesday& &appcal_wednesday=Wednesday& &appcal_thursday=Thursday& &appcal_friday=Friday& &appcal_saturday=Saturday&

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